31 May 2021: BLOG
Arbitration Proceedings
The fourth session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign focuses on the arbitration proceedings.
The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the arbitration proceedings by increasing the use of technology during the hearings. In the 2021 survey conducted by Queen Mary University, London in collaboration with White & Case, it has been concluded that the parties actually would prefer to continue with virtual hearings instead of waiting for a date when it would be possible to conduct the hearings in person. Check how the preference of the parties is divided.
This week, our guest is Mr. Neritan Kallfa attorney at law, Tonucci and Partners Law Firm. In his interview he will share his thoughts on how Covid-19 pandemic has affected the arbitration proceedings.
Read here the interview with Mr. Neritan Kallfa:
Arbitration proceedings: The effects of Covid-19 pandemic
Procedurat e arbitrazhit: Ndikimi i pandemise Covid-19
Mr. Ylli Dautaj, Managing Partner and Sarah van der Stad, Associate at the Der Legal law firm, Stockholm in their article will provide a highlight on the Expedited Proceeding which is provided in the ICC Arbitration Rules 2021. They examine the Expedited Proceedings as the leading architects in (re)building adjudicatory civilization through international commercial arbitration.
ICC and Expedited digital arbitration
ICC dhe Arbitrazhi i pershpejtuar digjital