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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC statement on Russia–Ukraine conflict


24 February 2022 Following the Russian incursion into Ukraine on 24 February, ICC has issued the following statement on behalf of the global business community. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “As an organisation founded to promote peace and prosperity by advancing international trade and the rule of law, we condemn Russia’s breach of international law in the strongest possible terms. We call on Russia to immediately cease military action, withdraw its forces from Ukraine and revert to diplomatic means. “Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will undoubtedly have significant repercussions for global supply chains in the weeks and months ahead.

ICC statement on Russia–Ukraine conflict2022-07-18T22:51:06+02:00

ICC launches new report reflecting how tech is changing the face of arbitration


18 February 2022 ICC has launched a new report to aid tribunals, arbitrators, counsel, and parties in leveraging technology for fair, effective, and efficient international arbitration proceedings. As a response to COVID-19, today’s business landscape is being reshaped by technological acceleration, making it essential that the arbitration community assess how they can best utilize digital tools and solutions to meet today’s challenges and future demands on dispute resolution. Seeing this need, ICC’s Arbitration and ADR Commission set out to update the 2017 edition of their report on information technology (IT) in international arbitration; however, ultimately produced an entirely new resource due to the sudden

ICC launches new report reflecting how tech is changing the face of arbitration2022-07-18T22:53:29+02:00

Future International Trade Alliance launched


15 February 2022 ICC, DCSA, BIMCO, FIATA and SWIFT have launched the Future International Trade Alliance and signed a memorandum of understanding to standardise digitalisation of international trade. Together, the industry associations will collaborate on the development and adoption of relevant standards to facilitate the use of electronic bills of lading. Established to further digitalisation of container shipping technology standards, Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) – a neutral, non-profit group – in conjunction with its nine member carriers, today announced the formation of the Future International Trade (FIT) Alliance with the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between DCSA, ICC,

Future International Trade Alliance launched2022-07-18T22:54:32+02:00

ICC amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the US Supreme Court


31 January 2022 ICC has submitted an amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the United States Supreme Court regarding a decision it will take that may lead to policy and practical implications on the conduct of international arbitrations worldwide. The brief is jointly submitted by ICC and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), which operates ICC’s national committee in the United States (ICC USA). On 10 December 2021, the United States Supreme Court agreed to hear two cases – ZF Automotive US, Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd. and AlixPartners, LLP, et al. v. The Fund for Protection of Investors’ Rights in Foreign

ICC amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the US Supreme Court2022-07-18T22:55:51+02:00

How certificates of origin stimulate global trade


28 January 2022 This week, we’re taking a look at how certificates of origin are used to support the movement of goods across borders with a success story in the Asia-Pacific. As the global trade environment becomes more complicated and new rules and regulations emerge, the role of customs is becoming critical. By verifying compliance with origin-related requirements, customs authorities can protect against the diversion or transhipments of shipments that may pose risks or impede free trade agreements due to tariffs or other duties. On 1 January, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) came into effect. The new trade agreement aims to create

How certificates of origin stimulate global trade2022-07-18T22:57:21+02:00

ICC unveils preliminary dispute resolution figures for 2021


26 January 2022 Preliminary 2021 statistics released today by ICC Dispute Resolution Services reveal a great demand for ICC Arbitration and ADR as well as a steep rise of amounts in dispute in new cases. In 2021, the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration registered 853 new cases in total, comprising 840 cases filed under the ICC Arbitration Rules and 13 under the Rules of ICC as Appointing Authority. The number is comparable but lower than the record number of filings reported in 2020. In addition, the Secretariat received 27 requests under the ICC Emergency Arbitrator Provisions, a procedure for urgent interim or

ICC unveils preliminary dispute resolution figures for 20212022-07-18T22:58:31+02:00

Business applauds G7 Digital Trade Principles on free flow of data with trust


11 January 2022 In this guest post, Carolyn Nguyen, Jakob Greiner and Makoto Yokozawa underscore how establishing trust and minimising disruptions in data flows are fundamental to reaping the benefits of digitalisation. “To harness the opportunities of the digital economy and support the trade of goods and services, data should be able to flow freely across borders with trust, including the trust of individuals and businesses,” opens the Data free flow with trust chapter of the Digital Trade Principles agreed by the G7 countries at the G7 Trade Track on 22 October 2021. We strongly support this sentiment and the clear call to action

Business applauds G7 Digital Trade Principles on free flow of data with trust2022-01-12T17:30:40+02:00

Business calls for immediate and definite action on cybersecurity


6 January 2022 In this guest blog, Rene Summer, Lead of the ICC Global Digital Economy Commission Working Group on Cybersecurity underscores the private sector call on governments to make cybersecurity everyone’s business saying there is no time to wait. On 17 December, the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of Information anc communication technologies (ICTs) wrapped up the first substantive meeting of its five-year mandate to further develop the rules, norms and principles of responsible behaviour of states and the ways for their implementation. Mid-January, the UN open-ended ad hoc intergovernmental committee will hold its first

Business calls for immediate and definite action on cybersecurity2022-01-12T17:30:24+02:00

ICC Dispute Resolution in 2021: Our year in review


20 December 2021 We’re wrapping up another ground-breaking year in dispute resolution with a look back at our key achievements – from being named the world’s preferred arbitral institution to taking new diversity and inclusion initiatives. 1. Receiving record Arbitration and ADR case filings  In January, ICC announced record case filings for its arbitration and ADR services, recording a total of 946 new arbitration cases in 2020. Revised ICC Rules of Arbitration entered into force on 1 January 2021, along with updates to the ICC Court’s Note to Parties and Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of Arbitration. A full statistical report was

ICC Dispute Resolution in 2021: Our year in review2022-01-12T17:32:18+02:00

ICC forms Legal Reform Advisory Board to support digital standards initiative


15 December 2021 ICC has today announced the formation of a new Legal Reform Advisory Board (LRAB) to support the legal harmonisation efforts of the ICC Digital Standards Initiative. As part of our drive to promote inclusion and create opportunity for all parties involved in the international supply chain, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched the Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) in 2020 in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Singapore, with the vision to establish a globally harmonized, digitalised trade environment. The new Legal Reform Advisory Board will work under the auspices of the DSI Governance Board

ICC forms Legal Reform Advisory Board to support digital standards initiative2022-01-12T17:17:24+02:00
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