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So far ICC Albania has created 363 blog entries.

ICC wins Best Development in International Arbitration Award


2 July 2021 Claudia Salomon’s election as the first woman President of the ICC Court has won an award for the best development in international arbitration. The Global Arbitration Review award was presented last night during a virtual Awards ceremony, which brought together practitioners from around the world. In a recorded acceptance speech, Ms Salomon said she was truly honoured to have been selected as the new President of the ICC Court by the Selection Committee of “international arbitration giants”, including the late Emmanuel Gaillard who passed away in April. Echoing United States Vice-President Kamala Harris’s words, ”I may be the first woman

ICC wins Best Development in International Arbitration Award2021-07-21T19:34:03+02:00

Claudia Salomon becomes President of ICC Court


1 July 2021 Claudia Salomon has begun her term as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration following formal election in June. Ms Salomon, who takes the reins from former ICC Court President Alexis Mourre, was formally elected on 11 June by ICC’s supreme governing body, the World Council. Ms Salomon is supported in her role by the ICC Court, comprising 195 members from 121 countries and including 17 Vice-Presidents which begins its 2021-2024 mandate under Ms Salomon’s leadership today. The new ICC Court includes 68 new members and 12 new Vice-Presidents also elected during the World Council meeting of

Claudia Salomon becomes President of ICC Court2021-07-21T21:44:26+02:00

9 ways Alexis Mourre advanced the ICC Court


30 June 2021 Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, concludes a six-year term leading the world’s preferred arbitral institute on 30 June. Having been an ICC Court member for 12 years, first as Vice-President and then as President, Mr Mourre has expressed a desire to return fully to private practice. Before wishing him farewell, we’re celebrating just nine ICC Court achievements made under his leadership. Achieving record caseloads Alexis Mourre’s term as President has seen several record-breaking years for ICC caseloads and other statistics. ICC Court statistics for 2020 marked the latest record year in terms of new filings in

9 ways Alexis Mourre advanced the ICC Court2021-07-21T21:40:33+02:00

Extra Session: Arbitration Campaign


29 June - 2 July 2021 This week we are sharing a few more articles and interviews from our experts! The development of arbitration in the Western Balkans countries, the impact of public policy in the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards and an interview with newly elected Albanian member at the ICC Court of Arbitration and an overview on the arbitration policies in Albania. 29 June: The development of arbitration in the Western Balkan countries Ms. Jana Schuhmann, Sector Fund Manager, Open Regional Fund for South-East Europe Legal Reform, GIZ GmbH gives a general overview of the development of

Extra Session: Arbitration Campaign2021-06-30T09:56:22+02:00

ICC, WTO, and ITC launch Digital Champions for Small Business competition


25 June 2021 ICC joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Trade Centre (ITC) today to launch the Digital Champions for Small Business initative. The “Digital Champions for Small Business ” initiative was launched today at a joint event hosted by the WTO Informal Working Group on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The aim of the initiative is to help small businesses go digital and increase their participation in international trade. Proposals on how to help MSMEs address the difficulties they face with digital trade should be

ICC, WTO, and ITC launch Digital Champions for Small Business competition2021-07-21T21:38:28+02:00

ICC submits amicus curiae brief to US Supreme Court


25 June 2021 The ICC International Court of Arbitration has submitted an amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the Supreme Court of the United States regarding a decision it will take that may lead to policy and practical implications on the conduct of international arbitrations worldwide. On 22 March 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear Servotronics, Inc. v. Rolls-Royce PLC, et al., No. 20-794. The case raises the question of whether discovery assistance from US courts – further to 28 U.S.C. §1782(a) (“section 1782”) – is available in private commercial arbitrations. Decisions from US courts

ICC submits amicus curiae brief to US Supreme Court2021-07-21T21:37:06+02:00

Incoterms® 2020 app gets makeover to enable traders worldwide


22 June 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – the guardians and creators of the Incoterms® rules – has revamped its Incoterms® 2020 mobile app, making it more convenient and useful than ever. Download the Incoterms® 2020 app today. The Incoterms® rules, the international language of traders worldwide, are the gold standard when it comes to B2B trade in goods across borders and domestically. They are essential for creating B2B sale contracts and ensuring a smooth flow of goods while minimising risks involved in the transport and delivery process from sellers to buyers. Since first launching in 2019, the Incoterms®

Incoterms® 2020 app gets makeover to enable traders worldwide2021-07-21T21:33:30+02:00

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (7/7)


21 June 2021 The seventh session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. In the info session we are sharing a general overview on what are the international standards set by the New York Convention on which national courts should follow in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.  Check the document here for more details. This week, our guest is Mr. Gerhard Velaj, partner at Boga and Associates. In his interview Mr. Velaj will share his opinion about a topic which is frequently discussed among scholars and practitioners in the field

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (7/7)2021-06-20T22:33:04+02:00

Sharing Best Practices in Circular Economy


18 June 2021 ?Join us in the upcoming events on circular economy: 1️⃣ Circular Economy in the Agri-food Sector | 28 June 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:30 am 2️⃣ Circular Economy in the Textile Sector | 29 June 2021 @ 10:00- 11:30 am 3️⃣ Circular Economy in the Construction Sector | 30 June 2021 @ 10:00-11:30 am 4️⃣ Circular Economy in the Financial Services | 1 July 2021 @10:00-11:30 am ?These panel discussions are being organized as a reflection of the needs defined by Albanian businesses to have a closer picture of good circular economy practices. ?Well-known international companies are joining

Sharing Best Practices in Circular Economy2021-07-22T10:50:22+02:00

Trade defaults rise due to COVID-19 but overall performance not significantly out of line with longer-term range


17 June 2021 ICC – along with partners Boston Consulting Group and Global Credit Data – has published interim findings from its Trade Register on the performance of short-term trade and supply chain finance assets from 2019 and 2020. Preliminary analysis of the data for these assets has identified an increase in defaults across most trade finance products in 2020, which is likely at least in part attributable to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on economic activity – and related shifts in demand and supply. However, whilst 2020 default rates are higher than recent years, they are not significantly out

Trade defaults rise due to COVID-19 but overall performance not significantly out of line with longer-term range2021-07-21T21:29:07+02:00
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