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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC brings the voice of business to global discussions on innovation and intellectual property


19 July 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) held a side event at the 63rd Meetings of the Assemblies of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva this week, bringing the voice of business to global discussions on innovation and intellectual property. Leaders from companies including Nestlé, Microsoft and Intel, and international organisations including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) were among the participants of the ICC Side Event at the 63rd Meetings of the Assemblies of WIPO in Geneva earlier this week. The event was a wonderful opportunity for the business community

ICC brings the voice of business to global discussions on innovation and intellectual property2022-07-27T11:16:53+02:00

Global piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades


12 July 2022 The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) received the lowest number of reported incidents for the first half of any year since 1994 – a testament to its pivotal role in raising awareness to make waters safer. IMB’s latest global piracy report details 58 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships – the lowest total since 1994 – down from 68 incidents during the same period last year. In the first six months of 2022, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) reported 55 vessels boarded, two attempted attacks and one vessel hijacked. IMB Director Michael Howlett said: “Not only is

Global piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades2022-07-18T21:26:49+02:00

Small business competition puts MSMEs at the heart of the green transition


28 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) to launch the second edition of the Small Business Champions Initiative. The second edition of the Small Business Champions Initiative was launched at a joint event hosted by ICC, ITC and the WTO Informal Working Group on Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). The aim of the initiative is to identify, highlight and celebrate creative and impactful organisations or initiatives that put small businesses at the centre of the green transition. Proposals should be submitted by 15 August 2022. The initiative

Small business competition puts MSMEs at the heart of the green transition2022-07-18T21:26:22+02:00

New fundraising campaign to support WFP’s food assistance to the people of Ukraine


21 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is proud to announce the launch of a campaign on World Food Programme’s (WFP) crowdfunding platform ShareTheMeal to provide food assistance to the people of Ukraine. Following a recent visit to Ukraine by ICC Secretary General, John W.H. Denton AO, and the anniversary of a strategic partnership signed between ICC and WFP, the fundraising appeal aims to support WFP’s response strategy and efforts to reach six million Ukrainians by the end of June. The unsolicited war that has been ravaging Ukraine since February has transformed what was once known as the breadbasket

New fundraising campaign to support WFP’s food assistance to the people of Ukraine2022-07-18T21:29:14+02:00

US and Italian chambers join ICC Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain


21 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is delighted to welcome five chambers from the United States and Italy to the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain. By joining the ICC CO Accreditation Chain, the United States’ Birmingham Business Alliance, Greater Miami Chamber, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and American Export Chamber, and Italy’s Chamber of Commerce of Maremma and Tirreno will benefit from the use of the internationally recognised ICC CO label and will be able to link their CO to the official ICC CO Verification website. Emily Jerkins Hall, President and COO at the Birmingham Business

US and Italian chambers join ICC Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain2022-07-18T21:27:52+02:00

ICC welcomes WTO’s responsiveness to business needs


17 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) welcomes the “Geneva Package” that world trade ministers agreed to at the World Trade Organization (WTO) today and applauds the leadership of WTO Director-General Dr Ngozi-Okonjo-Iweala for shepherding a significant package of deals. Today’s agreement is a significant boost for international cooperation, global trade and cross-border commerce, with many of the outcomes corresponding with what ICC has been consistently calling for over the past few years. In an era so often characterised by geopolitical frictions, protectionist impulses and go-it-alone trade policies, today’s deal reminds us that effective global governance remains possible and that the WTO

ICC welcomes WTO’s responsiveness to business needs2022-07-18T21:30:27+02:00

Mexican businesswoman Maria Fernanda Garza elected as new ICC Chair


15 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is delighted to welcome Maria Fernanda Garza as its new Chair. After serving as ICC First Vice-Chair for the past two years, the small business owner from Mexico succeeds Ajay Banga as ICC Chair, making her the first woman to hold this position.  Maria Fernanda Garza has been elected ICC Chair for a period of two years following a meeting of the ICC World Council, held yesterday in Mexico City. The ICC World Council additionally elected Philippe Varin, Chair of ICC France, as ICC First Vice-Chair, and Nayla Comair Obeid and Harsh

Mexican businesswoman Maria Fernanda Garza elected as new ICC Chair2022-07-18T21:37:12+02:00

ICC unveils new look to reflect contemporary relevance and role


14 June 2022 ICC has launched a new brand identity reflecting the global institution’s strategic direction and mission to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. The rebrand incorporates a modern and elegant logo emphasising ICC’s global reach as the institutional representative of over 45 million companies in over 170 countries. The logo features a bold ICC monograph from longitude lines. A brighter blue, and confident, approachable typographic voice are also being used to echo ICC’s trusted role and leadership.  The new look was unveiled during a global gathering of ICC representatives meeting in Mexico City this week and celebrated

ICC unveils new look to reflect contemporary relevance and role2022-07-18T21:39:25+02:00

ICC outlines global business priorities for MC12


14 June 2022 As negotiations continue at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference (MC12), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a statement on global business priorities outlining seven key recommendations for action. The global business community views the WTO as an essential pillar in the multilateral trading system. As end-users of the system, the global private sector strongly encourages ministers to work towards ambitious outcomes that will meet the needs of modern economies and all stakeholders.  At a time of serious global economic challenges—in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, pressures on global supply chains, and the prospect

ICC outlines global business priorities for MC122022-07-18T21:41:02+02:00

New Centre to make Seville the “entrepreneurship capital” of Southern Europe


7 June 2022 ICC has launched a new Centre of Entrepreneurship in Seville, Spain, to support and mobilise the next generation of entrepreneurs in Southern Europe. The Seville hub of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship was officially launched today during an event held at Seville Chamber of Commerce, attended by over 100 Spanish leaders and representatives of regional chambers of commerce. Following the establishment of hubs in Accra, Beirut, Buenos Aires, Casablanca, Istanbul, Jakarta, Lagos, Nairobi, Bogota and Ukraine the latest addition to the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship brings the number of hubs helping entrepreneurs and small businesses worldwide to eleven. The launch

New Centre to make Seville the “entrepreneurship capital” of Southern Europe2022-07-18T21:42:11+02:00
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