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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC TradeFlow blockchain platform launches to simplify trade processes


7 November 2019 ICC and blockchain provider, Perlin, will pilot ICC TradeFlow, a blockchain platform aimed at simplifying the trade documentation process for all. ICC has joined DBS Bank, Trafigura, Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Enterprise Singapore, and Perlin to launch ICC TradeFlow, a pioneering blockchain platform designed to streamline trade processes for business. ICC TradeFlow will allow businesses to visually map out trade flows, issue instructions to partners, and analyse trade actions in real time. On the platform, businesses can upload, verify, and modify trade documents, as well as act upon instructions from trading partners. Other components of the platform

ICC TradeFlow blockchain platform launches to simplify trade processes2019-12-21T17:09:19+02:00

Key business consultation survey launched to finalize policy recommendations on nature


5 November 2019 Business for Nature, a coalition of global organisations and businesses that includes the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), has launched an important consultation survey on nature. Today, during Natural Capital Week, Business for Nature, a global coalition of influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses, has launched an important business consultation survey that will run until November 30. The survey gives businesses of all sectors, sizes and geographies the chance to contribute their experience and expertise to the policy recommendations that Business for Nature will take to governments at key events in 2020, creating a strong united business voice calling for

Key business consultation survey launched to finalize policy recommendations on nature2019-12-21T17:04:26+02:00

Maritime piracy incidents down in Q3, yet Gulf of Guinea remains a hot spot


15 October 2019 The International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) report for the third quarter of 2019 demonstrates fewer incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships than the first nine months of 2018. 119 incidents of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships have been reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) in 2019, compared to 156 incidents for the same period in 2018. Overall, the 2019 incidents include 95 vessels boarded, 10 vessels fired upon, 10 attempted attacks, and four vessels hijacked. The number of crew taken hostage through the first nine months has declined from

Maritime piracy incidents down in Q3, yet Gulf of Guinea remains a hot spot2019-12-21T16:48:19+02:00

ICC issues recommendations to reform global trade


9 October 2019 Recognising the challenges, criticism and unprecedented pressure faced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) system, ICC has unveiled a groundbreaking set of recommendations to guide the future of international trade. The ICC recommendations ‘Reforming the Multilateral Rules-Based Trading System: The outcomes we want for people and planet,’ provide an outcomes-based approach to reforming international trade with the overriding objective of making trade work for people and planet. Despite current global trade tensions, ICC’s recommendations affirm the importance of multilateral trade and the WTO system. While the pillars of today’s multilateral trade system have reached their limits, ICC believes that a

ICC issues recommendations to reform global trade2019-12-21T16:59:56+02:00

ICC, an authorised institution under China-Hong Kong arrangement on interim relief


7 October 2019 ICC has been named an authorised institution under China-Hong Kong arrangement on interim relief, making ICC Arbitration even more appealing to Chinese parties. The Asia Office (Hong Kong) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration has been confirmed by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Hong Kong SAR Government as a qualified institution for the purposes of the Arrangement concerning Mutual Assistance in Court-ordered Interim Measures in Aid of Arbitral Proceedings by the Courts of the Mainland and of the HKSAR (“Arrangement”). The announcement was made on

ICC, an authorised institution under China-Hong Kong arrangement on interim relief2019-12-21T16:38:09+02:00

New ATA Carnet app makes digital declarations and transactions possible


2 October 2019 An initiative to digitalise the ATA Carnet international customs document gets underway in full today with launch of the Mercury II Pilot Project running phase. ICC ATA Carnet app After extensive trainings and internal tests since June, International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) digital ATA Carnet lifecycle management system is now live. Beginning today and running for a six-month period, real testing will be undertaken in six pilot countries: Belgium, China, Russia, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Commenting on the system’s debut, Ruedi Bolliger, Chair of ICC World Chambers Federation’s (WCF) World ATA Carnet Council said: “This

New ATA Carnet app makes digital declarations and transactions possible2019-10-04T18:13:29+02:00

7 ways ICC represented business at the United Nations General Assembly


1 October 2019 The United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) high-level week took place from 23-27 September in New York, setting the global agenda on an array of global issues, from peace and security to sustainability and finance. Led by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO and ICC Chair Paul Polman, ICC was actively involved in a number of high-level meetings on financing, health coverage and small island developing states as the institutional representative of 45 million companies in over 100 countries. Our message throughout the week was clear: The imperative of sustainable development calls for greater ambition by world leaders

7 ways ICC represented business at the United Nations General Assembly2019-10-04T18:11:18+02:00

John Denton joins board of Generation Unlimited and scales youth engagement


30 September 2019 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has joined the Board of Generation Unlimited (GenU) – a major global initiative to empower young people worldwide through education, skills training, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Generation Unlimited is co-chaired by Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, President of the Republic of Rwanda Paul Kagame, and President of Trinidad and Tobago Paula Mae Weekes. The board comprises a growing list of over 60 partners from government, the private sector, multilateral organisations, civil society and young leaders from around the world. They include Alan Jope, CEO of Unilever, Ambassador Michael Froman,

John Denton joins board of Generation Unlimited and scales youth engagement2019-10-04T18:04:10+02:00

ICC receives 2019 Compliance and Ethics Award


27 September 2019 ICC has received the 2019 Compliance and Ethics Award, bestowed by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) for the past 15 years in recognition of those who have made a significant contribution in the field of compliance and ethics. The award recognises ICC work in promoting free and competitive markets globally – including engagement with businesses and antitrust agencies around the world to integrate ethics and compliance considerations into business operations. John W. H. Denton AO, ICC Secretary General, and Chris Southworth, ICC United Kingdom Secretary General both thanked the SCCE for the honour. Robert Bond,

ICC receives 2019 Compliance and Ethics Award2019-10-04T17:58:21+02:00

SDG Business Forum calls for business to move from strategy to delivery on Global Goals


26 September 2019 Organised today on the sidelines of the inaugural SDG Summit, the fourth annual SDG Business Forum convened business, government, civil society and the United Nations to discuss concrete solutions to move from commitments to action to deliver on the Global Goals. Co-hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and the United Nations Global Compact, the Forum —— gathered nearly 600 stakeholders to dive deep into sustainable financing, the future of business and scaling ambition for a sustainable world. In her keynote address, Amina J. Mohamed, Deputy

SDG Business Forum calls for business to move from strategy to delivery on Global Goals2019-10-04T17:55:50+02:00
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