24 May 2021: BLOG
ICC Court of Arbitration & New ICC Rules of Arbitration 2021
The third session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the arbitration rules that govern arbitration proceedings.
The parties in arbitration have the autonomy to choose the arbitration rules that are tailored for their dispute. In this info session will be referred to the main features of the ICC Rules and the last amendments done 2021.
This week, our guest is Mr. Fatos Lazimi, Albania Member to the ICC Court of Arbitration (2014-2021) and Partner at CR Partners Law Firm. In his interview he will share his experience as a ICC Court of Arbitration Member for two consecutive mandates.
Read here the interview with Mr. Fatos Lazimi:
ICC Court of Arbitration Member: A lifetime experience
Anëtar i Gjykatës së Arbitrazhit të ICC-së
Mr. Lazimi in a short article highlights the latest amendments of the ICC Arbitration Rules 2021 and the novelty that they have brought to the conduction of arbitration proceedings.
Read more in this article: