
Konferencë: Prezantim i Ligjit për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë


Ministria e Drejtësisë në bashkëpunim me GIZ Albania, Universitetin e Tiranës dhe ICC Albania organizon Konferencën ''Prezantimi i Ligjit të ri të Arbitrazhit në Republikën  e Shqipërisë'' më datë 19 janar 2024 me qëllim promovimin e mundësisë së zgjidhjes së mosmarrëveshjeve përmes arbitrazhit. Gjatë sesioneve të këtij aktiviteti synohet të diskutohet mbi Ligjin 52/2023 ”Për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë” miratuar nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë në korrik 2023, i cili synon të krijojë kuadrin ligjor për organizimin dhe zhvillimin e procedurave të arbitrazhit si dhe garantimin e organizimit të këtyre procedurave në mënyrë profesionale, cilësore, efikase dhe me efektivitet. Për

Konferencë: Prezantim i Ligjit për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë2024-01-17T14:53:54+02:00

Endorsement puts Nicolas Uribe on road to become WCF Chair


25 May 2022 ICC’s World Chambers Federation has announced the election of Nicolas Uribe, President of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and Chair of ICC Colombia for formal ratification as WCF Chair by the ICC World Council when it meets in June. Marie-Christine Oghly, Vice-Chair in charge of International Affairs at the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will become WCF Deputy Chair. The announcement was made during a meeting of the World Chambers Federation General Council on 17 May by current WCF Chair Hamad Buamim. The mandate for the WCF Chair, if ratified by the ICC World Council, and

Endorsement puts Nicolas Uribe on road to become WCF Chair2022-07-18T21:46:17+02:00

Extra Session: Arbitration Campaign


29 June - 2 July 2021 This week we are sharing a few more articles and interviews from our experts! The development of arbitration in the Western Balkans countries, the impact of public policy in the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards and an interview with newly elected Albanian member at the ICC Court of Arbitration and an overview on the arbitration policies in Albania. 29 June: The development of arbitration in the Western Balkan countries Ms. Jana Schuhmann, Sector Fund Manager, Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe Legal Reform, GIZ GmbH gives a general overview of the development of

Extra Session: Arbitration Campaign2021-06-30T09:56:22+02:00

Weak G7 commitments on vaccines pose major downside risk to world economy


11 June 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a warning that G7 leaders risk imposing major costs to the global economy absent of a step-change in their approach to managing the Covid-19 pandemic. Reports ahead of the Carbis Bay summit have indicated that the UK and the United States will pledge in the region of 600 million doses of proven vaccines to emerging economies over the next two years. But ICC – the institutional representative of more than 45 million businesses – has cautioned that these commitments still fall short of the major collaborative effort needed to lift

Weak G7 commitments on vaccines pose major downside risk to world economy2021-07-21T21:25:35+02:00

ICC brings cooperative solutions to address challenges of multilateralism at Paris Peace Forum 2020


13 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joined leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to advance governance solutions at the first ever virtual Paris Peace Forum. Formed in 2018, the Paris Peace Forum is an annual event that gathers policymakers, including Heads of state and international organisations, to discuss new forms of collective action to address governance challenges. As an official partner of the Forum, ICC has been an active contributor since its first edition with representatives, like ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO, participating in debates on multilateralism and trade. This year’s edition of

ICC brings cooperative solutions to address challenges of multilateralism at Paris Peace Forum 20202021-02-28T21:06:52+02:00
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