The first digitally-enabled dialogue on the future of the multilateral rules-based trading system will be extended until 1 March 2019.

This allows companies and think tanks, supported by multilateral institutions, to pursue the ongoing debate on world trade reform.

The three ongoing debates on the Global Dialogue platform, launched on 22 November 2018, are:

(1) Flexible multilateralism: What role for plurilaterals and other negotiating tools?

(2) How to deal with trade distorting practices?

(3) How to take account of the growing importance of e-commerce to global trade?

Roberto Azevedo, Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and John W.H. Denton AO, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce launched the Global Dialogue on Trade at the World Bank and International Monetary Fund annual meetings in Bali, Indonesia on 10 October 2018.

Following the debates on the platform, recommendations for reform will channel into the on-going intergovernmental processes and will be made publicly available on the platform at:

Follow the Global Dialogue on Trade on Twitter at @DialogueOnTrade