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Arbitration & ADR Days in Albania | 20-24 May 2024

ARBITRATION AND ADR DAYS IN ALBANIA (AADA) From 20-24 May 2024, ICC Albania in cooperation with partners is organizing the 2nd edition of the ICC Arbitration and ADR Days in Albania (AADA). AADA is an initiative that aims to create a conducive environment for the promotion and development of arbitration and ADR practices in Albania. By raising awareness, building capacity, fostering collaboration, and promoting access to justice, this initiative seeks to contribute to the efficient and equitable resolution of disputes in the country. The

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Foreign Trade Techniques: Training Course

'Foreign Trade Techniques' is intended to be a training course on international trade techniques developed according to the so-called export logistics chain: contracts, taxation, customs, international payments and Incoterms 2020. These courses are adequate for exporters and importers, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, logistics, in-house and practitioner lawyers, trade consultants, bankers, business management consultants and anyone with an interest in international trade. The training course aims to transfer adequate knowledge to participants to enable them to independently manage an international business operation. Level

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Konferencë: Prezantim i Ligjit për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë

Ministria e Drejtësisë në bashkëpunim me GIZ Albania, Universitetin e Tiranës dhe ICC Albania organizon Konferencën ''Prezantimi i Ligjit të ri të Arbitrazhit në Republikën  e Shqipërisë'' më datë 19 janar 2024 me qëllim promovimin e mundësisë së zgjidhjes së mosmarrëveshjeve përmes arbitrazhit. Gjatë sesioneve të këtij aktiviteti synohet të diskutohet mbi Ligjin 52/2023 ”Për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë” miratuar nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë në korrik 2023, i cili synon të krijojë kuadrin ligjor për organizimin dhe zhvillimin e procedurave të arbitrazhit si


Research and whitepaper: FDI Screening Mechanisms in Albania

7 December 2023 & 17 January 2024 ICC Albania in cooperation with CIPE commissioned research focusing on the legal and regulatory framework of Foreign Direct Investments in Albania and trends in the European Union area and globally. Countries have various policy instruments at their disposal to regulate foreign direct investments (FDIs) on their territory, including the full or partial prohibition of foreign investment in certain sectors of the economy. These restrictions may reflect the national security concerns of host countries. Most policy attention and

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Countdown to the World Chambers Congress commences | 21-23 June 2023

Final preparations are underway for the 13th edition of the World Chambers Congress, taking place in Geneva from 21-23 June under the theme ''Achieving peace and prosperity through multilateralism''. Attracting 1,500 participants from over 100 countries, the Congress is the biggest, most diverse economic forum for chamber and business executives to exchange experiences and examine the issues affecting people, their livelihoods and our planet. Marking the three-week countdown to the Congress, ICC’s World Chambers Federation and the Geneva Chamber of Commerce and Industry have confirmed the

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Policy Brief: Circular material flows for research and innovation

This policy brief takes a deep dive into the potential of the circular economy and the role of innovation in waste management with a focus on challenges in shipping waste for research purposes. It includes case studies that demonstrate how current laws and regulations impact company investments in circular innovations. Download the document The goal of a circular economy is to optimise resource efficiency, keeping products and materials in use as long as possible, thereby reducing waste. The need for the circular economy is heightened

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