ICC News

ICC presents business recommendations to facilitate humanitarian relief shipments


ICC has released business recommendations to facilitate border processes and the customs clearance of essential humanitarian relief shipments. The recommendations were introduced this week as part of the Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week 2019 (HNPW), hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Crispin Conroy, Geneva Representative Director, ICC; Constantin Ciuta, Senior Customs Adviser, UNCTAD Centre for Excellence; Virginie Bohl, Emergency Relief Project Manager, UN OCHA ICC welcomed the opportunity to engage with OCHA and other strategic partners, such as the World Customs Organization (WCO), to

ICC presents business recommendations to facilitate humanitarian relief shipments2019-03-11T22:54:40+02:00

ICC welcomes breakthrough in WTO e-commerce talks


ICC has welcomed a ministerial statement issued today announcing the start of formal WTO talks to establish global rules for e-commerce. The statement, supported by some 75 governments, represents a major step forward in efforts within the WTO to enable e-commerce in support of sustainable development and small-business growth. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “Today’s statement is a very welcome move by members of the WTO to maximize the potential of e-commerce to make trade work for everyone, everywhere. “Traditionally, commerce over distance has come with significant costs – limiting the ability of SMEs and businesses in developing economies

ICC welcomes breakthrough in WTO e-commerce talks2019-03-11T22:56:43+02:00

10 things we did for business in our 99th year?


At ICC, we’re excited to be in Centenary year. As 2019 begins, we’re taking a look back at some of the things that kept us busy and enabled business to secure peace, prosperity and opportunity for all during our 99th year… 1. Leaders for a new era In March, ICC announced the appointment of international legal expert and adviser on global issues John W.H. Denton AO as the organisation’s incoming Secretary General. Shortly after his appointment, Mr Denton hit the airways appearing on Sky News to give his take on prevalent anti-globalisation sentiment. Later in the year Paul Polman, CEO of consumer goods company

10 things we did for business in our 99th year?2019-01-25T09:57:32+02:00

The Internet Governance Forum takes place this week in Paris. Here’s why it matters.


The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a global dialogue that brings together a wide range of stakeholders to exchange information and discuss how to make sure the Internet and its related technologies work for everyone. Sometimes described as the world’s biggest digital policy incubator, the IGF takes place under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) and is hosted this year by the French Government, taking place at the headquarters of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from 12-14 November 2018. The theme for this year’s IGF is “The Internet of Trust” and comes at a time when the

The Internet Governance Forum takes place this week in Paris. Here’s why it matters.2019-01-25T09:56:48+02:00

ICC YAF “Becoming an Arbitrator: Challenges and Opportunities”


On the 9th of November ICC Albania with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania organised an ICC YAF forum entitled “How to become an arbitrator: Challenges and Opportunities”. This event took place in Tirana and was attended by young professionals and practitioners, attorneys, academics and also students with a particular interest in arbitration. During the event the successful arbitrators on both panels shared useful insights, their experience in this field and also tackled the main duties and challenges that an arbitrator shall take into consideration in order to perform his/her duties. This forum also provided guidance for aspiring

ICC YAF “Becoming an Arbitrator: Challenges and Opportunities”2019-01-25T09:56:02+02:00

Study Tour about Responsible Business Conduct


In the framework of the ABC project that ICC Albania is currently implementing and supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania organized a study tour in Paris and The Hague from 29th of October to the 1st of November. The main objective of this study tour was to provide technical assistance to public institutions representatives related to the area of corporate integrity in Albania. The study tour represented an important opportunity for governments and business representatives to consider the alternatives of enhancing and strengthening the cooperation with each other in terms of multi-stakeholder dialogue and in the field of corporate

Study Tour about Responsible Business Conduct2019-01-25T09:50:25+02:00

Unique business initiative to support reform process of multilateral rules-based system launched


Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), supported by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and regional development banks, have announced a new initiative to host a global consultation to support multilateral trade reform. Launched today by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO and WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo, the new Global Dialogue on Trade platform will provide concrete support to the on-going intergovernmental approach to improving the multilateral rules-based trade system. The initiative – digitally enabled and managed by ICC – will convene open dialogue among multilateral institutions, think

Unique business initiative to support reform process of multilateral rules-based system launched2019-01-25T09:48:02+02:00

Workshop “Translating SDGs into business”


On the 9th of October, ICC Albania organised the workshop entitled “Translating SDGs into business”. Executive leaders and experts from the public and private sectors came together on this event to highlight potential initiatives on how business and the government can best cooperate to meet sustainable development goals. The workshop was set by Mrs. Ardita Seknaj, General Secretary of ICC Albania, saying that the Sustainable Development Goals are not only governments’ responsibilities but far more include all stakeholders where the business community plays a fundamental role in the achievement of the goals. Mrs. Nuriona Berdica, Advisor of the Deputy Prime Minister, while

Workshop “Translating SDGs into business”2019-01-25T09:47:18+02:00

UNODC empowers Southeast European Civil Society Organizations to fight corruption


UNODC organized a regional multi-stakeholder workshop in Serbia from 24 to 27 September, to train civil society, private sector and government representatives from Southeast Europe to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the only international legally-binding anti-corruption instrument. The event aims to facilitate collaboration between the various stakeholders in implementing UNCAC and its Review Mechanism, and to advise them on applying the methodology and tools available through the Convention. Among other things, this will enable them to build on the momentum of their country reviews and ensure that preventing and eradicating corruption is at the forefront of their national

UNODC empowers Southeast European Civil Society Organizations to fight corruption2019-01-25T09:45:06+02:00

Mentor with IMPACT- Mentoring Program for women entrepreneurs and professionals


On the 21st– 23rd of September, Macedonian Mentoring Network in collaboration with ICC Albania, Embassy of the Netherlands and Alliance of Kosovar Businesses, have brought together over 60 professionals from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and the Netherlands in the light of the mentoring project, in Skopje. The aim of this project is to support woman entrepreneurs and professionals from Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo by creating unique mentoring program as a key to professional and personal success, and secondly creation of a peer mentoring program with experts and professionals from Netherlands increasing their pool of contacts, potential partners and collaborators. The mentoring relationship started

Mentor with IMPACT- Mentoring Program for women entrepreneurs and professionals2019-01-25T09:44:19+02:00
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