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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC and Pearson announce partnership to develop skills for people in a rapidly changing economy


17 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Pearson have announced a new collaboration to create educational products and services that will equip people with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. Over the past decade, digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence have reshaped industries and created new skillset requirements for workforces everywhere. These changing conditions have only accelerated in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic, where necessary public lockdowns and workplace closures have transformed the nature of work, education, and daily life. In this context, ICC and Pearson will work together to co-create educational programmes that

ICC and Pearson announce partnership to develop skills for people in a rapidly changing economy2021-02-28T21:11:21+02:00

ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap to provide business guidance in ever-changing IP landscape


16 November 2020 ICC has published the latest edition of the Intellectual Property (IP) Roadmap – a comprehensive guide and overview of the key intellectual property issues faced by business professionals, policymakers, and legal experts. The latest edition of the IP Roadmap covers emerging IP issues, including artificial intelligence, sustainable innovation and persistent threats posed by piracy and counterfeiting to business operations. The Roadmap explains how, since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, disrupted supply chains, supply shortages and demand surges have aggravated existing piracy and counterfeiting. As the world continues to recover and build back better from the COVID-19, the Roadmap highlights

ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap to provide business guidance in ever-changing IP landscape2021-02-28T21:09:28+02:00

ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges


14 November 2020 ICC has welcomed the opportunity for further business engagement to address taxation challenges relating to the digitalisation of the economy but calls for increased collaboration to achieve global consensus agreement. The call follows the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD)’s update on international tax negotiations this week. Digitalisation is revolutionising the way businesses operate but is also creating new opportunities for global growth and prosperity. Technological advances and digital connectivity can spur innovation in business models, business networking and knowledge transfer while also facilitating access to international markets for businesses large and small, old and new. As

ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges2021-02-28T21:40:40+02:00

ICC brings cooperative solutions to address challenges of multilateralism at Paris Peace Forum 2020


13 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joined leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to advance governance solutions at the first ever virtual Paris Peace Forum. Formed in 2018, the Paris Peace Forum is an annual event that gathers policymakers, including Heads of state and international organisations, to discuss new forms of collective action to address governance challenges. As an official partner of the Forum, ICC has been an active contributor since its first edition with representatives, like ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO, participating in debates on multilateralism and trade. This year’s edition of

ICC brings cooperative solutions to address challenges of multilateralism at Paris Peace Forum 20202021-02-28T21:06:52+02:00

France 24 asks ICC: What can small businesses expect from the Biden administration?


13 November 2020 In an interview with international news channel France 24, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO outlined measures that the incoming Biden administration can take to shield small businesses from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking to Senior News Editor and anchor Stephen Carroll, Mr Denton underscored the vital role played by small businesses within the much wider landscape of the US economy saying: “In the US alone, we’re talking about 30 million small businesses. This is a very big part of the US economy and one of the most important employers. Let’s also be very clear

France 24 asks ICC: What can small businesses expect from the Biden administration?2021-02-28T21:04:24+02:00

G20: leverage trade finance to safeguard SMEs and power global recovery


9 November 2020 ICC’s Advisory Group on Trade Finance has called on G20 leaders to leverage trade finance to safeguard SMEs and power global recovery. The co-chairs of a high-level advisory group to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have issued an urgent call to G20 leaders to take action to avert the risk of widespread insolvencies amongst small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) globally, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In an open letter, Victor K. Fung (Chairman, Fung Group) and Marcus Wallenberg (Chair, SEB) have urged G20 leaders to make coordinated interventions to increase the availability of trade-related finance – given

G20: leverage trade finance to safeguard SMEs and power global recovery2021-02-28T21:01:59+02:00

Chambers of Commerce meet to discuss Certificate of Origin issues and digital initiatives


6 November 2020 The ICC WCF International Certificate of Origin Council (ICO) gathered virtually for their annual meeting to address recent developments in Certificate of Origin (CO) and digital initiatives. ICC WCF welcomed 47 CO experts from 32 countries to the online meeting which was chaired by Peter Bishop, Chairman of ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) International CO Council and Deputy CEO of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and Martin Van der Weide, Deputy Chair of the CO Council and Policy Manager on Origin of the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. Deliberations included ICC WCF initiatives and CO issues encountered

Chambers of Commerce meet to discuss Certificate of Origin issues and digital initiatives2021-02-28T20:58:10+02:00

ICC announces recommendation for ICC Court President successor


3 November 2020 ICC is pleased to announce that Claudia T. Salomon has been recommended for election as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration with effect from 1 July 2021 putting her on a path to becoming the first woman President of the ICC Court in its almost 100-year history. A member of the New York Bar and a solicitor in England and Wales, Ms Salomon is a Vice-President of the ICC Court and a partner in the New York office of Latham & Watkins where she is Global Co-Chair of the firm’s international arbitration practice. Ms Salomon is

ICC announces recommendation for ICC Court President successor2021-02-28T21:53:58+02:00

ICC brings together business leaders at first-ever virtual Internet Governance Forum


29 October 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is virtually convening business leaders to participate in the 15th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss pressing issues, like digital inclusion, data governance, trust online, environmental sustainability, and more. The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was launched in 2006 by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General to serve as a multi-stakeholder dialogue on key legal, political, social, and technical issues related to the Internet. Since the first forum held in Athens, Greece, the IGF has pioneered a new avenue for policy cooperation bringing people together from various stakeholder groups (governments, business, technical

ICC brings together business leaders at first-ever virtual Internet Governance Forum2021-02-28T21:51:31+02:00

Five takeaways from the ICC Banking Commission’s virtual Technical Meeting


28 October 2020 International experts from the banking industry came together to discuss key topics affecting the trade finance industry this week at the Annual Technical Meeting of ICC’s Banking Commission. International experts from the banking industry came together to discuss key topics affecting the trade finance industry this week at the Annual Technical Meeting of ICC’s Banking Commission. Here are five highlights from the day: Digitalisation of trade finance With COVID-19 further exposing the fragility of global trade’s reliance on paper documentation, ICC has been reinforcing its efforts to drive harmonisation of digital processes for trade flows – including directly

Five takeaways from the ICC Banking Commission’s virtual Technical Meeting2021-02-28T21:48:36+02:00
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