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Module I: Advanced Training on Incoterms® 2020

ICC Albania in cooperation with ICC Italy organizes on 7-8 October, 2022 in Tirana an advanced training on Incoterms® 2020 rules. Despite the widespread use of Incoterms®, there is still a strong need for international commercial operators to better understand the problems and the extent of the operational implications. The Advanced Training Course on Incoterms® 2020 offers specialized training on Incoterms® rules, including the innovations introduced by the 2020 edition, with in-depth analysis on a plurality of aspects and criticalities from a contractual point of view, all elements that intervene in a commercial transaction with foreign countries and that have a significant


Letters of Credit, Standby LCs and Demand Guarantees

Xheko Imperial Rr ”Ibrahim Rugova” nr. 56,, Tirana, Albania

About the training: This training session has the ambitious goal of transferring operational skills on letters of credit, stand-by LC and demand guarantees, defining their characteristics and identifying the most peculiar aspects. Ample space will be dedicated to the analysis of the  ICC rules. Finally, numerous practical cases will be analyzed to better understand the operation of the instruments. Targeted audience: Bankers, exporters and importers in SMEs, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, accountants, logistics, freight forwarders, commercial lawyers and trade consultants. Level of training: Intermediary Check the Training Brochure REGISTER


Conference of the Week of Integrity 5

Marriott Tirana Hotel Sheshi Italia, Tirane, Albania

‘’Collaborating for the accession to the EU: Reinforcing integrity through partnerships and good governance’’ The Conference will be a half-day event including interventions by political leaders, policymakers, representatives of the private sector, civil society, academia and other actors on how to build stronger partnerships and manage governance aspects at all levels around the national agenda of the EU negotiation process. Register Agenda

Konferencë: Prezantim i Ligjit për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë

Rogner Hotel Tirana, Albania

Ky aktivitet organizohet nga Ministria e Drejtësisë në bashkëpunim me GIZ Albania, Universitetin e Tiranës dhe ICC Albania me qëllim promovimin e mundësisë së zgjidhjes së mosmarrëveshjeve përmes arbitrazhit. Gjatë sesioneve të këtij aktiviteti synohet të diskutohet mbi Ligjin 52/2023 ''Për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë'' miratuar nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë në korrik 2023, i cili synon të krijojë kuadrin ligjor për organizimin dhe zhvillimin e procedurave të arbitrazhit si dhe garantimin e organizimit të këtyre procedurave në mënyrë profesionale, cilësore, efikase dhe me efektivitet. Për të marrë pjesë, konfirmoni pjesëmarrjen Tuaj në adresën: Agjenda e aktivitetit Nota konceptuale

Trajnim: Bazat e Financave Tregtare | 8-9 shkurt 2024

Xheko Imperial Rr ”Ibrahim Rugova” nr. 56,, Tirana, Albania

Qëllimi: Trajnimi do të fokusohet në shpjegimin e karakteristikave kryesore të Instrumeteve dhe Metodave të pagesës më të përdorura në tregtinë ndërkombëtare duke evidentuar risqet, avantazhet dhe disavatazhet e tyre si edhe karakteristikat dhe aspektet thelbësore të instrumentit të Garancisë Bankare.  Fokus grupi: Profesionistë të bankave të nivelit të dytë që janë të angazhuar në produktet dhe shërbimet e ofruara ndaj klientëve të biznesit, punonjës të bizneseve SME apo të mëdha të fokusuar në import/eksport, manaxhere shitjesh/blerjesh apo juristë të rinj pranë zyrave ligjore apo edhe kompanive. Niveli i trajnimit: Mesatar Gjuha e trajnimit: shqip Agjenda Regjistrohu

Module 1: International Contracts with focus on ICC Model Contracts

Rogner Hotel Tirana, Albania

This module addresses the most relevant commercial agreements and common clauses, with particular reference to ICC Model Contracts, with a practical and problem-solving approach. Target audience: In-house and external lawyers, trade consultants, business management consultants, exporters and importers, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, logistics and finance managers. All those working in international trade who negotiate, draft, interpret and execute international contracts of sale, distribution and commercial agency. Level: Intermediary - Advanced Language: English Training Brochure - International Contracts Register

Module 2: Letters of Credit, Standby LC & Demand Guarantees

This module has the ambitious goal of transferring operational skills on Letters of credit, Standby LC and Demand Guarantees, defining their characteristics, and identifying the most peculiar aspects. Target audience: In-house and commercial lawyers, trade consultants and bankers, exporters and importers, administrative directors in small and big companies and financial institutions, sales and purchasing managers, accountants, logistics providers, and freight forwarders. All those working in international trade who negotiate, draft and execute international payments. Level: Advanced Language: English Training Brochure - Letters of Credit, Standby LC & Demand Guarantees REGISTER

Module 3: Customs aspects and Compliance

This module has the ambitious goal of transferring operational skills on letters of credit, Standby LC and demand guarantees, defining their characteristics, and identifying the most peculiar aspects. Target audience: In-house and external lawyers, trade consultants, business management consultants, exporters and importers, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, logistics and finance managers. Level: Intermediary – Advanced Language: English Training Brochure - Customs Aspects and Compliance REGISTER

Module 4: International Taxation

This module has the objective of illustrating to the audience the functioning of the European Union (EU) tax system and the main rules regarding both direct taxation and Value Added Tax (VAT). Target audience: CFOs, HR managers or administrative directors in small and big companies, chartered public accountants, tax and/or commercial lawyers, and business management consultants. Level: Intermediary – Advanced Language: English Training Brochure - International Taxation REGISTER

Incoterms® and Customs Procedures

This module on Incoterms® 2020 and customs procedures offers knowledge on how different Incoterms impact customs procedures, including who is responsible for customs clearance, import/export duties, taxes, and documentation requirements. Target audience: In-house and commercial lawyers, trade consultants and bankers, exporters and importers, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, accountants, logistics providers, freight forwarders, customs brokers, and insurance managers. Participants shall have some basic knowledge and practice with Incoterms® rules. Level: Intermediary – Advanced Language: English / Albanian Training Brochure – Incoterms and Customs insights REGISTER

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