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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

World chambers report explores chamber of commerce response to COVID-19


2 September 2020 Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of ICC’s World Chambers Federation (WCF) has released a report on the preparedness of chambers of commerce to adapt their services in the face of COVID-19. Chambers of commerce, like businesses and governments, are experiencing new challenges and opportunities in the age of COVID-19. In recognition of the vital role that chambers of commerce play in their business communities, Dubai Chamber, with the support of ICC WCF, has published Chambers New Norm: Adapting Business Needs Report to understand how COVID-19 is impacting chamber services. The findings, which are based on interviews conducted with chamber leaders from every continent, found that many chambers of commerce lacked

World chambers report explores chamber of commerce response to COVID-192020-09-03T09:53:01+02:00

ICC and World Travel and Tourism Council issue COVID-19 restart guide for the Travel & Tourism sector


28 August 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) have published a set of recommendations for safely re-opening customer facing businesses in the age of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread disruptions to global supply chains and businesses of all sizes. The Travel & Tourism sector has been particularly impacted by the current pandemic due to travel restrictions, declining traveller confidence and reduced consumer demand. In recognition of the challenges faced by the travel and tourism industry, ICC and WTTC have released a Quick Restart Guide for Employers to provide businesses with recommendations for

ICC and World Travel and Tourism Council issue COVID-19 restart guide for the Travel & Tourism sector2020-09-03T09:04:09+02:00

ICC publishes model online business-to-consumer (B2C) conditions of sale for new online sellers


12 August 2020 With more and more businesses turning to online sales in the age of COVID-19, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published a set of model online business-to-consumer (B2C) conditions of sale, to be adapted by sellers for use on their consumer-facing websites. As a result of the economic and health consequences associated with COVID-19, goods are increasingly being sold online to consumers. At the same time, many businesses are shifting their operations virtually to comply with social distancing measures aimed at reducing the spread of the virus. This expansion of online sales and workspaces has led many

ICC publishes model online business-to-consumer (B2C) conditions of sale for new online sellers2020-09-03T09:03:05+02:00

ICC, IOM launch COVID-19 guidance for the protection of migrants


10 August 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) release employer guidance for measures to protect migrants during COVID-19. Watch our video on the importance of migrant workers. Migrant workers are a crucial part of the global workforce, accounting for 3.5% of the world’s population, according to IOM. Worldwide, micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), rely upon migrant workers, including sectors providing essential commodities and services, as well as industries hard-hit by COVID-19. As the economic and human consequences of COVID-19 continue to shape local communities, businesses can play a decisive role in addressing

ICC, IOM launch COVID-19 guidance for the protection of migrants2020-09-03T08:58:47+02:00

Pilot test of ICC AOKpass announced successful


30 July 2020 International SOS and Singapore company Energy Drilling Management have announced a successful pilot of the ICC AOKpass mobile app. The use of the app provides trusted recognition of individuals’ COVID-19 compliance status from Singapore to Thailand. Following the pilot launch of ICC AOKpass in May – carried out with employees at the International SOS Singapore office – Energy Drilling worked with International SOS to test the app for a 10-strong crew needing to travel aboard an oil rig vessel to conduct drilling services for their client, PTT Exploration and Production (PTTEP). All 10 personnel were screened with a

Pilot test of ICC AOKpass announced successful2020-09-03T08:57:35+02:00

ICC issues open letter to G20 ministers responsible for the digital economy


22 July 2020 Ahead of today’s meeting of G20 Digital Economy Ministers, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is calling upon G20 leaders to implement policies that will enable the deployment of digital technologies to tackle the consequences of COVID-19. In an open letter to G20 ministers responsible for the digital economy, ICC proposes a set of policy interventions aimed at accelerating and strengthening the world’s collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.The letter, signed by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO, outlines immediate and long- policy priorities for policymakers. “The COVID-19 pandemic is an unprecedented health and economic crisis, affecting the lives

ICC issues open letter to G20 ministers responsible for the digital economy2020-07-27T14:26:06+02:00

ICC and UNICEF call for greater public-private sector collaboration in response to COVID-19


21 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and UNICEF have today issued a call for enhanced cooperation between the public and private sectors to strengthen the response to COVID-19 and enable a resilient and sustainable rebuild from the pandemic. Entitled “Reimagining the World We Need,” the joint statement leverages the organizations’ respective expertise in the fields of business and children’s rights to set out a common vision to address the economic, health, and societal consequences of COVID-19. To this end, ICC and UNICEF have identified eight concrete areas where enhanced public-private collaboration can ensure a fairer, healthier, and more

ICC and UNICEF call for greater public-private sector collaboration in response to COVID-192020-07-27T14:25:12+02:00

ICC Global Survey on Trade Finance confirms industry optimism


21 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) 11th annual Global Survey on Trade Finance reveals that banks are optimistic about the evolving nature of trade finance, though unsurprisingly expect various industry-wide challenges and disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 ICC Global Survey report – recognised as the world’s most authoritative review of the trade finance industry – has been released based on exclusive information from nearly 350 respondents in more than 80 countries, bolstered by nuanced contributions from an international array of experts from the Asian Development Bank (ADB), AUSTRAC, Boston Consulting Group (BCG), Coriolis

ICC Global Survey on Trade Finance confirms industry optimism2020-07-27T14:24:16+02:00

ICC releases 2019 Dispute Resolution statistics


15 July 2020 The International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published its full dispute resolution statistical report for 2019, having announced preliminary record figures in January. The ICC Court registered a record 869 new cases in 2019. Of that total, 851 were administered under the ICC Rules of Arbitration and involved parties originating from 147 countries and independent territories, as well as arbitrators from a record 89 jurisdictions. In 18 cases, ICC was acting as appointing authority. Another ICC record included a significant increase in the number of state and state-owned entities in ICC Arbitration over the

ICC releases 2019 Dispute Resolution statistics2020-07-27T14:23:14+02:00

Crew kidnappings surge in seas off West Africa, IMB reports


15 July 2020 Violent attacks against ships and their crews have risen in 2020, with 77 seafarers taken hostage or kidnapped for ransom since January, reveals the ICC International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest piracy report. The Gulf of Guinea off West Africa is increasingly dangerous for commercial shipping, accounting for just over 90% of maritime kidnappings worldwide. Meanwhile ship hijackings are at their lowest since 1993. In total, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) recorded 98 incidents of piracy and armed robbery in the first half of 2020, up from 78 in Q2 2019. The increasing threat of piracy adds to hardships

Crew kidnappings surge in seas off West Africa, IMB reports2020-07-27T14:19:55+02:00
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