Guest blog: Crackdown on cartels, do fines tell the full story?
ICC Albania2022-07-18T22:07:54+02:0017 May 2022 The ICC/IBA Pre-International Competition Network Forum, which took place earlier this month, focused on the digital technology sector, cartels and private information, and merger control. Tasneem Azad, Managing Director, Expert Services at Kroll, and Marzena Meeson, Director, Expert Services at Kroll, explore what the sharp increase in global cartel fines means for the crackdown on cartels. Global cartel fines stood at $4.6 billion (bn) in 2021, up by 229% compared to 2020, according to the latest report published by the law firm, Morgan Lewis.1 Does this mean that, despite some temporary loosening and amendments to competition law due to