29 June – 2 July 2021
This week we are sharing a few more articles and interviews from our experts! The development of arbitration in the Western Balkans countries, the impact of public policy in the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards and an interview with newly elected Albanian member at the ICC Court of Arbitration and an overview on the arbitration policies in Albania.
29 June: The development of arbitration in the Western Balkan countries
Ms. Jana Schuhmann, Sector Fund Manager, Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe Legal Reform, GIZ GmbH gives a general overview of the development of arbitration in the Western Balkan Countries. Moreover in this article, Ms. Schuhmann discusses about the support given by GIZ Open Regional Fund for South East Europe – Legal Reform, on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in increasing the WB countries’ capacities to deal with dispute settlement proceedings, as well as to follow and implement the latest international developments in the region
Investment and Commercial Arbitration in Western Balkans
Arbitrazhi i Investimeve dhe Tregtar në Ballkanin Perëndimor
30 June: Public Policy in the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards
The national courts have the competence for refusing the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards on the grounds of public policy. The notion of public policy is surrounded by a looming uncertainty. However, how this notion has been interpreted by the developed jurisdictions and the Albanian one discover it in the article co-authored by Ms. Sabina Lalaj, Local Parner, Deloitte Legal and Mr. Tedi Ibrahimi, Legal Associate, Deloitte Legal.
Public policy: The recognition & enforcement of the arbitration awards in Albania.
Politika publike: Njohja dhe ekzekutimi i arbitrazhit në Shqipëri.