ICC Commission on Commercial Law and Practice (CLP)

Facilitates international trade and promotes a balanced self-regulatory and regulatory legal framework for international business-to-business (B2B) transactions.

With over members from all over the world, the commission works with some of the key intergovermental organizations in this area on a regular basis: UNCITRAL (the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law), UNIDROIT (the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law), and the Hague Conference on Private International Law.



  • To set global business rules and standards that companies apply to millions of international B2B transactions every day;
  • To create model contracts that facilitate trade between countries at all stages of development and between companies of all sizes and sectors;
  • To convey business views to governments and intergovernmental bodies on issues related to commercial law and practice; and
  • To provide leadership for the development of B2B self-regulation for an increasingly globalized market.


The Commission on Commercial Law and Practice is the over-arching body for several task forces dedicated to specific issues relating to global business and trade. Each task force and working group under the auspices of the Commission on Commercial Law and Practice brings together experts from around the world, who meet regularly to discuss and draft solutions to the relevant problems encountered when conducting business internationally.

The Commission on Commercial Law and Practice currently has several active task forces and working groups, including:


The Commission on Commercial Law and Practice also works alongside important international policy-making bodies, advocating on behalf of business, for more harmony to govern international commercial transactions.

The areas of work and work partners include;

No delegates appointed at this Commission.