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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

Russian Ministry of Justice grants ICC Permanent Arbitration Institution status


19 May 2021: The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce has announced that it has been granted the status of Permanent Arbitration Institution by the Council for the Development of the Arbitration Process of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. As a Permanent Arbitral Institution, the ICC International Court of Arbitration will administer Russian-seated international arbitrations, enabling parties to seek enforcement of ICC arbitral awards in Russia without risk of the enforcement being recognised only as an ad hoc award, or other obstacle. PAI status also allows the ICC Court to administer Russia-related arbitrations arising

Russian Ministry of Justice grants ICC Permanent Arbitration Institution status2021-07-21T22:10:05+02:00

ICC celebrates 5 years of progress since arbitration gender pledge


19 May 2021 On 19 May 2016, ICC signed an Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge, calling for enhanced diversity in international arbitration. Celebrating the anniversary of the signing five years on, ICC’s efforts to improve the representation of women in arbitration goes from strength to strength. Here are three ways we’ve been turning our pledge into action. Achieving gender parity of the ICC Court In 2018, ICC marked a milestone when the ICC Court achieved full gender parity for the first time in its almost 100-year history under the leadership of ICC Court President Alexis Mourre. A new composition of the

ICC celebrates 5 years of progress since arbitration gender pledge2021-07-21T22:25:22+02:00

ICC publishes new set of tools to bring clarity to business amid the COVID-19 pandemic


18 May 2021 ICC has published a series of new tools to enable small businesses, transporters, and banks to support an inclusive and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, small businesses, transporters and banks have been forced to grapple with uncertain economic conditions, costly trade barriers and new workplace restrictions. As business leaders and policymakers prepare for the recovery, ICC has released a new set of resources to bring clarity and certainty to companies everywhere. Guiding entrepreneurs through hurdles and challenges Throughout the pandemic, small businesses have suffered from depleting supplies of trade finance, newly

ICC publishes new set of tools to bring clarity to business amid the COVID-19 pandemic2021-07-21T22:24:05+02:00

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (2/7)


17 May 2021: BLOG Institutional vs ad hoc arbitration The second session of the ''Monday Arbitration Day'' Campaign will focus on features of ad hoc and institutional arbitration. For this later, ICC Arbitration will be the reference arbitral institution. This week, our guest is Dr. Ledina Mandija, Lector of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana and Attorney at Law. Dr. Mandija in a short article will explain ad hoc and institutional arbitration, in terms of organization and functioning. Click to read the article written by Dr. Ledina Mandija. Ad hoc and institutions arbitration (English) Arbitrazhi ad hoc dhe

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (2/7)2021-05-24T10:41:07+02:00

“Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (1/7)


10 May 2021: BLOG  "Monday Arbitration Day" Campaign & Why to chose arbitration? ICC Albania kicks off the ''Monday Arbitration Day'' Campaign. The main purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness and promote arbitration in Albania as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to resolve commercial and investment disputes.  This campaign will take place for seven consecutive Mondays, from May, 10th  2021 until June, 21st, 2021. Albanian practioners in Albania and abroad have joined us in this campaign and will share during these seven weeks their views and expertise in the area of arbitration. We will also offer a closer perspective

“Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (1/7)2021-05-24T10:40:20+02:00

ICC mobilises business worldwide to convey shared views on trusted government access to private-sector held personal data


7 May 2021 ICC and Business at the OECD (BIAC) have issued a joint statement to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on high-level principles for trusted government access to personal data. ICC and BIAC have joined forces to deliver a statement – supported by over 20 business associations globally – to the OECD as it embarks on developing high-level principles and guidance on government access to private-sector held personal data. The joint business statement features private sector insights on economic consequences associated with the current lack of legal certainty and clarity. The joint statement emphasises the urgency of articulating

ICC mobilises business worldwide to convey shared views on trusted government access to private-sector held personal data2021-07-21T22:21:17+02:00

ICC world’s most preferred arbitral institute, global survey finds


6 May 2021: ICC’s reputation as the world’s most preferred arbitral institute has been upheld in a major survey of arbitration professionals and users worldwide. The 2020 Survey by Queen Mary University, London in partnership with law firm White & Case, reveals that of all nominations received, ICC stands out once more as the most preferred institution among arbitration providers, including market leaders featured in the rankings who have led the field for well over a decade. The survey rankings reflect ICC’s standing as a truly global and independent institution with close to 100 years’ experience in resolving commercial disputes, and

ICC world’s most preferred arbitral institute, global survey finds2021-05-24T11:10:49+02:00

ICC joins global commitment calling for a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity


28 April 2021 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has signed a joint statement on how to achieve meaningful connectivity for all at the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that meaningful digital access is indispensable to global resilience and prosperity. Since the onset of the crisis, digital technologies have helped sustain business operations and keep economies afloat. Technology has been critical to detect and manage the spread of the virus. In the process, digital technologies have reshaped the way we work, study and live

ICC joins global commitment calling for a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity2021-07-21T22:17:51+02:00

ICC confirms diverse Centre for ADR Standing Committee to bolster expertise and dispute boards


16 April 2021 ICC has announced new additions to the Standing Committee of its International Centre for ADR (Centre), including a new president and vice-presidents. The Standing Committee supports the ICC International Centre for ADR in administering ADR cases filed under ICC Expert Rules and ICC Dispute Board Rules. This includes aiding in the selection of experts and dispute board members and deciding challenges filed against them; scrutinising expert reports and reviewing decisions of Dispute Adjudication Boards or Combined Dispute Boards; and helping fix fees of experts and dispute board members. Secretary General of ICC’s International Court of Arbitration and Director of ICC Dispute Resolution Services,

ICC confirms diverse Centre for ADR Standing Committee to bolster expertise and dispute boards2021-07-21T22:38:47+02:00

ICC and Jus Mundi launch partnership to publish ICC arbitral awards


1 April 2021 ICC and Jus Mundi have joined forces to make publishable, ICC arbitral awards freely available to the global legal community. Throughout its 100-year history, ICC has brought global business together to support an international rules-based order, including the promotion of global trade and commerce through initiatives and services including those of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court). The partnership will see Jus Mundi, the world’s most comprehensive research engine for international law and arbitration, provide full public access to all publishable ICC Court awards and related documents made as of 1 January 2019. Commenting on the agreement, ICC Court

ICC and Jus Mundi launch partnership to publish ICC arbitral awards2021-04-08T10:35:01+02:00
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