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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC dhe OBSH prezantojnë anketën botërore për biznesin, për të përmirësuar rrjedhën e informacionit mbi COVID-19.


9 prill 2020 ICC dhe OBSH prezantojnë anketën botërore për biznesin, për të përmirësuar rrjedhën e informacionit mbi COVID-19. Dhoma Ndërkombëtare e Tregtisë (ICC) dhe Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH) prezantojnë një anketim në të gjithë botën për të raportuar mbi sfidat me të cilat po përballet sektori privat nga COVID-19. Si përgjigje ndaj COVID-19, ICC dhe OBSH po anketojnë sektorin privat për të mbledhur më shumë informacion mbi përgjigjet e bizneseve në rang botërore dhe për të gjetur zgjidhje, të cilat do të adresojnë përhapjen e pandemisë. Anketa e ICC-OBSH do të përmirësojë rrjedhën e informacionit midis sektorëve të ndryshëm

ICC dhe OBSH prezantojnë anketën botërore për biznesin, për të përmirësuar rrjedhën e informacionit mbi COVID-19.2020-04-10T07:18:36+02:00

ICC Court issues COVID-19 guidance note for arbitral proceedings


9 April 2020 The ICC International Court of Arbitration has released a Guidance Note outlining a range of measures to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on arbitral proceedings. The Guidance Note provides support to parties, counsel and arbitral tribunals in ICC Arbitrations on the challenges currently faced in ensuring fair, timely and efficient resolution of disputes. It was prepared by a working group comprising Vice-President of the ICC Court Marnix Leijten (Working Group Chair), ICC Court President Alexis Mourre and other Vice-Presidents, members of the ICC Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services and the Secretariat of the ICC

ICC Court issues COVID-19 guidance note for arbitral proceedings2020-04-21T11:21:39+02:00

ICC has issued a 10-point plan for G20 trade ministers to speed response to COVID-19


28 March 2020 In an open letter issued today, John W.H. Denton AO, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), has urged G20 trade ministers to seize the opportunity to fully utilise trade policy tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and limit its economic effects. In the open letter, Mr Denton wrote: “While we understand why many countries have limited their exports of medical necessities, this is not an effective response to the fundamental problem – a supply shortfall, which can only be addressed by increasing production. Export curbs do the exact opposite – they remove incentives for companies

ICC has issued a 10-point plan for G20 trade ministers to speed response to COVID-192020-03-30T18:36:22+02:00

ICC in Financial Times calls for coordinated G20 action plan


24 March 2020 Ahead of a virtual G20 Summit this week, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO is calling on G20 leaders for ramped up international coordination in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a letter published in today’s edition of the Financial Times, Mr Denton calls on G20 heads of state and government to put past squabbles aside and agree on a comprehensive action plan to stem the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Writing on behalf of over 45 million companies in more than 100 countries in his role as ICC Secretary General, Mr Denton calls for commitments to ensure

ICC in Financial Times calls for coordinated G20 action plan2020-03-24T19:18:52+02:00

ICC, B20, WHO issue open letter to G20 leaders


23 March 2020 ICC, B20 and the World Health Organization are calling for a coordinated global response to COVID-19. In a collective call to action ahead of this week’s virtual G20 Summit, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Business Twenty (B20) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have set out proposed measures to enable a coordinated global response to effectively contain the potential human and economic toll of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an open letter to G20 heads of state and government, issued today, the three organisations underscore the vital role of the G20 in stemming the growing human and economic

ICC, B20, WHO issue open letter to G20 leaders2020-03-24T19:17:33+02:00

Business and workers unite in call for international cooperation on COVID-19


20 March 2020 ICC and the ITUC have joined forces in a call for bold coordinated action that leaves no one behind in response to the COVID-19. Ahead of next week’s G20 leaders summit, the world’s business and workers’ organisations have joined forces to issue an open letter calling on political leaders to commit to bold coordinated action that leaves no one behind in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The letter is co-signed by the leaders of the International Chamber of (ICC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC). ICC is the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in

Business and workers unite in call for international cooperation on COVID-192020-03-24T19:15:52+02:00

Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services secures 2023 World Chambers Congress bid


18 March 2020 The Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services will co-organise the 13th World Chambers Congress, the largest global gathering of chambers of commerce. Organised by the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC)  and its World Chambers Federation (WCF), the World Chambers Congress is a unique thought leadership forum for chamber leaders and business professionals to collaborate on new projects, exchange ideas on best-practices, expand global networks and discuss the latest issues facing the private sector worldwide. Every two years, this global event rotates between Africa and the Middle East, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and Europe to ensure wide and diverse regional participation

Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services secures 2023 World Chambers Congress bid2020-03-24T19:01:54+02:00

COVID-19: Urgent communication to DRS community


17 March 2020 The Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC International Centre for ADR have issued an urgent communication to users, arbitrators and other neutrals. This is an urgent communication to ICC dispute resolution users, arbitrators and other neutrals in pending and future ICC Arbitration and ADR proceedings. Over the past two months and as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to unfold worldwide, the safety of our staff and business continuity have been – and remain – our top priorities. In this regard, we wish to advise you of the following: A. Current status All offices of the

COVID-19: Urgent communication to DRS community2020-03-24T18:58:33+02:00

ICC and WHO join forces to mobilise business action to curb Coronavirus spread


16 March 2020 ICC and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced an unprecedented call to action to mobilise business in the fight against COVID-19. In a joint statement issued today, ICC and WHO announced the agreement to leverage ICC’s global network of over 45 million businesses to enable businesses worldwide to play a full and active role in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. The collaboration between ICC and the WHO will facilitate information flows by disseminating the latest and most reliable information on the COVID-19 outbreak to businesses “Early, bold and effective action will reduce short-term risks to employees

ICC and WHO join forces to mobilise business action to curb Coronavirus spread2020-03-24T18:56:27+02:00

ICC/NECSI publish business guidance to tackle COVID-19


13 March 2020 ICC has partnered with the New England Complex Systems Institute to develop a round-up of actions businesses can take to reduce the spread and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The menu of options for consideration aims to help businesses of any size, in any region, develop or implement business continuity plans depending on geographic location of the business. The free to download document, underscores the key role businesses can play in minimising the likelihood of transmission stating that early, bold and effective action will reduce short-term risks to employees and long-term costs to businesses and the economy. “Prevention

ICC/NECSI publish business guidance to tackle COVID-192020-03-24T18:54:51+02:00
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