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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

5 ways refugee integration creates opportunities for business and society


20 June 2019: On World Refugee Day, ICC is highlighting the private sector contributions that are helping to integrate refugees into workforces worldwide, including a new ICC partnership with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to enhance business engagement in the international response to the global refugee crisis. Despite economic gains in the past century, many people worldwide have been left behind. Most notably, refugees and internally displaced populations are growing around the world, which has resulted in changing economic, political, and social fabric of communities around the world. Recent statistics from the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) cite an unprecedented 70.8 million people

5 ways refugee integration creates opportunities for business and society2019-07-25T09:06:22+02:00

ICC brings voice of global business to WTO e-commerce negotiations


18 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is bringing the voice of business at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) negotiations for the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce). ICC Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Crispin Conroy, today presented recommendations from the global business community during the first round of WTO negotiations on the trade-related aspects of e-commerce. In January 2019, 77 WTO Member States announced the creation of plurilateral negotiations to establish rules for electronic commerce (e-commerce). As the world business organization, ICC has called upon its global network to form a working group on e-commerce to

ICC brings voice of global business to WTO e-commerce negotiations2019-07-25T09:00:07+02:00

Introducing: A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® Rules


18 June 2019: As the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) prepares for the launch of Incoterms® 2020, a new in-depth series will explore how the Incoterms® rules make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. Since the publication of the first edition in 1936, the Incoterms® rules have established clear precedents for business operating within the rules-based international trade system. Despite economic, political and technological changes to our world over the past eight decades, the Incoterms® rules remain relevant to business, governments and individuals everywhere. The Incoterms® rules are a collection of three letter acronyms that outline the responsibilities and duties of importers and exporters.

Introducing: A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® Rules2019-07-25T08:57:10+02:00

ICC will bring a business perspective to the UN Climate Change Conference


17 June 2019: The UN Climate Change Conference will take place in Bonn, Germany, from 17-27 June 2019 and ICC will be on the ground to bring a business perspective to the negotiations and advocate for higher climate ambition. All business delegates are invited to join the ICC organised Business and Industry Daily Briefings that aim to facilitate business participation at the event. The briefings will take place on 17-27 June (every day except Sunday) from 09:00-10:00 at the World Conference Center Bonn in the AH Lower Conference Room. Business is essential to climate policy Business participation in climate change discussions is essential

ICC will bring a business perspective to the UN Climate Change Conference2019-07-25T08:35:25+02:00

ICC celebrates innovation with 2019 World Chambers Competition


15 June 2019: On the final day of the 11th World Chambers Congress, three chambers have been crowned champions of innovation, upon conclusion of the 2019 World Chambers Competition. The World Chambers Competition is the only award programme of its kind to recognise the pioneering initiatives of chambers of commerce from around the world. Held in conjunction with the biennial Congress, this year’s edition took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After two days of presentations, the three winning chambers were announced under the following categories: Category: Best Education and Training Project Winner: Chamber of Commerce in Styria (Austria) This category acknowledges chambers who are proving

ICC celebrates innovation with 2019 World Chambers Competition2019-07-25T08:32:01+02:00

Chambers of commerce step up for bold climate action


14 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has unveiled the groundbreaking “Chambers Climate Coalition”. Launched in Rio de Janeiro by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO at the 11th World Chambers Congress, the Coalition showcases the pivotal and essential role that the global network of chambers can play in driving climate action. Mr Denton said: “As a group, we are committed to climate action and commit to limit global temperature increases to well below 2 degrees Celsius and commit to the development of policy frameworks that enable business action on climate at scale.” The Coalition, available online, commits signatories to the following: To

Chambers of commerce step up for bold climate action2019-07-25T08:28:10+02:00

ICC Trade Register affirms trade finance’s decade-long low-risk profile


11 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission has released its 2018 Trade Register report – again highlighting the low risk nature of trade finance in comparison to other asset classes. In 2018, global trade reached a new peak of US$18.5 trillion, underpinning a trade finance revenue pool of US$48 billion. ICC Trade Register data confirms default rates from 2008-2018 are low across all products and regions surveyed. For the first time, payables finance and non-OECD Export Credit Agency-backed export finance products are included in the Trade Register. This year’s report captures a full decade of trade finance-related

ICC Trade Register affirms trade finance’s decade-long low-risk profile2019-07-25T08:11:52+02:00

ICC Arbitration figures reveal new record for awards in 2018


11 June 2019: A total 842 cases were administered by the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in 2018 – the second highest total of registered cases ever – according to the latest figures released by ICC today. Worldwide, 2,282 parties were involved in ICC Arbitration cases from 135 countries in 2018. Newly registered cases in 2018 represented an aggregate value of US$ 36 billion, with an average amount of US$ 45 million in dispute. The aggregate value of all pending disputes before the Court at the end of the year was US$ 203 billion, with an

ICC Arbitration figures reveal new record for awards in 20182019-07-25T08:09:19+02:00

ICC Albania awarded with the European ICC National Committee Initiative of the Year and third place globally


6 June 2019: ICC Albania ‘’ABC (Anti-corruption Business Coalition) Project’’ earns the ICC National Committee Initiative of the Year first prize in Europe and third place globally for introducing a set of solutions and tools in Albania that aim improvement of the investment climate through addressing fight against corruption. This project focused on unleashing corporate integrity as an area that requires more engagement from stakeholders, such as private and public sectors, aimed at the same time the improvement of the investment climate in Albania. The ABC project framework is designed in three pillars; first pillar aim the creation of an advocacy

ICC Albania awarded with the European ICC National Committee Initiative of the Year and third place globally2019-07-25T09:58:47+02:00

ICC Albania comments & recommendations: Draft Law on Investments


5 June 2019: ICC Albania appreciates the opportunity given by the Investment Council Secretariat in Albania to provide input on the Draft-Law on Investment document. ICC Albania has circulated the draft within its membership and submits the reviewed comments and recommendations deemed of particular importance for business and for the furtherance of an enabling investment climate in Albania. The document is available in Albanian language and has been submitted to Ministry of State for the Protection of Entrepreneurship, Ministry of Finance and Economy and to the Secretariat of the Investment Council in Albania. Komente dhe Sugjerime mbi Projektligjin ''Për Investimet'' Projektligj

ICC Albania comments & recommendations: Draft Law on Investments2019-07-25T09:59:51+02:00
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