17 February 2021
Air France has announced a pilot of ICC AOKpass, to improve its customers’ experience and streamline the airport journey.
The four-week test will begin on 11 March 2021 on all Air France flights from Paris-CDG to Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe) and Fort-de-France (Martinique). It will be done on a voluntary basis, in order to test the operation of the application in real conditions and to collect opinions of test clients. Air France will share the feedback with other companies in the Skyteam alliance currently testing a range of solutions for digitalising health documents.
In addition to testing the ICC AOKpass solution, Air France is assisting customers and informing them, in real time, of developments in travel procedures. A dedicated website is available to them at airfrance.traveldoc.aero.
Catherine Villar, Director of Customer Experience, Air France, said: “Improving and simplifying the customer experience is an on-going priority for Air France. The test of the ICC AOKpass solution is fully in line with this framework and the process initiated by the establishment of the Air France Protect label. We are convinced that the changes we are going through collectively will change the journey in the long term and are committed to supporting all innovation projects that can help us meet these new challenges.”
Sebastien Bedu, Product Manager, Airport Services for MedAire, the International SOS division specialising in supporting the aviation and maritime industries, said: “We are pleased to support Air France in testing the ICC AOKpass solution. We will do everything we can to ensure the success of this pilot in order to achieve the goal shared by the entire industry: to reopen the skies safely.”
ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “ICC AOKpass is a scalable solution from a trusted source, working not only to safeguard the user’s health but also the user’s privacy. Our easy-to-use health pass is adding to the mix of tools available to advance the safe reopening of borders and economies as part of a holistic approach to ending the pandemic.”
Supported by ICC, International SOS and SGS Group, ICC AOKpass has processed hundreds of health passes for airlines and airports since September 2020. It is currently being piloted across the world, including a successful large-scale pilot on Etihad flights from Paris to Abu Dhabi and Pakistan to Abu Dhabi. Nearly 130 airports in 18 countries are ready to deploy ICC AOKpass pilots with airlines. This includes ADP Group, TAV and Aeroporti di Roma.
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