08:30-09:00            Registration and welcome

09:00-09:25           Opening and welcome remarks

  • Endrit Yzeiraj, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation
  • Philipp Arnold, Deputy Head of Mission,  Embassy of Switzerland in Albania
  • Blerina Raça, Project Manager, SANECA II/GIZ Albania

09:30-10:10       Macro level perspective for IP developments in Albania and beyond

  • Danny Grajales, Global Policy Lead, ICC Global IP Commission (Online)
  • Maria Solis, Acting General Director, General Directorate on Industrial Property
  • Brunilda Stamo– Geographical Indicators in Albania (ALSIP project)

Moderator:       Sonila Meka, General Directorate on Industrial Property

10:10-10:25      Questions & Answers, Audience interventions

10:30-10:55       Presentation of ‘’ WIPO IP Diagnostics’’: A WIPO-ICC tool

  • Catherine Foster, Global Lead, ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship (Online)
  • Sonila Meka, General Directorate on Industrial Property
  • Mariana Velasco, Coordinator, WIPO IP for Business Division (Online)

10:50-11:10            Coffee break & networking

11:15-12:10         Intellectual Property in the Digital Era

  • Borana Ajazi, Director, Directory of Copyright, Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation
  • Neritan Frashëri, Director for Industrial Property, The Directorate of Products Surveillance
  • Renata Leka, Partner, Boga & Associates
  • Adea Pula, Founder & Managing Partner, Adea Pula Law & Associates
  • Renato Toni, Chief Technology Officer, Outerlynx

Moderator:             Albana Karapanço, COO & Head of Legal, Tegeria

12:10-12:30           Questions & Answers, Audience interventions

12:35-13:30           Intellectual Property (IP) in the pharmaceutical sector

  • Gridi Bozdo, CEO, IMI Farma
  • Florin Lata, Partner, Vokshi & Lata Law Firm
  • Armando Toslloku, Special Counsel, Kalo & Associates
  • Prof. Assoc. Dr. Etlon Pepo, University of Tirana

Moderator:             Bora Feri, Executive Director, Chambre de Commerce and d’Industrie France-Albanie

13:30-13:50         Questions & Answers, Audience interventions

13:50-14:00        Closing remarks

14:00-15:00               Lunch, networking


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