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1611, 2024

Unlocking sustainable finance for SMEs

By |November 16th, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

16 November 2024: Sage and ICC launched the report at the United Nations global climate summit COP29, urging global decision-makers to bridge the gap between SMEs’ growing sustainability ambitions and their ability to act. The report highlights that while 86% of SMEs say that sustainability is important to their business, only 9.1% formally report on their impact, citing complex reporting requirements as a major roadblock (74%). The data revealed a

111, 2024

Red Flags or Other Indicators of Corruption in International Arbitration

By |November 1st, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

1 November 2024: In its latest release, the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR provides a step-by-step approach to identifying and assessing corruption in arbitration proceedings. The publication responds to frequent calls from the arbitration and anti-corruption communities for guidance on addressing corruption in international arbitration. Assessing red flags in three steps The proposed three-step methodology constitutes an innovative approach to address issues of corruption in international arbitration and

1810, 2024

How competition policy acts as a barrier to climate action

By |October 18th, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

18 November 2024: A new ICC report unveils how monopoly power can be used to accelerate climate action and tackle unsustainable practices. The report follows an analysis in 2023 which showed that competition authorities are increasingly offering business guidance on sustainability co-operation agreements. While much has been accomplished since, more remains to be done to transform competition policy from a barrier into an enabler of a sustainable economy. How far

910, 2024

New ICC report: Putting the circular economy into motion

By |October 9th, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

Putting the circular economy into motion: From barriers to opportunities 9 October 2024 ICC published in partnership with EY, the report – “Putting the circular economy into motion: From barriers to opportunities” – highlights the significant obstacles companies encounter when transitioning to circular business models that could otherwise deliver significant environmental, reputational and financial gains. The circular economy is intended to maximise resource efficiency and minimise environmental impact by

2009, 2024

Guidelines for cooperation agreements among competitors

By |September 20th, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

20 September 2023: Responding to a public consultation, ICC evaluated the updated European Commission guidelines for horizontal cooperation agreements (HGL) and block exemption regulations (HBERs), urging the consideration of small business needs and imperative for increased clarity and legal certainty. With a longstanding pivotal role in driving business priorities, ICC gathered business views on one of the most significant European reforms in competition and several types of cooperation agreements

3105, 2024

Survey Report: Arbitration in Albania 2024: Perceptions, Preferences and Expectations

By |May 31st, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest survey report, "Arbitration in Albania: Perceptions, Preferences and Expectations". This pilot study offers unprecedented insights into the Albanian landscape of dispute resolution with a special focus on arbitration. Arbitration plays a crucial role in shaping the legal and business environment, and understanding local perceptions and preferences is essential for informed decision-making. Our report delves into the attitudes and expectations

2204, 2024

Arbitration & ADR Days in Albania | 20-24 May 2024

By |April 22nd, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

ARBITRATION AND ADR DAYS IN ALBANIA (AADA) From 20-24 May 2024, ICC Albania in cooperation with partners is organizing the 2nd edition of the ICC Arbitration and ADR Days in Albania (AADA). AADA is an initiative that aims to create a conducive environment for the promotion and development of arbitration and ADR practices in Albania. By raising awareness, building capacity, fostering collaboration, and promoting access to justice, this initiative

1302, 2024

Foreign Trade Techniques: Training Course

By |February 13th, 2024|Categories: ICC News|

'Foreign Trade Techniques' is intended to be a training course on international trade techniques developed according to the so-called export logistics chain: contracts, taxation, customs, international payments and Incoterms 2020. These courses are adequate for exporters and importers, marketing managers, sales and purchasing managers, logistics, in-house and practitioner lawyers, trade consultants, bankers, business management consultants and anyone with an interest in international trade. The training course aims to transfer

901, 2024

Konferencë: Prezantim i Ligjit për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë

By |January 9th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|

Ministria e Drejtësisë në bashkëpunim me GIZ Albania, Universitetin e Tiranës dhe ICC Albania organizon Konferencën ''Prezantimi i Ligjit të ri të Arbitrazhit në Republikën  e Shqipërisë'' më datë 19 janar 2024 me qëllim promovimin e mundësisë së zgjidhjes së mosmarrëveshjeve përmes arbitrazhit. Gjatë sesioneve të këtij aktiviteti synohet të diskutohet mbi Ligjin 52/2023 ”Për Arbitrazhin në Republikën e Shqipërisë” miratuar nga Kuvendi i Shqipërisë në korrik 2023, i

1512, 2023

Research and whitepaper: FDI Screening Mechanisms in Albania

By |December 15th, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

7 December 2023 & 17 January 2024 ICC Albania in cooperation with CIPE commissioned research focusing on the legal and regulatory framework of Foreign Direct Investments in Albania and trends in the European Union area and globally. Countries have various policy instruments at their disposal to regulate foreign direct investments (FDIs) on their territory, including the full or partial prohibition of foreign investment in certain sectors of the economy.

206, 2023

Countdown to the World Chambers Congress commences | 21-23 June 2023

By |June 2nd, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

Final preparations are underway for the 13th edition of the World Chambers Congress, taking place in Geneva from 21-23 June under the theme ''Achieving peace and prosperity through multilateralism''. Attracting 1,500 participants from over 100 countries, the Congress is the biggest, most diverse economic forum for chamber and business executives to exchange experiences and examine the issues affecting people, their livelihoods and our planet. Marking the three-week countdown to the Congress,

106, 2023

Policy Brief: Circular material flows for research and innovation

By |June 1st, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

This policy brief takes a deep dive into the potential of the circular economy and the role of innovation in waste management with a focus on challenges in shipping waste for research purposes. It includes case studies that demonstrate how current laws and regulations impact company investments in circular innovations. Download the document The goal of a circular economy is to optimise resource efficiency, keeping products and materials in use

2505, 2023

ICC launches Advanced Arbitration Academies

By |May 25th, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

Applications are now being accepted for four new ICC Advanced Arbitration Academies, equipping arbitration practitioners with the knowledge, skills and know-how needed to pursue a career as an arbitrator. Launched in line with the ICC International Court of Arbitration Centenary programme, the ICC Advanced Arbitration Academies will take place over 12 months from 2023 to 2024, covering  Asia, Eastern Europe, Latin America and North America. Two more academies for Africa

1904, 2023

Arbitration & ADR Days in Albania

By |April 19th, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

ARBITRATION AND ADR DAYS IN ALBANIA (AADA) From 25-28 April 2023, ICC Albania in cooperation with partners and supporters is organizing the Arbitration and ADR Days in Albania. AADA is an initiative that aims to bring together experts and interested parties in arbitration and ADR to discuss recent developments in the world, region, and in domestic market and how the work in these areas could be further intensified in

1404, 2023

ICC Principles on Automatic Subscription Renewals

By |April 14th, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

Document - ICC Principles on Automatic Subscription Renewals These first of their kind ICC principles help to interpret the fundamental global standards of the ICC Marketing Code to offer more specific guidance on issues unique to automatic renewals. This paper highlights five best practices businesses should apply when offering automatic subscription renewals, specifically around disclosure, consent, written confirmation, cancellation and notice. Similarly, countries seeking to establish or enhance marketing

604, 2023

Training: Letters of Credit, Standby LCs and Demand Guarantees

By |April 6th, 2023|Categories: ICC News|

ICC Albania is organizing a training session on trade finance instruments 4-5 May 2023. This training session has the ambitious goal of transferring operational skills on letters of credit, stand-by LC and demand guarantees, defining their characteristics and identifying the most peculiar aspects. Ample space will be dedicated to the analysis of the  ICC rules. Finally, numerous practical cases will be analyzed to better understand the operation of the

1412, 2022

Whitepaper: Participation and involvement of the business fora in the EU negotiation process

By |December 14th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

14 December 2022 The substantial involvement of the business fora in decision-making during membership negotiations is recognized as an element that enables a successful process. With the goal of encouraging further transparency and accountability in the public-private consultation process in Albania and specifically in the EU negotiations process, ICC Albania with the support of the Dutch Embassy in Albania has commissioned a study conducted by ACIT Center. This whitepaper

112, 2022

Pilot Study on social and governance practices of 50 companies in Albania released

By |December 1st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

1 December 2022 The pilot study, commissioned by ICC Albania, as part the MATRA Programme in the framework of the Project “Collective Actions to Promote Integrity”, highlights the current practices employed by 50 companies operating in Albania in the social and governance dimensions. The International Chamber of Commerce in Albania (ICC Albania) brings to the Albanian audience the first edition of the Corporate Governance Index 2022 report - A Pathway

1011, 2022

COP27: Business review of carbon pricing regimes shows clear opportunities to boost decarbonisation efforts

By |November 10th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

10 November 2022 A major study of the functioning of five major carbon pricing systems has highlighted significant progress made in adopting market-based systems – while pointing to the need to further drive and optimise the design of such policies to accelerate emissions reductions and boost energy security. The report – launched today by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) at COP27 – draws on industry experience operating under carbon

911, 2022

COP27: New industry framework to measure sustainability of trade transactions

By |November 9th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

9 November 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published a pilot version of the first-ever industry framework to assess the sustainability performance of trade transactions. The “Wave 1” framework is the product of a year-long consultation with banks, corporates and technology providers — in partnership with Boston Consulting Group — based on the roadmap announced by ICC at the Glasgow climate summit. The new ICC framework sets out an agreed

311, 2022

ICC acts to encourage diversity in selection of arbitrators

By |November 3rd, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

3 November 2022 In the latest in a series of measures to improve diversity in arbitration, ICC has introduced standard language in its model letters to parties and co-arbitrators. The inclusion of new language in ICC model letters to parties, co-arbitrators, appointing authorities and ICC national committees is the latest measure taken by ICC to improve diversity in arbitration. The letters now feature language introduced on 1 January 2022 in

211, 2022

Renewed ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR delegations and Steering Committee scores high on diversity

By |November 2nd, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

2 November 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the appointment of eight new Vice-Chairs to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, ICC’s leading think tank in international dispute resolution. At the 20th ICC Miami Conference on International Arbitration held on 29 October 2022, the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR gathered with a renewed membership and announced the new composition of its Steering Committee, following the appointment

2710, 2022

This year’s COP27 matters more than ever, says ICC

By |October 27th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

27 October 2022 Ahead of next month’s 27th United Nations Climate Change conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published an open letter underscoring the importance of a successful COP27 for business. With the future of international climate collaboration at stake, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has sent open letter to Environment Ministers and Heads of Delegations. In the letter, Mr Denton

1910, 2022

Credit risk in trade, supply chain and export finance back to pre-pandemic levels, ICC confirms

By |October 19th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

19 October 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), along with their partners Global Credit Data (GCD) and Boston Consulting Group (BCG), has released its 2022 Trade Register report, confirming that credit risk in trade, supply chain and export finance have fallen back to pre-pandemic levels.  Following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 on trade volumes, 2021 reaffirmed the resilience of global trade with a strong and better

1210, 2022

ICC launches ICC Case Connect: Secure online case management made easy

By |October 12th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

12 October 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has launched ICC Case Connect – a pioneering digital case management platform to connect parties, arbitral tribunals and the ICC Secretariat. From October 2022, users of ICC Arbitration are encouraged to file their requests for arbitration via ICC Case Connect and benefit from a secure, shared space for each new case. ICC Case Connect enables more streamlined communication and file-sharing among

1210, 2022

No room for complacency, says IMB, as global piracy incidents hit lowest levels in decades

By |October 12th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

12 October 2022 The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) is calling for regional and international players to sustain their efforts, particularly in the Gulf of Guinea, as global piracy and armed robbery incidents reach their lowest levels since 1992.  ICC IMB’s latest global piracy report details 90 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships in the first nine months of 2022, the lowest recorded figure in three decades.  Perpetrators

610, 2022

ICC launches call for businesses to pilot new sustainability framework for trade transactions in textiles sector

By |October 6th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

6 October 2022 A month ahead of the start of this year’s United Nations climate summit (“COP27”), the International Chamber of Commerce has launched a call to banks, corporates and technology companies to participate in piloting a ground-breaking framework to grade the sustainability profile of individual trade transactions. Following an extensive global consultation exercise earlier this year on the initial recommendations set out in ICC’s white paper on “Standards for

2607, 2022

Business leaders and policymakers gather for a more sustainable world tax order

By |July 26th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

26 July 2022 The International Tax Conference jointly hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Business@OECD and BusinessEurope last week highlighted how a consistent global tax system is essential for business and will foster cross-border trade and investment. Under the theme “Towards a Sustainable World Tax Order?”, the International Tax Conference, held last week in Munich, Germany (21-22 July), gathered business leaders and policymakers from around the world over two

2207, 2022

Black Sea grain exports deal must enable full agricultural value chain, ICC says

By |July 22nd, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

22 July 2022 ICC has issued a statement following the signature of a deal to allow the resumption of grain exports via the Black Sea. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “The strategic importance of today’s agreement for global food security cannot be overstated. Projections from our network suggest that restoring shipments of Ukrainian grains and vegetable oils via the Black Sea is absolutely imperative to avert a

2007, 2022

ICC forum for young arbitrators changes name to reflect broad dispute resolution scope

By |July 20th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

20 July 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF) has changed its name to the Young Arbitration and ADR Forum (YAAF) to underscore the global network’s wide range of alternative dispute resolution services. Under the auspices of ICC’s market-leading Dispute Resolution Services, ICC YAAF dedicates its work to the promotion of all methods of effective dispute resolution and dispute prevention and avoidance, by introducing new practitioners and students

1907, 2022

ICC brings the voice of business to global discussions on innovation and intellectual property

By |July 19th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

19 July 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) held a side event at the 63rd Meetings of the Assemblies of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva this week, bringing the voice of business to global discussions on innovation and intellectual property. Leaders from companies including Nestlé, Microsoft and Intel, and international organisations including the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) were among

1207, 2022

Global piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades

By |July 12th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

12 July 2022 The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) received the lowest number of reported incidents for the first half of any year since 1994 – a testament to its pivotal role in raising awareness to make waters safer. IMB’s latest global piracy report details 58 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships – the lowest total since 1994 – down from 68 incidents during the same period last

2806, 2022

Small business competition puts MSMEs at the heart of the green transition

By |June 28th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

28 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and the International Trade Centre (ITC) to launch the second edition of the Small Business Champions Initiative. The second edition of the Small Business Champions Initiative was launched at a joint event hosted by ICC, ITC and the WTO Informal Working Group on Micro-, Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs). The aim of the initiative

2106, 2022

New fundraising campaign to support WFP’s food assistance to the people of Ukraine

By |June 21st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

21 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is proud to announce the launch of a campaign on World Food Programme’s (WFP) crowdfunding platform ShareTheMeal to provide food assistance to the people of Ukraine. Following a recent visit to Ukraine by ICC Secretary General, John W.H. Denton AO, and the anniversary of a strategic partnership signed between ICC and WFP, the fundraising appeal aims to support WFP’s response strategy

2106, 2022

US and Italian chambers join ICC Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain

By |June 21st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

21 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is delighted to welcome five chambers from the United States and Italy to the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain. By joining the ICC CO Accreditation Chain, the United States’ Birmingham Business Alliance, Greater Miami Chamber, Charleston Metro Chamber of Commerce and American Export Chamber, and Italy’s Chamber of Commerce of Maremma and Tirreno will benefit from the use of

1706, 2022

ICC welcomes WTO’s responsiveness to business needs

By |June 17th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

17 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) welcomes the “Geneva Package” that world trade ministers agreed to at the World Trade Organization (WTO) today and applauds the leadership of WTO Director-General Dr Ngozi-Okonjo-Iweala for shepherding a significant package of deals. Today’s agreement is a significant boost for international cooperation, global trade and cross-border commerce, with many of the outcomes corresponding with what ICC has been consistently calling for over the past

1506, 2022

Mexican businesswoman Maria Fernanda Garza elected as new ICC Chair

By |June 15th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

15 June 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is delighted to welcome Maria Fernanda Garza as its new Chair. After serving as ICC First Vice-Chair for the past two years, the small business owner from Mexico succeeds Ajay Banga as ICC Chair, making her the first woman to hold this position.  Maria Fernanda Garza has been elected ICC Chair for a period of two years following a meeting of

1406, 2022

ICC unveils new look to reflect contemporary relevance and role

By |June 14th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

14 June 2022 ICC has launched a new brand identity reflecting the global institution’s strategic direction and mission to make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. The rebrand incorporates a modern and elegant logo emphasising ICC’s global reach as the institutional representative of over 45 million companies in over 170 countries. The logo features a bold ICC monograph from longitude lines. A brighter blue, and confident, approachable typographic voice

1406, 2022

ICC outlines global business priorities for MC12

By |June 14th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

14 June 2022 As negotiations continue at the World Trade Organization (WTO) Ministerial Conference (MC12), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a statement on global business priorities outlining seven key recommendations for action. The global business community views the WTO as an essential pillar in the multilateral trading system. As end-users of the system, the global private sector strongly encourages ministers to work towards ambitious outcomes that will

706, 2022

New Centre to make Seville the “entrepreneurship capital” of Southern Europe

By |June 7th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

7 June 2022 ICC has launched a new Centre of Entrepreneurship in Seville, Spain, to support and mobilise the next generation of entrepreneurs in Southern Europe. The Seville hub of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship was officially launched today during an event held at Seville Chamber of Commerce, attended by over 100 Spanish leaders and representatives of regional chambers of commerce. Following the establishment of hubs in Accra, Beirut, Buenos Aires, Casablanca,

206, 2022

ICC celebrates over 50 years of engagement in UN environment discussion

By |June 2nd, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

2 June 2022 Currently underway in the Swedish capital, Stockholm+50 commemorates the 50th anniversary of the United Nations (UN) Conference on the Human Environment, held in 1972 – which made the environment a pressing global issue for the first time. Aiming to drive action towards a healthy planet for the prosperity of all, the meeting brings leaders and representatives from governments, businesses, international organisations, civil society and youth together. Amid

2505, 2022

Endorsement puts Nicolas Uribe on road to become WCF Chair

By |May 25th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

25 May 2022 ICC’s World Chambers Federation has announced the election of Nicolas Uribe, President of the Bogota Chamber of Commerce and Chair of ICC Colombia for formal ratification as WCF Chair by the ICC World Council when it meets in June. Marie-Christine Oghly, Vice-Chair in charge of International Affairs at the Paris Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry, will become WCF Deputy Chair. The announcement was made during a

2505, 2022

Two new digital trade services launched in the origin area

By |May 25th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

25 May 2022 With a new online certifying tool and a revamped Certificate of Origin (CO) verification website, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is expanding and modernising its catalogue of digital trade services offered in the origin area. A new online tool for smoother customs checks ICC World Chambers Federation is proud to announce the launch of its new online certifying tool, Genesis. Set to last until the end of

2005, 2022

Governing body additions set to strengthen ICC Dispute Resolution Services

By |May 20th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

20 May 2022 Updates to the Governing Body of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Dispute Resolution Services, announced today, aim to further strengthen ICC’s strategic leadership on dispute resolution. Mohamed S. Abdel Wahab (Egypt) has been elected Vice-Chair of the ICC Dispute Resolution Services Governing Body. A professor of private international law and English contract law at Cairo University, Mr Abdel Wahab is founding partner and Head of International Arbitration,

1705, 2022

Guest blog: Crackdown on cartels, do fines tell the full story?

By |May 17th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

17 May 2022 The ICC/IBA Pre-International Competition Network Forum, which took place earlier this month,  focused on the digital technology sector, cartels and private information, and merger control. Tasneem Azad, Managing Director, Expert Services at Kroll, and Marzena Meeson, Director, Expert Services at Kroll, explore what the sharp increase in global cartel fines means for the crackdown on cartels. Global cartel fines stood at $4.6 billion (bn) in 2021, up

1605, 2022

New partnership to bolster inclusivity and diversity in the workplace

By |May 16th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

16 May 2022 ICC World Business Pride has joined forces with the Open for Business coalition to advocate for a more inclusive and diverse workplace as a driver of creativity, innovation and economic growth. In line with ICC’s commitment to a fairer, safer and more inclusive world, ICC World Business Pride (WBP) is proud to announce a ground-breaking new partnership with Open for Business, a coalition of leading global companies dedicated to

605, 2022

ICC reaches major arbitration milestone with 27,000th case

By |May 6th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

6 May 2022 The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC Court) has registered its 27,000th case, having announced record arbitration figures for 2021 earlier this year. The registered dispute is between parties from Africa active in the energy sector and will be administered by the ICC Court Secretariat out of Paris. ICC is the most preferred arbitral institution both worldwide, but also in Africa according

405, 2022

Why you should submit your thesis for the ICC Institute Prize

By |May 4th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

4 May 2022 You are writing a doctoral dissertation or long essay of at least 150 pages about international commercial law? Share your work for a chance to win the 2023 ICC Institute Prize… and €10,000. The competition is open to anyone aged 40 years of age or under. All works competing should be a minimum of 150 pages in length, drafted in English or French, unpublished and completed less

2804, 2022

ICC welcomes new principles for the future of Internet and calls for global cooperation

By |April 28th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

28 April 2022 Following the launch of the Declaration for the Future of the Internet at the White House today, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued the following statement welcoming the new principles and calling for effective global multilateral cooperation. “An open, stable and trusted Internet that is global and interoperable is vital for business operations worldwide and a prerequisite to the effective functioning of public services such

2604, 2022

New partnership forged to make the digital economy work for all

By |April 26th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

26 April 2022 The UNCTAD-led eTrade for all initiative marks a new milestone with the enrolment of the International Chamber of Commerce as its principal private-sector counterpart. A new strategic partnership between the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the eTrade for all initiative seeks to strengthen efforts towards more inclusive development outcomes from the digital economy. The partnership was announced on 25 April during the UNCTAD eCommerce Week held in Geneva and online,

1904, 2022

4 ways ICC is mobilising business to save lives and livelihoods in Ukraine

By |April 19th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

19 April 2022 As the institutional representative of more than 45 million companies in over 100 countries, the International Chamber of Commerce has taken a leading role in advocating for business action in response to the war in Ukraine. Since the conflict’s onset, ICC has mobilised its global network and built historic collaborations with strategic partners to protect lives and livelihoods, support humanitarian efforts and promote business continuity and economic

804, 2022

ICC welcomes new Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation

By |April 8th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

8 April 2022 ICC has welcomed the launch of a new Centre for Digital Trade and Innovation by ICC United Kingdom, in response to the government’s ambition for the UK to have an open trading system with the rest of the world. In 2020, ICC launched the Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) in partnership with the Asian Development Bank and the Government of Singapore, to establish a globally harmonised, digitalised trade environment, in

704, 2022

New Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility launches

By |April 7th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

7 April 2022 ICC has joined forces with the Canadian and Australian governments, the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Fragomen, Talent Beyond Boundaries, and RefugePoint to launch the Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility with the aim of encouraging and supporting the adoption of labour complementary pathways for refugees. The Global Task Force on Refugee Labour Mobility is a new, multi-sectoral and multistakeholder initiative to

104, 2022

ICC responds to WTO slashed outlook for global trade

By |April 1st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

1 April 2022 Following reports that the World Trade Organization is to cut the outlook for trade growth in 2022 by half, ICC has issued the following statement. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “The WTO’s anticipated projections are very much in line with the systemic disruption to trade that we’re seeing throughout our global business network. At a micro-level this means yet more production outages, fewer jobs

3003, 2022

ICC and FAO join forces to eradicate world hunger

By |March 30th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

30 March 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to strengthen their partnership and boost public-private collaboration. Signed by ICC Secretary-General John W.H. Denton AO and FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, the MoU aims to promote responsible investments in line with countries’ priorities, enhance communications and public-private collaboration, and facilitate knowledge-sharing. It will

2103, 2022

New recommendation calls for inclusion of multi systems for proof of origin in FTAs

By |March 21st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

21 March 2022 A new paper from the ICC World Chambers Federation Certificate of Origin Council calls on all economies negotiating Preferential Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) to ensure that the Rules of Origin Chapter provisions include an equivalent multi system. The measure would allow traders to choose between third party certified origin and self-declared origin statement methods when satisfying their preferential origin data. The ICC WCF CO Council Recommendation –

1803, 2022

ICC and OECD strengthen cooperation

By |March 18th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

18 March 2022 ICC and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to strengthen cooperation in areas of mutual interest in order to promote sustainable economic growth, revive global trade and advance the transition to a green economy. The two organisations already have a long history of cooperation across a variety of policy areas and initiatives, ranging from ICC’s input to the

1503, 2022

ICC and WTO launch first-ever standards toolkit for paperless trade

By |March 15th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

15 March 2022 The International Chamber of Commerce and the World Trade Organization have today published the first-ever toolkit to help companies and government agencies adopt available standards to accelerate the digitalisation of trade processes. Drawing on stakeholder consultations through ICC’s Digital Standards Initiative over the past year, the report emphasises that one of the primary barriers to the adoption of paperless processes is a lack of awareness of existing

2502, 2022

ICC Whistleblowing Guidelines to scale up business integrity

By |February 25th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

25 February 2022 ICC has unveiled the newest contribution to its tools to help business stamp out corruption: the 2022 edition of the ICC Whistleblowing Guidelines. Providing practical guidance to help enterprises establish and implement a Whistleblowing Management System, the guidelines are an update of the ICC Guidelines on Whistleblowing published in 2008, incorporating current experience and practice of ICC member enterprises across a wide range of sectors and jurisdictions

2402, 2022

ICC CoE and WIPO IP for Business join forces to empower innovation in entrepreneurship

By |February 24th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

24 February 2022 The ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship (CoE) and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) have announced a partnership to help entrepreneurs navigate intellectual property (IP) regulation and better manage their intangible assets. The partnership includes work to promote an IP self-assessment tool and to host workshops and seminars to train entrepreneurs on how to manage their creative assets, the results of their research and development, and their brands

2402, 2022

ICC statement on Russia–Ukraine conflict

By |February 24th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

24 February 2022 Following the Russian incursion into Ukraine on 24 February, ICC has issued the following statement on behalf of the global business community. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “As an organisation founded to promote peace and prosperity by advancing international trade and the rule of law, we condemn Russia’s breach of international law in the strongest possible terms. We call on Russia to immediately cease

1802, 2022

ICC launches new report reflecting how tech is changing the face of arbitration

By |February 18th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

18 February 2022 ICC has launched a new report to aid tribunals, arbitrators, counsel, and parties in leveraging technology for fair, effective, and efficient international arbitration proceedings. As a response to COVID-19, today’s business landscape is being reshaped by technological acceleration, making it essential that the arbitration community assess how they can best utilize digital tools and solutions to meet today’s challenges and future demands on dispute resolution. Seeing this

1502, 2022

Future International Trade Alliance launched

By |February 15th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

15 February 2022 ICC, DCSA, BIMCO, FIATA and SWIFT have launched the Future International Trade Alliance and signed a memorandum of understanding to standardise digitalisation of international trade. Together, the industry associations will collaborate on the development and adoption of relevant standards to facilitate the use of electronic bills of lading. Established to further digitalisation of container shipping technology standards, Digital Container Shipping Association (DCSA) – a neutral, non-profit group

3101, 2022

ICC amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the US Supreme Court

By |January 31st, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

31 January 2022 ICC has submitted an amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the United States Supreme Court regarding a decision it will take that may lead to policy and practical implications on the conduct of international arbitrations worldwide. The brief is jointly submitted by ICC and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB), which operates ICC’s national committee in the United States (ICC USA). On 10 December

2801, 2022

How certificates of origin stimulate global trade

By |January 28th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

28 January 2022 This week, we’re taking a look at how certificates of origin are used to support the movement of goods across borders with a success story in the Asia-Pacific. As the global trade environment becomes more complicated and new rules and regulations emerge, the role of customs is becoming critical. By verifying compliance with origin-related requirements, customs authorities can protect against the diversion or transhipments of shipments that may pose

2601, 2022

ICC unveils preliminary dispute resolution figures for 2021

By |January 26th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

26 January 2022 Preliminary 2021 statistics released today by ICC Dispute Resolution Services reveal a great demand for ICC Arbitration and ADR as well as a steep rise of amounts in dispute in new cases. In 2021, the Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration registered 853 new cases in total, comprising 840 cases filed under the ICC Arbitration Rules and 13 under the Rules of ICC as Appointing Authority. The number

1101, 2022

Business applauds G7 Digital Trade Principles on free flow of data with trust

By |January 11th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

11 January 2022 In this guest post, Carolyn Nguyen, Jakob Greiner and Makoto Yokozawa underscore how establishing trust and minimising disruptions in data flows are fundamental to reaping the benefits of digitalisation. “To harness the opportunities of the digital economy and support the trade of goods and services, data should be able to flow freely across borders with trust, including the trust of individuals and businesses,” opens the Data free flow

601, 2022

Business calls for immediate and definite action on cybersecurity

By |January 6th, 2022|Categories: ICC News|

6 January 2022 In this guest blog, Rene Summer, Lead of the ICC Global Digital Economy Commission Working Group on Cybersecurity underscores the private sector call on governments to make cybersecurity everyone’s business saying there is no time to wait. On 17 December, the United Nations Open-Ended Working Group on security of and in the use of Information anc communication technologies (ICTs) wrapped up the first substantive meeting of its

2012, 2021

ICC Dispute Resolution in 2021: Our year in review

By |December 20th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

20 December 2021 We’re wrapping up another ground-breaking year in dispute resolution with a look back at our key achievements – from being named the world’s preferred arbitral institution to taking new diversity and inclusion initiatives. 1. Receiving record Arbitration and ADR case filings  In January, ICC announced record case filings for its arbitration and ADR services, recording a total of 946 new arbitration cases in 2020. Revised ICC Rules

1512, 2021

ICC forms Legal Reform Advisory Board to support digital standards initiative

By |December 15th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

15 December 2021 ICC has today announced the formation of a new Legal Reform Advisory Board (LRAB) to support the legal harmonisation efforts of the ICC Digital Standards Initiative. As part of our drive to promote inclusion and create opportunity for all parties involved in the international supply chain, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched the Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) in 2020 in partnership with the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and

1412, 2021

Trade rules slowing transition to circular economy, says ICC report

By |December 14th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

14 December 2021 A major independent report published today by ICC spotlights the need for a significant overhaul of global trade rules if governments are to meet their stated aim of accelerating the adoption of circular business models. A major independent report published today by ICC spotlights the need for a significant overhaul of global trade rules if governments are to meet their stated aim of accelerating the adoption of

612, 2021

ICC issues new guidance on environmental claims in marketing and advertising

By |December 6th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

6 December 2021 ICC has published updated guidance for responsible environmental marketing communications to help marketers and advertisers make truthful and useful environmental claims. As consumers become more interested in the environmental footprint of the products they buy, the updated ICC Framework for Responsible Environmental Marketing Communications (the “ICC Framework”) helps marketers evaluate environmental communications to maintain consumer confidence in these claims. The ICC Framework helps marketers craft environmental messages

2511, 2021

World Chambers Competition names 2021 chamber champions

By |November 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 November 2021 ICC crowned four chamber champions as winners of the 2021 World Chambers Competition, the only awards ceremony of its kind to recognise innovative projects undertaken by chambers from around the world. Held in conjunction with the 12th World Chambers Congress, the World Chambers Competition has served as a platform to inspire the creation of pioneering and beneficial chamber solutions for business communities worldwide since its inception in

2311, 2021

Global business unites in call to keep the Internet free of tariffs

By |November 23rd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

23 November 2021 ICC has today joined a global coalition of industry associations in urging members of the World Trade Organization to keep the Internet free of tariffs ahead of the 12th WTO Ministerial Conference (MC12). Supported by 73 industry associations active across six continents, the Global Industry Statement on the WTO Moratorium on Customs Duties on Electronic Transmissions urges WTO Members to renew the Moratorium until the 13th Ministerial Conference. The statement

1811, 2021

New roadmap published to reconceive global trade finance for a more sustainable and inclusive global economy

By |November 18th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

18 November 2021 ICC, in collaboration with Fung Business Intelligence and supported by McKinsey & Company, has today launched a report outlining a new vision for the global trade finance ecosystem. The report is based on a year-long effort by the ICC Advisory Group on Trade Finance to raise awareness and address the challenges facing micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSME), particularly in the emerging markets, in accessing the trade

1711, 2021

Making business work in 2021

By |November 17th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

17 December 2021 We’re concluding our year with a round-up of key achievements on behalf of 45 million businesses in over 100 countries. From helping businesses weather the COVID-19 crisis to preparing a resilient rebuild, we’ve had a busy year making business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. From leveraging our real economy expertise to drive an effective response to enabling greater inclusion in the global trading system, here are 6 ways we’ve worked to enable peace, prosperity and opportunity for

1411, 2021

ICC welcomes progress on e-commerce at the WTO

By |November 14th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

14 December 2021 ICC has welcomed a statement made today by the Trade Ministers of Australia, Japan and Singapore announcing significant progress in the ongoing e-commerce negotiations within the World Trade Organization. The statement notes that ‘good convergence’ has been achieved on eight issues — specifically: online consumer protection; electronic signatures and authentication; unsolicited commercial electronic messages; open government data; electronic contracts; transparency; paperless trading; and open internet access. The

1011, 2021

ICC opens consultation on draft global standards for Sustainable Trade and Trade Finance

By |November 10th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

10 November 2021 ICC has published a major report setting out proposals to tackle the longstanding challenge of defining and setting common standards for sustainable trade and associated financing. The paper – developed in partnership with the Boston Consulting Group through a global consultation exercise involving over 200 banks and corporates – outlines the first-ever standardised framework and assessment methodology to qualify the sustainability profile of trade transactions. Unlike other

911, 2021

Guest blog: Gender diversity in arbitral tribunals – The challenges ahead

By |November 9th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

9 December 2021 Diversity is a complex and intersectional issue, and while incremental progress has been made, much remains to be done. With next week’s ICC Miami Conference on International Arbitration just around the corner, Christian Albanesi, Mateo Noseda Zorrilla de San Martín, Charlene Warner and Somin Lee of Linklaters take the opportunity to reflect upon the progress achieved so far and the challenges still to come. The Equal Representation

3110, 2021

ICC BASIS calls on global leaders at IGF 2021: Keep the Internet whole!

By |October 31st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

31 October 2021 ICC is set to represent the experiences and perspectives of its global network for the 16th year running, at the 2021 Internet Governance Forum, taking place online and in Katowice, Poland, on 6-10 December. As the premier United Nations forum for the discussion of issues related to governance of the Internet, the IGF remains the most important international forum for the private sector to engage with other

2409, 2021

SME360X – The new tool to measure your ESG performance

By |September 24th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

Why Measure Impact on Nature? Every small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) has an impact – both positive and negative – on nature and the environment. Measuring that impact enables SMEs to: Gain a competitive advantage Manage business risk Grow their business brand Enhance access to capital and affordable insurance Improve efficiency and reduce costs This is where SME360X can help. What is SME360X? SME360X is a SaaS (Software as a Service)

2209, 2021

Boosting export finance for climate action

By |September 22nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

22 September 2021 ICC white paper identifies roadmap to boost the sustainability profile of US$700 billion export finance market. ICC has today released a white paper on the state of sustainability in the export finance industry at a major event during United Nations General Assembly week. Published with the support of the Rockefeller Foundation and following extensive consultation with the global export finance community, the white paper is the first

1509, 2021

Bilgen Aldan, CEO of ALBtelecom becomes Chairwoman of ICC Albania

By |September 15th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

15 September 2021 ICC Albania General Assembly elects Bilgen Aldan, CEO of ALBtelecom as Chairwoman  Bilgen Aldan, CEO of ALBtelecom Albania becomes Chairwoman of ICC Albania ?Bilgen Aldan was officially elected yesterday as the new Chair of ICC Albania during the General Assembly meeting. Ms. Aldan marks a milestone for ICC Albania by becoming the first woman to Chair the organization. Ms. Aldan will begin her three-year term as Chairwoman on the

1409, 2021

Piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in decades, but IMB cautions against complacency

By |September 14th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

14 October 2021 The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) has reported the lowest number of reported piracy and armed robbery incidents for the first nine months of any year since 1994. IMB’s latest global piracy report recorded 97 incidents of piracy and armed robbery for the first nine months of 2021 – the lowest level of reported incidents since 1994. In 2021, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) reported 85 vessels

909, 2021

ICC announces major virtual forum for business at COP 26

By |September 9th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

7 September 2021 ICC has announced plans to convene a major virtual conference on the margins of COP26. The ICC Make Climate Action Everyone’s Business Forum – which will be held from 1-13 November 2021 – will bring together a diverse network of over 10,000 participants from the public and private sectors to align their climate ambitions and actions for the next decade. Accenture and Deutsche Bank join ICC in this endeavour as

209, 2021

2021 World Chambers Competition finalists announced

By |September 2nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

2 September 2021 ICC and its World Chambers Federation (WCF) have announced finalists of the 2021 World Chambers Competition. The 16 shortlisted chambers will present their pioneering initiatives during the 12th World Chambers Congress, which is set to take place in Dubai from 23-25 November. The World Chambers Competition is the only global awards programme to identify and reward the most innovative, entrepreneurial solutions of chambers to today’s most pressing global challenges.

2008, 2021

ICC announces formation of new Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to support the Digital Standards Initiative

By |August 20th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

20 August 2021 ICC has today announced the formation of a new Industry Advisory Board (IAB) to support the growing mandate of the ICC Digital Standards Initiative (DSI). Gerard Hartsink has been appointed Chair of the Board. As part of our drive to promote inclusion and create opportunity for all parties involved in the international supply chain, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched the Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) in

1208, 2021

Client mindset takes centre stage under new ICC Court President Claudia Salomon

By |August 12th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

12 August 2021 Claudia Salomon made history on 1 July 2021 becoming the first female President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, the world’s foremost international arbitral institution. Ms Salomon spoke to Barry Fletcher, Head of Arbitration at LexisNexis® UK, about her first weeks in the role, her commitment to diversity and inclusion, and how she intends to build on the successes of her predecessor to ensure a client-focused

908, 2021

Code red warning from IPCC must translate into policy action, warns global business

By |August 9th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

9 August 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued the following statement following the publication of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s latest report on climate science. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton said: “Today’s ‘code red’ warning from the IPCC won’t come as any surprise to businesses affected by the extreme weather events of recent months. A crucial decade clearly lies ahead if we are to avert

508, 2021

ICC announces new YAF regional representatives for 2021

By |August 5th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

5 August 2021 The ICC Young Arbitrators Forum has named 89 new regional representatives for its 2021-2023 mandate, including appointments in 16 previously unrepresented countries and a newly established chapter for Africa. The Young Arbitrators Forum (YAF), the world’s largest network of its kind, is the International Chamber of Commerce’s young practitioners’ community dedicated to dispute resolution. Representatives are elected for a two-year mandate and responsible for the promotion of ICC’s

308, 2021

2020 ICC Dispute Resolution Statistics published

By |August 3rd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

3 August 2021 ICC has published full dispute resolution statistics for 2020, following preliminary figures published earlier this year which revealed the highest number of registered cases with both the ICC International Court of Arbitration and the ICC International Centre for ADR. The 2020 ICC Dispute Resolution Statistics report includes a comprehensive overview of ICC Arbitration statistics including breakdowns by region, the constitution of the arbitral tribunals, figures for state

3007, 2021

ICC Trading Thoughts with Damien Bruckard

By |July 30th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

30 July 2021 ICC sits down with Damien Bruckard, Deputy Director of ICC Trade and Investment, to discuss the organization's response to economic developments created by the COVID-19 pandemic. Few global supply chains have been spared from the wrath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Public lockdowns, export restrictions, and protectionist measures have pushed the global economy to the brink. Damien Bruckard, Deputy Director of ICC Trade and Investment, discusses ICC’s response to

2707, 2021

New Steering Committee appointed to lead ICC Banking Commission

By |July 27th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

27 July 2021 ICC has today announced a number of new appointments to lead the work of its Banking Commission – the leading standard-setting body for international trade finance transactions. Lynn Ng of ING becomes new Commission Chair. As part of a number of changes implemented by ICC to strengthen the institutions’ work in this domain, the new leadership of the Commission will consist of a single Steering Committee comprising

1507, 2021

ICC is preparing the next generation of innovators to thrive

By |July 15th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

15 July 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is providing young people with the required tools and resources to succeed in the global economy of the future. Over the past year, the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the lives of young people everywhere. From school closures to fewer employment opportunities – young people have directly suffered from many of the worst consequences of the pandemic. In the face of these

1307, 2021

ICC calls on trade ministers to reach fisheries deal at WTO

By |July 13th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

13 July 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published an open letter to trade ministers ahead of the upcoming World Trade Organization (WTO) negotiations on fisheries subsidies. The letter – authored by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton – calls upon trade ministers to finalise a fisheries agreement ahead of Thursday’s meeting at the WTO. In the letter, Mr Denton writes, “The global business community considers a rapid conclusion

1307, 2021

ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship continues global expansion, adds Executive Coordinator

By |July 13th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

13 July 2021 In recent months, the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship has expanded its operations by hiring an executive coordinator and releasing a community workshop report. Over the past year, ICC has launched the first two hubs of the ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship to provide specialised training, mentoring, and support services to help entrepreneurs establish, fund, manage, and expand their start-ups. The first regional ICC Centre of Entrepreneurship was launched in Istanbul

1207, 2021

Piracy and armed robbery incidents at lowest level in 27 years, but risks remain to seafarers, IMB cautions

By |July 12th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

12 July 2021 The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) received the lowest number of reported incidents for the first half of any year since 1994. IMB’s latest global piracy report details 68 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships – the lowest total since 1994 – down from 98 incidents during the same period last year. In the first six months of 2021, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre (PRC) reported

1007, 2021

ICC welcomes G20’s endorsement of global tax framework

By |July 10th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

10 July 2021 ICC has welcomed the decision taken by G20 Finance Minister’s to endorse the preliminary agreement by the OECD Inclusive Framework to modernize the global taxation system — but cautions that coordinated implementation of the agreement will be vital to avoid placing unnecessary burdens on cross-border trade and investment.  ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “The fundamental architecture and parameters of the agreement reached through the OECD

707, 2021

Global action plan to enable a post-pandemic recovery “urgently needed”, warns ICC

By |July 7th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

7 July 2021 ICC has issued a warning that the world’s richest economies risk imposing major costs to the global economy absent of a step-change in their approach to managing the Covid-19 pandemic. In a statement issued ahead of this week’s meeting of G20 Finance Ministers, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “The finance ministers of the world’s richest economies are taking a huge gamble with their domestic

707, 2021

ICC Court issues call for disability task force candidates

By |July 7th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

7 July 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce has launched a global call for interested candidates to participate in a newly created Task Force on Disability Inclusion and International Arbitration, formed under the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. The call for expressions of interest to ICC’s wider network is the first measure undertaken by Claudia Salomon, just one week into her term as President of the ICC International Court

207, 2021

ICC wins Best Development in International Arbitration Award

By |July 2nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

2 July 2021 Claudia Salomon’s election as the first woman President of the ICC Court has won an award for the best development in international arbitration. The Global Arbitration Review award was presented last night during a virtual Awards ceremony, which brought together practitioners from around the world. In a recorded acceptance speech, Ms Salomon said she was truly honoured to have been selected as the new President of the

107, 2021

Claudia Salomon becomes President of ICC Court

By |July 1st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

1 July 2021 Claudia Salomon has begun her term as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration following formal election in June. Ms Salomon, who takes the reins from former ICC Court President Alexis Mourre, was formally elected on 11 June by ICC’s supreme governing body, the World Council. Ms Salomon is supported in her role by the ICC Court, comprising 195 members from 121 countries and including 17

3006, 2021

9 ways Alexis Mourre advanced the ICC Court

By |June 30th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

30 June 2021 Alexis Mourre, President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration, concludes a six-year term leading the world’s preferred arbitral institute on 30 June. Having been an ICC Court member for 12 years, first as Vice-President and then as President, Mr Mourre has expressed a desire to return fully to private practice. Before wishing him farewell, we’re celebrating just nine ICC Court achievements made under his leadership. Achieving record

2906, 2021

Extra Session: Arbitration Campaign

By |June 29th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

29 June - 2 July 2021 This week we are sharing a few more articles and interviews from our experts! The development of arbitration in the Western Balkans countries, the impact of public policy in the recognition and enforcement of the arbitral awards and an interview with newly elected Albanian member at the ICC Court of Arbitration and an overview on the arbitration policies in Albania. 29 June: The development

2506, 2021

ICC, WTO, and ITC launch Digital Champions for Small Business competition

By |June 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 June 2021 ICC joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Trade Centre (ITC) today to launch the Digital Champions for Small Business initative. The “Digital Champions for Small Business ” initiative was launched today at a joint event hosted by the WTO Informal Working Group on Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (MSMEs), the International Trade Centre (ITC) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). The aim of the

2506, 2021

ICC submits amicus curiae brief to US Supreme Court

By |June 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 June 2021 The ICC International Court of Arbitration has submitted an amicus curiae brief to provide guidance to the Supreme Court of the United States regarding a decision it will take that may lead to policy and practical implications on the conduct of international arbitrations worldwide. On 22 March 2021, the Supreme Court of the United States agreed to hear Servotronics, Inc. v. Rolls-Royce PLC, et al., No. 20-794.

2206, 2021

Incoterms® 2020 app gets makeover to enable traders worldwide

By |June 22nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

22 June 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) – the guardians and creators of the Incoterms® rules – has revamped its Incoterms® 2020 mobile app, making it more convenient and useful than ever. Download the Incoterms® 2020 app today. The Incoterms® rules, the international language of traders worldwide, are the gold standard when it comes to B2B trade in goods across borders and domestically. They are essential for creating

2106, 2021

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (7/7)

By |June 21st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

21 June 2021 The seventh session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. In the info session we are sharing a general overview on what are the international standards set by the New York Convention on which national courts should follow in the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards.  Check the document here for more details. This week, our guest is

1806, 2021

Sharing Best Practices in Circular Economy

By |June 18th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

18 June 2021 ?Join us in the upcoming events on circular economy: 1️⃣ Circular Economy in the Agri-food Sector | 28 June 2021 @ 10:00 - 11:30 am 2️⃣ Circular Economy in the Textile Sector | 29 June 2021 @ 10:00- 11:30 am 3️⃣ Circular Economy in the Construction Sector | 30 June 2021 @ 10:00-11:30 am 4️⃣ Circular Economy in the Financial Services | 1 July 2021 @10:00-11:30 am

1706, 2021

Trade defaults rise due to COVID-19 but overall performance not significantly out of line with longer-term range

By |June 17th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

17 June 2021 ICC – along with partners Boston Consulting Group and Global Credit Data – has published interim findings from its Trade Register on the performance of short-term trade and supply chain finance assets from 2019 and 2020. Preliminary analysis of the data for these assets has identified an increase in defaults across most trade finance products in 2020, which is likely at least in part attributable to the

1506, 2021

What is the importance of the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights?

By |June 15th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

15 June 2021 Ahead of the 2019 United Nations (UN) Business and Human Rights Forum, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is reaffirming its longstanding commitment to the the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). At this year’s UN Business and Human Rights Forum in Geneva on 25-27 November, ICC will join participants from government, business and civil society to establish a constructive approach for advancing human rights.

1406, 2021

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (6/7)

By |June 14th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

14 June 2021 The sixth session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the costs in international arbitration. During this session it is provided a general overview on what constitutes the cost of arbitration and the effective management of an arbitration.  Arbitrators’ fees and case administration account for a much smaller proportion of the overall costs in an ICC Arbitration.  Significant work has already been done by the

1106, 2021

Weak G7 commitments on vaccines pose major downside risk to world economy

By |June 11th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|

11 June 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a warning that G7 leaders risk imposing major costs to the global economy absent of a step-change in their approach to managing the Covid-19 pandemic. Reports ahead of the Carbis Bay summit have indicated that the UK and the United States will pledge in the region of 600 million doses of proven vaccines to emerging economies over the next

706, 2021

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (5/7)

By |June 7th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

7 June 2021: BLOG Arbitral Tribunals This fifth session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the appointment of the arbitral tribunal. We are providing a general overview on the appointment of the arbitral tribunal by taking into consideration the provisions of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Rules of Arbitration 2021, in force since 1 January 2021.  On 19 May 2016, ICC signed an Equal Representation in

606, 2021

ICC responds to G7 deal on taxation

By |June 6th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

6 June 2021 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has issued a statement in reaction to a G7 deal on taxation. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “Effective international tax reform is a matter of considerable importance to global business. This must serve the dual need of restoring public finances and reinvigorating local economies in the wake of COVID-19. International coherence will play a pivotal role in

406, 2021

ICC World Trade Organization Director-General, Okonjo-Iweala briefs ICC global network

By |June 4th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

4 June 2021 World Trade Organization Director-General, Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala briefed members of the ICC global network today, marking her first major address to global business since taking up the role on 1 March. In an exclusive global briefing to over 1,000 participants from over 100 countries, Director General Okonjo-Iweala set out her vision for the future of the global trade body – expressing a desire for it to do more to engage with

306, 2021

Business leaders and civil society urge UN to take meaningful action to combat corruption

By |June 3rd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

3 May 2021 ICC and Integrity Initiatives International press for stronger enforcement of anti-corruption laws. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Integrity Initiatives International (III), along with 96 civil society organizations from over 50 countries, have called on the UN General Assembly to establish an intergovernmental working group to develop proposals for new frameworks and mechanisms to address weaknesses in current international anti-corruption legal frameworks. Corruption is one of the underlying

3105, 2021

Monday Arbitration Day Campaign (4/7)

By |May 31st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

31 May 2021: BLOG Arbitration Proceedings The fourth session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign focuses on the arbitration proceedings. The Covid-19 pandemic has affected the arbitration proceedings by increasing the use of technology during the hearings. In the 2021 survey conducted by Queen Mary University, London in collaboration with White & Case, it has been concluded that the parties actually would prefer to continue with virtual hearings instead of

2605, 2021

ICC Trade Now to connect SMEs to innovative trade finance solutions

By |May 26th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

26 May 2021 ICC has launched ICC Trade Now, a suite of digital products and services to tackle the global trade finance gap in all its breadth and complexity. Through tailored partnerships with cutting edge solution providers, ICC Trade Now will scale up trade finance solutions, empower small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), and provide financiers with new investment opportunities. International trade is a key driver of growth and innovation for SMEs worldwide

2405, 2021

“Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (3/7)

By |May 24th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

24 May 2021: BLOG ICC Court of Arbitration & New ICC Rules of Arbitration 2021 The third session of the ”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign will focus on the arbitration rules that govern arbitration proceedings. The parties in arbitration have the autonomy to choose the arbitration rules that are tailored for their dispute. In this info session will be referred to the main features of the ICC Rules and the last

1905, 2021

Russian Ministry of Justice grants ICC Permanent Arbitration Institution status

By |May 19th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

19 May 2021: The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce has announced that it has been granted the status of Permanent Arbitration Institution by the Council for the Development of the Arbitration Process of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. As a Permanent Arbitral Institution, the ICC International Court of Arbitration will administer Russian-seated international arbitrations, enabling parties to seek enforcement of ICC arbitral

1805, 2021

ICC celebrates 5 years of progress since arbitration gender pledge

By |May 18th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

19 May 2021 On 19 May 2016, ICC signed an Equal Representation in Arbitration Pledge, calling for enhanced diversity in international arbitration. Celebrating the anniversary of the signing five years on, ICC’s efforts to improve the representation of women in arbitration goes from strength to strength. Here are three ways we’ve been turning our pledge into action. Achieving gender parity of the ICC Court In 2018, ICC marked a milestone

1805, 2021

ICC publishes new set of tools to bring clarity to business amid the COVID-19 pandemic

By |May 18th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

18 May 2021 ICC has published a series of new tools to enable small businesses, transporters, and banks to support an inclusive and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, small businesses, transporters and banks have been forced to grapple with uncertain economic conditions, costly trade barriers and new workplace restrictions. As business leaders and policymakers prepare for the recovery, ICC has released a new

1705, 2021

”Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (2/7)

By |May 17th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

17 May 2021: BLOG Institutional vs ad hoc arbitration The second session of the ''Monday Arbitration Day'' Campaign will focus on features of ad hoc and institutional arbitration. For this later, ICC Arbitration will be the reference arbitral institution. This week, our guest is Dr. Ledina Mandija, Lector of the Faculty of Law at the University of Tirana and Attorney at Law. Dr. Mandija in a short article will explain

1005, 2021

“Monday Arbitration Day” Campaign (1/7)

By |May 10th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

10 May 2021: BLOG  "Monday Arbitration Day" Campaign & Why to chose arbitration? ICC Albania kicks off the ''Monday Arbitration Day'' Campaign. The main purpose of this campaign is to raise awareness and promote arbitration in Albania as an alternative dispute resolution mechanism to resolve commercial and investment disputes.  This campaign will take place for seven consecutive Mondays, from May, 10th  2021 until June, 21st, 2021. Albanian practioners in Albania

705, 2021

ICC mobilises business worldwide to convey shared views on trusted government access to private-sector held personal data

By |May 7th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

7 May 2021 ICC and Business at the OECD (BIAC) have issued a joint statement to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development on high-level principles for trusted government access to personal data. ICC and BIAC have joined forces to deliver a statement – supported by over 20 business associations globally – to the OECD as it embarks on developing high-level principles and guidance on government access to private-sector held

605, 2021

ICC world’s most preferred arbitral institute, global survey finds

By |May 6th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

6 May 2021: ICC’s reputation as the world’s most preferred arbitral institute has been upheld in a major survey of arbitration professionals and users worldwide. The 2020 Survey by Queen Mary University, London in partnership with law firm White & Case, reveals that of all nominations received, ICC stands out once more as the most preferred institution among arbitration providers, including market leaders featured in the rankings who have led

2804, 2021

ICC joins global commitment calling for a people-centered approach to achieve meaningful connectivity

By |April 28th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

28 April 2021 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has signed a joint statement on how to achieve meaningful connectivity for all at the 2021 High-Level Digital Debate of the United Nations (UN) General Assembly on Connectivity and Digital Cooperation. The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that meaningful digital access is indispensable to global resilience and prosperity. Since the onset of the crisis, digital technologies have helped sustain business operations

1604, 2021

ICC confirms diverse Centre for ADR Standing Committee to bolster expertise and dispute boards

By |April 16th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

16 April 2021 ICC has announced new additions to the Standing Committee of its International Centre for ADR (Centre), including a new president and vice-presidents. The Standing Committee supports the ICC International Centre for ADR in administering ADR cases filed under ICC Expert Rules and ICC Dispute Board Rules. This includes aiding in the selection of experts and dispute board members and deciding challenges filed against them; scrutinising expert reports and reviewing decisions of Dispute

104, 2021

ICC and Jus Mundi launch partnership to publish ICC arbitral awards

By |April 1st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

1 April 2021 ICC and Jus Mundi have joined forces to make publishable, ICC arbitral awards freely available to the global legal community. Throughout its 100-year history, ICC has brought global business together to support an international rules-based order, including the promotion of global trade and commerce through initiatives and services including those of the ICC International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court). The partnership will see Jus Mundi, the world’s most

3103, 2021

ICC shines light on proliferation and fragmentation of private antitrust enforcement regimes

By |March 31st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

31 March 2021 New publication shines a light on the proliferation – and worrying fragmentation – of private antitrust enforcement regimes A new ICC publication shines a spotlight on the increasingly fragmented nature of national regimes designed to allow citizens and companies to claim compensation if they are the victims of alleged antitrust abuses. Once a phenomenon limited to the United States, the past decade has seen a proliferation in

3003, 2021

ICC and TradeFlow Capital Management join forces to enable commodity trade for SMEs

By |March 30th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

30 March 2021 ICC and TradeFlow Capital Management will introduce a partnership to mobilize capital and improve trade finance access for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO announced an ambitious partnership with TradeFlow Capital Management during the World Trade Organization’s 2021 Global Trade & Blockchain Forum, as part of ICC’s growing effort to enable SME access to short-term liquidity to survive the ongoing economic

2903, 2021

Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19 and Beyond

By |March 29th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

29 March 2021 Speeches: High-Level Meeting with Heads of State and Government on the International Debt Architecture and Liquidity ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO – Thank you, your Excellency Mr Secretary-General and the Honorable Prime Ministers of Canada and Jamaica, for the opportunity to address this session. – Your Excellencies, distinguished colleagues, ladies and gentlemen: – In our first High Level Meeting – in May of last year

2503, 2021

Making Ethics Work: 6 Ways ICC enables responsible business action

By |March 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 March 2021 From setting the gold standard for international advertising self-regulation since 1937 to enabling businesses to integrate ethics and compliance considerations into their operations, ICC plays a leading role in enabling high standards of corporate governance based on ethical business practices. To mark the launch of a new study on ethical and responsible business – compiled by Principia Advisory in partnership with ICC, Clifford Chance, INvolve, GlobeScan and the Institute

2303, 2021

ICC and Mind the Bridge launch the 2021 Corporate Startup Stars Awards

By |March 23rd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

23 March 2021 ICC and Mind the Bridge announced the official launch of the 2021 Corporate Startup Stars competition as part of the MENA Digital Scaleup Summit in Dubai. The official kick off of the 2021 edition of the “Corporate Startup Stars Awards”  was announced today in Dubai  as part of the MENA Digital Scaleup Summit hosted by the Dubai Future Foundation and United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia

2203, 2021

ICC zeros in on Asia and technology with new Dispute Resolution Governing Body additions

By |March 22nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

22 March 2021 ICC has announced new additions to its Governing Body for Dispute Resolution Services. New members to the Executive Board subcommittee responsible for ICC Arbitration and ADR will bolster ICC’s commitment to making its leading dispute resolution services more accessible to users in Asia while supporting objectives to digitise services in line with user needs and COVID-19 safety protocols. The new line up also aims to amplify the

1903, 2021

ICC welcomes G7 signals to provide financial relief to COVID-hit emerging nations

By |March 19th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

19 March 2021 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has issued a statement following news that the G7 will back proposals to provide financial support to help poorer nations recovery from pandemic impact. “I am delighted to see G7 finance ministers heed the longstanding call from global business and workers in committing today to make new financial support available to emerging economies. Fresh liquidity is urgently needed to ensure

1803, 2021

ICC Albania launched Commission on Sustainable Development and Integrity

By |March 18th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

18 March 2021 On Thursday 18 March, ICC Albania launched a new working group which primary focus of work will be the Sustainable Development Goals. This initiative names as Commission on Sustainable Development and Integrity will have as purpose to build dialogue and expertise among representatives from private and public sector, civil society and academia and youth to reinforce responsible business conduct and integrity in their business model. The Commission

1303, 2021

ICC congratulates Mathias Cormann on his appointment as OECD Secretary-General

By |March 13th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

13 March 2021 ICC looks forward to working with Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Secretary-General-designate Mathias Cormann to address the world’s pressing policy challenges. After an extensive multi-candidate selection process, Mathias Cormann, Australia’s former Finance Minister, has been confirmed as the next OECD Secretary-General. Since the OECD was founded 60 years ago, ICC has contributed the voice of business to OECD discussions, papers, and policy positions. On Mr

1103, 2021

ICC and Mastercard Partner to Deliver Common Consistent Digital Health Pass Experience

By |March 11th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

11 March 2021 ICC and Mastercard will work with stakeholders from civil society, business, and government to create an environment that encourages the development and proliferation of interoperable digital health pass solutions to accelerate the global recovery. Today, governments are mostly relying on a range of paper-based processes to determine the COVID-19 test results and vaccine status of travellers. In many cases, these paper certificates can be easily falsified, are

1003, 2021

ICC publishes latest edition of Innovation Principles

By |March 10th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

10 March 2021 ICC has published the latest edition of the ICC Innovation Principles, a guide to the policy frameworks that create and nurture robust innovation ecosystems. The ICC Innovation Principles provide an overview of the policy framework that businesses of all sizes need to innovate. The principles focus on Innovation Ecosystems, in recognition of the complex and interconnected nature of innovative activity. A call is made for multistakeholder conversations in all policy

1003, 2021

ICC and Finastra team up to tackle the trade finance gap

By |March 10th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

10 March 2021 ICC and Finastra join forces to develop a financing marketplace for micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises. ICC and Finastra have committed to a strategic initiative to tackle the growing trade finance gap. Both organisations are orchestrating an ecosystem and exploring the development of a financing marketplace that will provide micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with access to a broader set of alternative finance resources in order to help

903, 2021

ICC Trading Thoughts with Cecilia Malmstrom

By |March 9th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

9 March 2021 ICC Trading Thoughts speaks with Cecilia Malmstrom, the former EU Commissioner for Trade and one of the final OECD Secretary-General candidates. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) is celebrating it’s 60 anniversary this year. Since entering into force in 1961, the OECD has played a critical role in advancing multilateral solutions to global challenges. As the world continues to grapple with the COVID-19 crisis and

803, 2021

ICC chooses to challenge on International Women’s Day

By |March 8th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

9 March 2021 As part International Women’s Day 2021, ICC’s employees are choosing to challenge and call out gender bias and inequality. In recognition of this year’s #ChooseToChallenge theme, ICC employees and staff from around the world are raising their hand to call out gender inequality and celebrate women’s achievements. Shinta Widjaja Kamdani, ICC Executive Board member and CEO of Sintesa Group, joined World Trade Organization (WTO) Director-General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to discuss

403, 2021

ICC warns EU vaccine export controls must be rolled back without delay

By |March 4th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

4 March 2021 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has issued the following statement in response to breaking news that Italy has used EU export controls to block the export of COVID-19 Astra Zeneca vaccines to Australia. Mr Denton said: “While we understand the political pressures at play within Europe, blocking exports to meet domestic vaccination targets is a very dangerous card for policymakers to play. Vaccine manufacturing within

403, 2021

Eduardo Silva Romero talks of advancing diversity, scope of ICC Institute as new Chair

By |March 4th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

4 March 2021 Eduardo Silva Romero, Co-Chair of Dechert’s International Arbitration Global Practice, was elected as Chair of the ICC Institute of World Business Law last year. Having stepped into his role officially in January, he has an ambitious agenda for the global think-tank. We sat down with Mr Silva Romero to learn about his plans to prioritise diversity and expand the focus of the Institute to ensure it remains

203, 2021

ICC/UNICEF: Funding shortfalls and supply chain challenges threaten equitable vaccine distribution

By |March 2nd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

2 March 2021 ICC Secretary-General John W.H. Denton AO and Henrietta Fore, Executive Director of UNICEF, have penned a joint op-ed highlighting the urgency of addressing barriers to the distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Recognising UNICEF’s role as the procurement partner for the Global COVAX Facility, leading the largest vaccine procurement and supply operation in history, the ICC and UNICEF chiefs have called on world leaders to address the “rounding error”

2602, 2021

ICC Trading Thoughts with Karima-Catherine Goundiam, founder of B2beeMatch

By |February 26th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

26 February 2021 On the latest episode of ICC Trading Thoughts, Karima-Catherine Goundiam, the founder of B2beeMatch, speaks about the importance of creating a digital network for small and medium-sized enterprises. ICC sat down with Karima-Catherine Goundiam, the founder of B2bee Match to discuss her background as an entrepreneur and how business leaders and policymakers can enable SMEs with the tools and resources that they need to digitise their operations. B2bee Match

2502, 2021

Guest blog: Making arbitration work in a down market

By |February 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 February 2021 As we wrap up the end of the ICC MENA Conference on International Arbitration, Faris Shehabi, Managing Associate of Ince, explores specific issues that can arise in periods of economic downturn and the available tools to combat them. In any arbitration, there will be a number of interested actors–the claimant and the respondent (there may be more than one of each); the arbitral tribunal; and, where chosen

2302, 2021

World Chambers Competition to recognise chambers building back better

By |February 23rd, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

23 February 2021 Hamad Buamim, Chair of the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) World Chambers Federation (WCF) has officially launched the World Chambers Competition. The 2021 edition of the Competition will recognise chambers of commerce around the world that are striving to keep their business communities functioning even in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Watch the video The sudden coronavirus outbreak led to unprecedented disruption and hardship for many

1902, 2021

ICC welcomes G7 focus on COVID-19 vaccines

By |February 19th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

19 February 2021 Calling for global action plan to beat the pandemic, ICC, the institutional representative of over 45 million businesses – has issued a statement following the conclusion of the G7 leaders’ summit. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “G7 leaders have sent a very welcome signal today of their intent to correct the failings in international cooperation that have blighted the response to Covid-19 over the

1702, 2021

Air France announces ICC AOK Pass test programme

By |February 17th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

17 February 2021 Air France has announced a pilot of ICC AOKpass, to improve its customers’ experience and streamline the airport journey. The four-week test will begin on 11 March 2021 on all Air France flights from Paris-CDG to Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe) and Fort-de-France (Martinique). It will be done on a voluntary basis, in order to test the operation of the application in real conditions and to collect opinions of test

1202, 2021

Auckland University wins ICC Mediation Competition

By |February 12th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

12 February 2021 New Zealand’s University of Auckland took victory in the 16th edition of the ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition in an all-woman final against Bulgaria’s University of Sofia. The University of New South Wales, Australia took third place, followed by the Brooklyn Law School from the United States in fourth. Watch the final mock mediation The fictitious final dispute between a small textile manufacturer and a distribution company

602, 2021

ICC welcomes backing of Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala as WTO Director General

By |February 6th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

6 February 2021 Following the announcement that the US has given its formal backing to Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to lead the World Trade Organization, ICC has issued the following statement. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “The global business community will be delighted to learn that the US Administration has given its backing to Dr Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala to take up the position of World Trade Organization Director General.

502, 2021

ICC Mediation Week 2021 goes digital

By |February 5th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

5 February 2021 ICC’s largest educational event of the year, ICC Mediation Week, begins today and is going digital for the first time in its 16-year history. More than 400 students, ADR professionals, academics and volunteers from almost 40 countries will convene via a custom-built platform, to participate in the annual event, making it the most diverse edition to date. The global health crisis has impacted conflict resolution processes across

402, 2021

Guest blog: Mediation in a virtual world

By |February 4th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

4 February 2021 As students and professionals from countries spanning the globe gear up for the 16th annual ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition, Oliver Carroll of Clifford Chance has five tips to navigating mediation in a digital space. Oliver Carroll, Lawyer, Clifford Chance The COVID-19 pandemic has brought new challenges to all manner of dispute resolution. Whether it is becoming accustomed to addressing a judge from your bedroom via Zoom,

2901, 2021

Global business calls for rethink of EU vaccine export restrictions

By |January 29th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

29 January 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce is calling on the European Commission to reconsider the introduction of export controls on coronavirus vaccines made in the bloc. ICC Secretary General John W.H Denton AO said: “We are deeply concerned by the Commission’s decision to press ahead with the introduction of export controls on coronavirus vaccines made in the EU. Regardless of how these measures are calibrated, today’s announcement sends

2901, 2021

ICC raises concern over proposed EU export curbs on Covid-19 vaccines

By |January 29th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

29 January 2021 An ICC letter to European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen expressed deep concern over the European Union’s plan to impose export restrictions on vaccines. The letter, sent yesterday from ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO on behalf of over 45 million businesses, expressed the global business community’s concern at proposals to impose controls on the export of COVID-19 vaccines manufactured in the EU. It called

2901, 2021

Girona becomes first city to implement ICC AOKpass pilot scheme to safely re-open its economy

By |January 29th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

29 January 2021 The city of Girona will utilise ICC AOKpass in a pilot scheme to digitise COVID-19 antigen test results and safely reopen its economy in the age of the pandemic. The pilot scheme, which runs from 22 February until the end of March 2021, will allow users to present a digitally authenticated COVID-19 negative test result to gain entry into public exhibitions, business events, restaurants, and football matches.

2601, 2021

Global coalition of industry associations call for breakthrough on data flows at the WTO

By |January 26th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

26 January 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joins global coalition of industry associations to advance WTO framework on data flows. ICC is pleased to join the release today of the Joint Industry Statement on Cross-Border Data Transfers and Data Localization Disciplines in the WTO Negotiations on E-Commerce, which encourages WTO negotiators to agree on a framework to facilitate the seamless and secure movement of information across borders. “COVID-19 has

2601, 2021

Etihad Airlines to pilot ICC AOKpass on Paris-Abu Dhabi flights

By |January 26th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

26 January 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), International SOS, and Ethiad Airlines have joined together to pilot ICC AOKpass on Paris-Abu Dhabi flights. In collaboration with Etihad Airways, the national airline of the United Arab Emirates, MedAire, an International SOS company, has launched an advanced operational pilot for the digitalisation of pre-departure COVID-19 testing using the ICC AOKpass mobile app. Following the success of an initial pilot for Etihad

2501, 2021

Study shows vaccine nationalism could cost rich countries US$4.5 trillion

By |January 25th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

25 January 2021 New comprehensive economic modelling shows advanced economies stand to lose trillions of dollars through vaccine nationalism – more than previously thought Economic benefits of funding multilateral efforts to ensure equitable access to vaccines dwarf the costs Advanced economies with international linkages have the most to gain from global collaboration on vaccine access and distribution A new study commissioned by the ICC Research Foundation has found that the

1901, 2021

New ICC report takes bold move to tackle unreliability of witness testimony in arbitration

By |January 19th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

19 January 2021 ICC has launched a new report on the accuracy of fact witness memory in international arbitration. The report, which is the first of its kind conducted by an arbitral institution, analyses the psychological science of human memory, and offers arbitrators and counsel guidance to enhance the probative value of fact witness evidence The groundbreaking report, by the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR, was presented today during

1201, 2021

ICC announces record 2020 caseloads in Arbitration and ADR

By |January 12th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

12 January 2021 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced record requests in 2020 for its arbitration and ADR services. The world’s preferred arbitral institute, the ICC International Court of Arbitration recorded a total of 946 new arbitration cases in 2020 – the highest number of cases registered since 2016, when a complex cluster of small disputes effectuated a marked increase in the statistics. Of the 946 total registered

501, 2021

AdR and Alitalia begin digitalising negativity certificates with ICC AOKpass

By |January 5th, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

5 January 2021 Aeroporti di Roma and Alitalia have today begun using ICC AOKpass in a pilot scheme to digitise Covid-19 rapid antigen test results, carried out at the airport. The testing will allow passengers bound for New York on Alitalia Covid-tested flights to present, upon boarding, a digital negativity certificate from a Covid-19 rapid antigen test, augmenting safety and saving time during travel procedures. In December, ICC announced the first

101, 2021

8 ways ICC led dispute resolution in 2020

By |January 1st, 2021|Categories: ICC News|

1 January 2021 In a challenging year, ICC remained steadfast in our commitment to bring our quality dispute resolution services closer to users worldwide. Here are 8 highlights from our ICC Dispute Resolution year… Announcing record figures and a major milestone ICC’s dispute resolution year got off to a flying start with the registration of our 25,000th arbitration case. In January, we also announced record figures for 2019 revealing a

2912, 2020

10 ways ICC made business work in 2020

By |December 29th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

29 December 2020 In a year that put to the test ICC’s ability to mobilise business behind global challenges, our pioneering spirit shone through to ensure our global institution lived up to its reputation as the trusted voice of business on issues facing people and planet. We’re taking a look back at our ground-breaking year to wrap up just 10 ways in which we made business work for everyone, every

2912, 2020

ICC Court releases updates to its Note ahead of 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules ICC Court releases updates to its Note ahead of 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules

By |December 29th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

29 December 2020 Ahead of the entry into force of the 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules, the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce has released updates to its Note to Parties and Arbitral Tribunals on the Conduct of Arbitration under the ICC Rules of Arbitration, effective 1 January 2021. Last updated in 2019, the Note provides parties and arbitral tribunals with practical guidance concerning the conduct of arbitrations under

1012, 2020

Making competition law part of the solution to the climate challenge

By |December 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 December 2020 ICC has launched a working paper outlining how changes to the application of competition law could accelerate corporate action to fight climate change. Issued on the eve of the fifth anniversary of the landmark Paris Agreement, the paper highlights how competition law – and, more specifically, the fear of unnecessarily restrictive antitrust enforcement – currently inhibits companies from working together to reduce their carbon footprints. There are

1012, 2020

New report addresses illicit crimes in free trade zones

By |December 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 December 2020 ICC’s Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP) initiative has released a 2020 update of its 2013 publication examining the balance of facilitation and control required to combat illicit trade in Free Trade Zones. Paris, 10 December 2020 The updated paper Controlling the zone: Balancing facilitation and control to combat illicit trade in the world’s Free Trade Zones sheds light on the trends of counterfeiting and other forms

1012, 2020

SME Climate Hub launches climate action tools for small and medium-sized businesses

By |December 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 December 2020 The SME Climate Hub has joined forces with Oxford University to provide small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with tools and resources to help them take climate action. Ahead of the 5th anniversary of the Paris Agreement signing, the freely available tools and resources are specially selected for SMEs to reduce carbon emissions, build business resilience and gain a competitive advantage, and help them achieve the Paris Agreement

912, 2020

Trade agreement on e-commerce essential

By |December 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 December 2020 In a memo to World Trade Organization Members, ICC has called on negotiators to accelerate progress and conclude a high standard agreement by the next WTO Ministerial Conference. There are now 86 World Trade Organization (WTO) Members negotiating the JSI, representing well over 90% of world trade. Citing the indispensable role of the digital economy during COVID-19, the memo says: “As communities have socially distanced to flatten

812, 2020

Ibero-American business community calls for integrity and the fight against corruption

By |December 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 December 2020 ICC’s Ibero-American national committees in 13 countries have joined forces to mark International Anti-Corruption Day, underscoring the importance of the anti-corruption agenda as a key means of promoting social inclusion and economic growth in the region in the context of the current pandemic. Celebrated on 9 December each year, Anti-Corruption Day aims to raise awareness of corruption and of the role of the 2005 United Nations Convention Against

812, 2020

ICC and Saïd Business School announce collaboration to develop AI principles for the private sector

By |December 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 December 2020 ICC and Oxford University’s Saïd Business School will join forces to develop a set of all-encompassing artificial intelligence (AI) principles to enable business to implement innovative, trustworthy, and human-centric AI solutions as part of their operations. Over the years, policy and regulatory discussions concerning AI have focused on sector-specific or issue-specific issues without considering wider ethical, societal, or business implications. As part of this partnership, researchers from

312, 2020

ICC Sustainability Working Group announces new project to review the state of sustainable finance across the export finance industry

By |December 3rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

3 December 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Global Export Finance Committee’s Sustainability Working Group (ICC-SWG) has commissioned International Financial Consulting Ltd. and Acre Impact Capital to develop a white paper, to be published in June 2021. The paper will review the state of sustainable finance across the export finance industry and propose both product and policy recommendations aimed at increasing the flow of export financing towards sustainable activity.

112, 2020

ICC publishes submission to the European Commission’s review of trade policy

By |December 1st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

1 December 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) publishes its submission to the European Commission’s Consultation on Trade Policy Review. Launched in June 2020, the European Commission’s Consultation on Trade Policy Review is an all-encompassing examination of the European Union’s (EU) trade policy settings. The consultation’s objective is to build consensus around EU Trade policy, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic and other trade-related challenges. The Commission

2611, 2020

ICC welcomes creation of quarantine free travel corridor between the United States and Italy

By |November 26th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

26 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) welcomes Delta Airlines and Alitalia’s announcement of quarantine-free flights from Atlanta and New York to Rome. In close coordination with Italian and American officials, Delta Airlines and Alitalia will begin operating quarantine-free flights between Aeroporti di Roma and Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport. Beginning mid- December, Delta-Alitalia passengers travelling between Atlanta and Rome will be required to take a polymerase chain reaction

2411, 2020

ICC presents electronic ATA Carnet at annual World Customs Organization meeting

By |November 24th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

24 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) provided an update on the electronic ATA Carnet (eATA) pilot project as part of the World Customs Organization’s annual ATA/Istanbul Administrative council meeting. The virtual meeting – which gathered customs experts from around the world – discussed ICC’s eATA Carnet pilot project, the impact of COVID-19 on ATA Carnet operations, as well as interpretation issues related to ATA Carnet claims. The ATA

2311, 2020

How can ICC AOKpass reopen cross border travel and trade in the age of COVID-19?

By |November 23rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

23 November 2020 ICC AOKpass, a risk mitigation tool, is a scalable solution that enables governments and border authorities to reopen cross border travel safely and efficiently. ICC AOKpass allows users to present digitally authenticated, secure and portable copies of medical records to government authorities, border agencies and employers, without compromising their personal data. Supported by International SOS and SGS Group, the ICC AOKpass digital application utilises secure blockchain technology

1811, 2020

ICC advocates for sustainable, secure, and inclusive digital policies for all at IGF 2020

By |November 18th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

18 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) virtually joined stakeholders at the annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to share in policy conversations concerning the future of Internet governance. During the first-ever virtual IGF, ICC convened business, government, civil society and the technical community to discuss the most pressing issues related to Internet governance through a series of workshops, high-level sessions, and roundtable discussions. Taking place under the theme

1711, 2020

ICC and Pearson announce partnership to develop skills for people in a rapidly changing economy

By |November 17th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

17 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and Pearson have announced a new collaboration to create educational products and services that will equip people with the necessary skills to thrive in an ever-changing global economy. Over the past decade, digitalisation, automation and artificial intelligence have reshaped industries and created new skillset requirements for workforces everywhere. These changing conditions have only accelerated in the age of the COVID-19 pandemic,

1611, 2020

ICC Intellectual Property Roadmap to provide business guidance in ever-changing IP landscape

By |November 16th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

16 November 2020 ICC has published the latest edition of the Intellectual Property (IP) Roadmap – a comprehensive guide and overview of the key intellectual property issues faced by business professionals, policymakers, and legal experts. The latest edition of the IP Roadmap covers emerging IP issues, including artificial intelligence, sustainable innovation and persistent threats posed by piracy and counterfeiting to business operations. The Roadmap explains how, since the outbreak of the COVID-19

1411, 2020

ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges ICC calls for increased collaboration on digitalisation tax challenges

By |November 14th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

14 November 2020 ICC has welcomed the opportunity for further business engagement to address taxation challenges relating to the digitalisation of the economy but calls for increased collaboration to achieve global consensus agreement. The call follows the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development’s (OECD)’s update on international tax negotiations this week. Digitalisation is revolutionising the way businesses operate but is also creating new opportunities for global growth and prosperity. Technological

1311, 2020

ICC brings cooperative solutions to address challenges of multilateralism at Paris Peace Forum 2020

By |November 13th, 2020|Categories: Uncategorized|

13 November 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joined leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to advance governance solutions at the first ever virtual Paris Peace Forum. Formed in 2018, the Paris Peace Forum is an annual event that gathers policymakers, including Heads of state and international organisations, to discuss new forms of collective action to address governance challenges. As an official partner of the Forum,

1311, 2020

France 24 asks ICC: What can small businesses expect from the Biden administration?

By |November 13th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

13 November 2020 In an interview with international news channel France 24, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO outlined measures that the incoming Biden administration can take to shield small businesses from the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Speaking to Senior News Editor and anchor Stephen Carroll, Mr Denton underscored the vital role played by small businesses within the much wider landscape of the US economy saying: “In the

911, 2020

G20: leverage trade finance to safeguard SMEs and power global recovery

By |November 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 November 2020 ICC’s Advisory Group on Trade Finance has called on G20 leaders to leverage trade finance to safeguard SMEs and power global recovery. The co-chairs of a high-level advisory group to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have issued an urgent call to G20 leaders to take action to avert the risk of widespread insolvencies amongst small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) globally, due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In

611, 2020

Chambers of Commerce meet to discuss Certificate of Origin issues and digital initiatives

By |November 6th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

6 November 2020 The ICC WCF International Certificate of Origin Council (ICO) gathered virtually for their annual meeting to address recent developments in Certificate of Origin (CO) and digital initiatives. ICC WCF welcomed 47 CO experts from 32 countries to the online meeting which was chaired by Peter Bishop, Chairman of ICC World Chambers Federation (WCF) International CO Council and Deputy CEO of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry,

311, 2020

ICC announces recommendation for ICC Court President successor

By |November 3rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

3 November 2020 ICC is pleased to announce that Claudia T. Salomon has been recommended for election as President of the ICC International Court of Arbitration with effect from 1 July 2021 putting her on a path to becoming the first woman President of the ICC Court in its almost 100-year history. A member of the New York Bar and a solicitor in England and Wales, Ms Salomon is a

2910, 2020

ICC brings together business leaders at first-ever virtual Internet Governance Forum

By |October 29th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

29 October 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is virtually convening business leaders to participate in the 15th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to discuss pressing issues, like digital inclusion, data governance, trust online, environmental sustainability, and more. The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was launched in 2006 by the United Nations (UN) Secretary General to serve as a multi-stakeholder dialogue on key legal, political, social, and technical issues related

2810, 2020

Five takeaways from the ICC Banking Commission’s virtual Technical Meeting

By |October 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 October 2020 International experts from the banking industry came together to discuss key topics affecting the trade finance industry this week at the Annual Technical Meeting of ICC’s Banking Commission. International experts from the banking industry came together to discuss key topics affecting the trade finance industry this week at the Annual Technical Meeting of ICC’s Banking Commission. Here are five highlights from the day: Digitalisation of trade finance

2710, 2020

ICC joins business, development, and humanitarian partners to launch Private Sector for Refugees web portal

By |October 27th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

27 October 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has launched the Private Sector for Refugees (PS4R) web portal to showcase public-private sector collaborations that integrate refugees into the global economy. In collaboration with the European Investment Bank, Danish Industri, the World Bank Group, and the United Nations Refugee Agency, the PS4R web portal will share global lessons on the role of the private sector in supporting the economic integration

2610, 2020

ICC welcomes Japan commitment to net-zero

By |October 26th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

26 October 2020 ICC – the institutional representative of 45 million companies – has welcomed today’s announcement by newly elected Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga, committing Japan to achieving net zero emissions by 2050. Commenting on the announcement, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “I commend Prime Minister Suga for this concrete commitment to meeting the goals of the Paris Agreement. As the third largest economy and the

810, 2020

ICC unveils revised Rules of Arbitration

By |October 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 October 2020 The International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce has unveiled revised Rules of Arbitration due to enter into force in January 2021. The 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules mark another step towards even more efficient, flexible and transparent ICC Arbitrations offering. The ICC International Court of Arbitration is the most preferred arbitral institution worldwide. The ICC Rules of Arbitration offer the greatest deference to party autonomy –

810, 2020

Global business, workers and civil society emphatic in call for comprehensive emergency debt relief

By |October 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 October 2020 ICC, ITUC and Global Citizen call for an updated G20 Action Plan to address the barriers that sovereign debt burdens present toward pandemic containment and economic stabilisation. In an open letter issued today, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million businesses, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the global voice of the world’s working people, and Global Citizen, a movement of

610, 2020

ICC sets out roadmap for resuming international travel safely and quickly

By |October 6th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

6 October 2020 In an open letter to G20 tourism ministers, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has said Covid-free travel can be achieved through a balance of right policy settings, technological tools and industry buy-in. Addressing ministers ahead of their 7 October meeting as part of the Sherpa Track for the G20 Leaders Summit 2020, Mr Denton’s letter underscores the need to re-open international travel while credibly addressing

3009, 2020

The time to act is now, ICC tells UN Biodiversity Summit

By |September 30th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

30 September 2020 Genuine resilience in the recovery from Covid-19 will only be achieved if there is concerted action to reverse biodiversity loss, ICC Secretary John W.H. Denton AO has stated in a message to today’s United Nations Summit on Biodiversity. Underscoring that an inflection point had been reached in the relationship with the planet and its resources, Mr Denton asked Summit participants: “If now is not the time for us

3009, 2020

UNWTO, ICC & AOKpass Partnership to Rebuild International Travel and Tourism

By |September 30th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

30 September 2020 The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations (UNWTO), International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and AOKpass have officially partnered to support coordinated global efforts to more safely and efficiently restart travel. Under the collaboration agreement, the partners will work closely to support the rebuilding of travel, tourism and related sectors, which have been profoundly devastated by the global pandemic. “Countries and workers reliant on tourism for jobs

2909, 2020

Call for applications: ICC Institute Prize

By |September 29th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

29 September 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Institute of World Business Law is pleased to announce the launch of the 10th edition of the ICC Institute Prize. This award recognises the best in class legal work in commercial law, including arbitration. The ICC institute Prize awards €10,000 to an exceptional thesis with the aim to acknowledge and contribute to the understanding and process in the field. Nayla Comair-Obeid, Jury

2809, 2020

ICC Sec Gen sets out 3 priorities to revive COVID-hit global economy

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 September 2020 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has outline three priorities for reviving the global economy as quickly and as safely as possible in the COVID-19 era. Speaking today at a conference jointly organised by ICC and the China Council for International Cooperation, Mr Denton underscored the imperative to keep markets open and enhance cooperation saying that getting the balance right could have huge dividends: “We cannot respond

2809, 2020

Call to scale up commitments to the Access to COVID tools accelerator

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 September 2020 Global business, workers, and civil society call on all governments to ensure equitable access to COVID-19 health tools. In an open letter issued today, ICC, ITUC, and Global Citizen called for all governments to intensify their political and financial commitments to the Access to COVID tools accelerator (ACT-A), an unprecedented collaboration between intergovernmental organisations, industry and civil society that would ensure the equitable access to, and allocation

2809, 2020

ICC First Vice-Chair becomes first LatAm business leader to take SME Climate Commitment

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 September 2020 In a major international broadcast, Maria Fernanda Garza – ICC First Vice-Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Orestia – became one of the first signatories of the UN-recognised “SME Climate Commitment”, which forms part of the SME Climate Hub initiative launched to provide small businesses with clear commercial incentives to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. In making the commitment, Orestia has pledged to halve its carbon emissions

2809, 2020

ICC joins pledge for step change on biodiversity

By |September 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 September 2020 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has joined forces with global leaders in a pledge to Reverse Biodiversity Loss by 2030 for Sustainable Development. Ahead of Wednesday’s United Nations Summit on Biodiversity Mr Denton has become a signatory of the Leaders’ Pledge for Nature which aims to ramp up long-term global ambition and commitment to take transformative actions for nature, climate and people. Announced today during

2309, 2020

COVID-19 Private Sector Global Facility announced at SDG Business Forum

By |September 23rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

23 September 2020 ICC, UNDP and UN Global Compact join forces with DHL, Microsoft and PwC to help communities recover better from the pandemic. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact) and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) have established the COVID-19 Private Sector Global Facility, a global initiative and collaboration bringing together public and private sector partners to help local communities recover

2109, 2020

New SME Climate Hub to make climate action simple for small business

By |September 21st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

21 September 2020 A new SME Climate Hub will support small- and medium-sized businesses to curb carbon emissions to increase competitiveness. A coalition of major organisations has announced the launch of  the ground breaking one-stop shop climate action platform for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to curb carbon emissions, build business resilience and gain a competitive advantage. The SME Climate Hub – co-hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC),

1809, 2020

ICC letter in FT flags consequences of retreat from commodity financing

By |September 18th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

18 September 2020 In a letter published in the Financial Times today, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO calls on G20 leaders to heed warnings over the real-world consequences of banks retreating from financing commodity traders. Already threatening the livelihoods of small businesses who rely on funding and work on narrow margins, the worrying trend says Mr Denton, “could be a precursor to a much broader shortfall in the supply

1109, 2020

ICC Albania Recommendations: New draft law on Arbitration

By |September 11th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

11 September 2020 ICC Albania Commission on Arbitration and ADR and other experts from its membership issues recommendations and comments on the new draft law on Arbitration published for public consultation. Please find below documents prepared by our working group: New Draft Law text - with tracked suggestions Additional Recommendations  

909, 2020

2020 Business for Peace Award winners

By |September 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 September 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Business for Peace Foundation are pleased to announce today the three winners of the 2020 Oslo Business for Peace Award. The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Business for Peace Foundation are pleased to announce today the three winners of the 2020 Oslo Business for Peace Award.  This year’s honourees are Marc Benioff, Founder, Chair and CEO of Salesforce, James Mwangi, Chairman and CEO of Equity Group

809, 2020

ICC addresses Finance Minister’s meeting calling for cooperation on debt, financing and vaccine access

By |September 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 September 2020 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO today addressed a meeting of Finance Ministers, convened by the United Nations Deputy Secretary-General and the Finance Ministers of Canada and Jamaica. Reaffirming ICC’s solidarity with governments in the effort to protect lives and livelihoods in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mr Denton highlighted the devastating effects of the pandemic on business and their associated concern with the debt

809, 2020

ICC goes live with trade digitalisation effort; announces executive appointment to lead Digital Standards Initiative

By |September 8th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

8 September 2020 ICC – renowned for its global standards that enable trillions of dollars of cross-border transactions each year – has announced the operational launch of a major new initiative to ensure the benefits of digital trade can be realised by everyone, everywhere. The ICC Digital Standards Initiative (DSI) will work towards the ambitious aim of establishing a globally harmonised, digitised trade environment – directly addressing disruptions experienced during

309, 2020

ICC launches high-level advisory group to prime trade finance to power COVID-19 recovery

By |September 3rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

3 September 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of 45 million businesses worldwide, has announced the creation of a new Advisory Group on Trade Finance (ATF) – a cross-sectoral coalition of leaders in global trade. The ATF – co-chaired by Victor K. Fung, Chairman of the Fung Group, and Marcus Wallenberg, Chair of SEB – will work to inform policy reforms and interventions to prime the trade credit ecosystem

209, 2020

World chambers report explores chamber of commerce response to COVID-19

By |September 2nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

2 September 2020 Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of ICC’s World Chambers Federation (WCF) has released a report on the preparedness of chambers of commerce to adapt their services in the face of COVID-19. Chambers of commerce, like businesses and governments, are experiencing new challenges and opportunities in the age of COVID-19. In recognition of the vital role that chambers of commerce play in their business communities, Dubai

2808, 2020

ICC and World Travel and Tourism Council issue COVID-19 restart guide for the Travel & Tourism sector

By |August 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 August 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) have published a set of recommendations for safely re-opening customer facing businesses in the age of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused widespread disruptions to global supply chains and businesses of all sizes. The Travel & Tourism sector has been particularly impacted by the current pandemic due to travel restrictions, declining traveller confidence

1208, 2020

ICC publishes model online business-to-consumer (B2C) conditions of sale for new online sellers

By |August 12th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

12 August 2020 With more and more businesses turning to online sales in the age of COVID-19, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published a set of model online business-to-consumer (B2C) conditions of sale, to be adapted by sellers for use on their consumer-facing websites. As a result of the economic and health consequences associated with COVID-19, goods are increasingly being sold online to consumers. At the same time,

1008, 2020

ICC, IOM launch COVID-19 guidance for the protection of migrants

By |August 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 August 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) release employer guidance for measures to protect migrants during COVID-19. Watch our video on the importance of migrant workers. Migrant workers are a crucial part of the global workforce, accounting for 3.5% of the world’s population, according to IOM. Worldwide, micro-, small-, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs), rely upon migrant workers, including sectors providing essential

3007, 2020

Pilot test of ICC AOKpass announced successful

By |July 30th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

30 July 2020 International SOS and Singapore company Energy Drilling Management have announced a successful pilot of the ICC AOKpass mobile app. The use of the app provides trusted recognition of individuals’ COVID-19 compliance status from Singapore to Thailand. Following the pilot launch of ICC AOKpass in May – carried out with employees at the International SOS Singapore office – Energy Drilling worked with International SOS to test the app

2207, 2020

ICC issues open letter to G20 ministers responsible for the digital economy

By |July 22nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

22 July 2020 Ahead of today’s meeting of G20 Digital Economy Ministers, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is calling upon G20 leaders to implement policies that will enable the deployment of digital technologies to tackle the consequences of COVID-19. In an open letter to G20 ministers responsible for the digital economy, ICC proposes a set of policy interventions aimed at accelerating and strengthening the world’s collective response to the COVID-19 pandemic.The

2107, 2020

ICC and UNICEF call for greater public-private sector collaboration in response to COVID-19

By |July 21st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

21 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and UNICEF have today issued a call for enhanced cooperation between the public and private sectors to strengthen the response to COVID-19 and enable a resilient and sustainable rebuild from the pandemic. Entitled “Reimagining the World We Need,” the joint statement leverages the organizations’ respective expertise in the fields of business and children’s rights to set out a common vision to

2107, 2020

ICC Global Survey on Trade Finance confirms industry optimism

By |July 21st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

21 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) 11th annual Global Survey on Trade Finance reveals that banks are optimistic about the evolving nature of trade finance, though unsurprisingly expect various industry-wide challenges and disruption as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 ICC Global Survey report – recognised as the world’s most authoritative review of the trade finance industry – has been released based on exclusive information

1507, 2020

ICC releases 2019 Dispute Resolution statistics

By |July 15th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

15 July 2020 The International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published its full dispute resolution statistical report for 2019, having announced preliminary record figures in January. The ICC Court registered a record 869 new cases in 2019. Of that total, 851 were administered under the ICC Rules of Arbitration and involved parties originating from 147 countries and independent territories, as well as arbitrators from a record

1507, 2020

Crew kidnappings surge in seas off West Africa, IMB reports

By |July 15th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

15 July 2020 Violent attacks against ships and their crews have risen in 2020, with 77 seafarers taken hostage or kidnapped for ransom since January, reveals the ICC International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest piracy report. The Gulf of Guinea off West Africa is increasingly dangerous for commercial shipping, accounting for just over 90% of maritime kidnappings worldwide. Meanwhile ship hijackings are at their lowest since 1993. In total, IMB’s Piracy

1307, 2020

Global business, workers and civil society call for comprehensive emergency debt relief to enable all countries in need to combat the COVID-19 pandemic

By |July 13th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

13 July 2020 ICC, ITUC and Global Citizen call for greater action by G20 Governments on sovereign debt relief. In an open letter issued today, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million businesses, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the global voice of the world’s working people, and Global Citizen, a movement of engaged citizens who use their collective voice to end extreme poverty

1007, 2020

How can the private sector advance sustainable development with ICT solutions?

By |July 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will discuss the potential of digital technologies for development and building back better from the current crisis, as part of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS) Forum 2020. In the early 2000s, the Geneva Plan of Action, agreed during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), identified eighteen areas of activity in which governments, civil society entities, businesses and

107, 2020

ICC launches survey to understand challenges faced by small businesses in least-developed countries

By |July 1st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

1 July 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joins the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and other partner organisations to launch a major survey to understand the unique challenges faced by small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in least-developed countries (LDCs). The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Global Alliance PME (GAPME), Concordia, Columbia University-Quantitative Methods in the Social Sciences, and

2606, 2020

ICC publishes toolkit on the benefits of advertising self-regulation

By |June 26th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

26 June 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a toolkit to ensure responsible and compliant advertising self-regulation. Advertising and marketing self-regulation is a framework by which the advertising, marketing, agency, and media industry set voluntary rules and standards of practice complementing and enhancing existing general framework laws and regulations. In many countries, self-regulatory organisations are established to enforce the industry’s commitment to these rules. Recognising the lack

2506, 2020

Continuous Transaction Controls: What business needs to know

By |June 25th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

25 June 2020 As government services become more and more digitalised, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released a set of practice principles for the implementation of continuous transaction controls (CTCs). This week, ICC published a set of practice principles for the implementation of CTCs. Never heard of them? While you wouldn’t be alone, CTCs are playing an increasing role in the way governments determine how much tax companies should pay

2306, 2020

ICC elects Mastercard CEO Ajay Banga as new Chair

By |June 23rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

23 June 2020 ICC has elected MasterCard CEO Ajay Banga as Chair.  Mr Banga, who has served as ICC’s First Vice-Chair since June 2018, becomes ICC Chair with immediate effect, succeeding Paul Polman who becomes ICC Honorary Chair, having served as Chair for the past two years. The election of Mr Banga during the ICC World Council, held annually, also confirmed Maria Fernanda Garza, CEO of Orestia and current Board member, as ICC First Vice-Chair – making her the

1806, 2020

IE University, ICC launch Smart Trade Venture Day: Boosting trade in a post-COVID-19 environment

By |June 18th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

18 June 2020 Today, IE University together with the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) launched the “IE Smart Trade Venture Day”, a global challenge that seeks to support innovative projects after the impact of COVID-19. The Competition is particularly geared to startups with a focus on trade digitalisation, health, supply chain resilience, trade finance and any other issues relevant to helping small- and medium-sized (SMEs). The initiative aims to promote

1506, 2020

COVID-19: 7 resources to help small business

By |June 15th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

15 June 2020 ICC is committed to helping small businesses impacted by COVID‑19. We’re highlighting seven digital business resources to help micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) during this unprecedented period and beyond. Whether you are looking for new ways to go global or interested in finding a neutral framework for your contractual relationships without the cost of a lawyer, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has a variety of dedicated

1106, 2020

ICC joins the United Nations Secretary-General to launch Roadmap for Digital Cooperation

By |June 11th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

11 June 2020 ICC joins United Nations (UN) Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to launch the Roadmap for Digital Cooperation. Today, UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres issued his report, Roadmap for Digital Cooperation, in response to the recommendations provided by the High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation. The Roadmap calls upon the global community to address issues such as digital connectivity, digital inclusion, human rights, artificial intelligence, and trust and security, as well as digital cooperation mechanisms and models. Ensuring meaningful

1006, 2020

ICC publishes customs measures to Save Our SMEs

By |June 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 June 2020 ICC is calling upon governments to resolve customs challenges faced by small businesses by adopting concrete measures. COVID-19 has severely disrupted supply chains around the world with businesses of all sizes still coming to grips with border closures, trade restrictions, travel bans, and necessary public lockdowns. Despite the gradual re-opening of many economies, formidable logistical challenges remain and are likely to become the “new normal” for businesses.

506, 2020

World Environment Day: New partnership looks to help SMEs thrive in post-COVID-19 world

By |June 5th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

5 June 2020 On the occasion of World Environment Day, ICC and the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, with the support of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), have announced a new partnership – “The SME Exponential Race to Zero”. The partnership will explore the development of a global platform to help small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) build business resilience by providing them with concrete climate action support and financial

206, 2020

Guest blog: Business unusual – Adapting to change and facilitating global trade finance

By |June 2nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

2 June 2020 Ahead of the launch of the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) Global Survey on Trade Finance later this month, BNY Mellon’s Global Head of Trade Finance Product and Portfolio Management, Joon Kim, explains how banks are showcasing their resilience throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, in his guest blog for the world business organization. Joon Kim, Global Head of Trade Finance Product and Portfolio Management, BNY Mellon Treasury

2805, 2020

ICC Chair Paul Polman calls for new global roadmap to finance COVID-19 rebuild

By |May 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 May 2020 ICC Chair Paul Polman addressed a high-level United Nations event on financing for development today, underscoring the business imperative to ensure universal access to COVID-19 supplies and continued fiscal interventions to protect lives and livelihoods. Convened by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau and Prime Minister of Jamaica Andrew Holness, the virtual High-Level Event on Financing for Development in the Era of COVID-19

2705, 2020

European chambers join Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain amid rise in false trade documents

By |May 27th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

27 May 2020 As business associations see an uptick in fake documentation to obscure the origin of counterfeit products due to the global health crisis, Swiss, Italian and French chambers of commerce are the latest members to enter the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain managed by ICC’s World Chamber Federation (WCF). International Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain – Official mark The approval was made during an ICC WCF International CO

2505, 2020

ICC launches AOKpass Declaration for COVID-19 Health Data Protection

By |May 25th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

25 May 2020 ICC has today launched the ICC AOKpass Declaration on COVID-19 Health Data Protection. Launched on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) Day – in celebration of the landmark data privacy protection laws in the European Union – the Declaration signals a bold vision for a post-COVID-19 world, working together for recovery, prosperity and the upholding of health data protection as a basic human right. The Declaration expressly supports

2205, 2020

ICC joins forces with UN and governments to improve flow of remittances

By |May 22nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

22 May 2020 ICC has today announced its support for a multistakeholder initiative calling on policymakers, regulators and remittance services providers to improve migrants’ access to remittance services and reduce transfer costs during the ongoing novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Led by the Governments of Switzerland and the United Kingdom, the call to action, Remittances in Crisis – How to Keep Them Flowing, is supported by the United Nations Capital Development Fund

2005, 2020

Major interventions needed to backstop trade recovery, warns ICC

By |May 20th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

20 May 2020 ICC has warned that proactive government interventions will be needed to ensure the market can power an economic rebound in the wake of the COVID-19 crisis. ICC estimates a possible US$ 5 trillion of trade credit will be needed to enable a rapid recovery from the COVID-19 crisis Business body warns that trade financing gaps risk hampering a global recovery – impacting the survival chances of small businesses Despite

1205, 2020

ICC calls for tailored financial support to Save Our SMEs

By |May 12th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

12 May 2020 ICC – the institutional representative of over 45 million businesses – has called for action to tailor financial support measures to the needs of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. In an open letter to finance ministers published today, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said that without adequate and immediate fiscal interventions a significant proportion of MSMEs may

705, 2020

10 ways to use trade to Save our SMEs

By |May 7th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

7 May 2020 ICC has issued 10 recommendations for how governments can use trade to help micro-, small- and medium-sized businesses (MSMEs) weather the COVID-19 storm. Underscoring the vital role can trade play in helping small business stay afloat and driving a rapid economic recovery, the 10 ways for governments to use trade to Save our SMEs statement calls on governments to take urgent action to Save Our SMEs. It comprises recommendations for

605, 2020

ICC Trade Register Report reveals potential impact of COVID-19 on trade

By |May 6th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

6 May 2020 ICC Trade Register reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on global trade, while affirming trade finance’s decade-long low-risk profile.  Highlights In 2019, global trade flows declined 2% from US$ 18.5 trillion to US$ 18.1 trillion, underpinning a trade finance revenue pool of US$ 46 billion. ICC Trade Register data confirms default rates from 2008-2018 are low across all products and regions surveyed. The report can be used

605, 2020

ICC and International SOS launch app for digital verification of COVID-19 compliance status

By |May 6th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

6 May 2020 ICC has partnered with International SOS, the world’s largest medical and security services firm, to launch the new ICC AOKpass mobile app, to provide trusted recognition of individuals’ COVID-19 compliance status. Co-developed by Singapore-based startups AOKpass and Perlin, the app will allow consumers, workers and businesses to more safely and quickly resume commercial activity in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. At all times, users maintain full control over their

505, 2020

ICC issues guide to help MSMEs minimise COVID-19 cyber security risks

By |May 5th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

5 May 2020 What steps can micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) take to protect their business from cybercriminals looking to take advantage of increased online operations as a result of COVID-19? A new ICC paper, published today, highlights the increased risk to MSMEs of cyber-attacks due to the COVID-19 crisis and sets out concrete steps that can be taken to enhance the security of their operations and workers. Published

3004, 2020

Save lives. Save livelihoods. Save Our SMEs.

By |April 30th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

30 April 2020 As COVID-19 continues to threaten lives and livelihoods, action is needed from governments, private sector leaders and international institutions to ensure the continued viability of our MSMEs. ICC has launched a one-stop shop for policy recommendations, resources and support to Save Our SMEs (SOS). The new portal launched today as part of a global campaign to #SaveOurSMEs, which aims to keep micro-, small, and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs)

2704, 2020

ICC and WCO call for customs and trade facilitation action

By |April 27th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

27 April 2020 ICC and the World Customs Organization (WCO) have issued a joint statement calling for increased action on customs and trade facilitation to ensure an effective response to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a joint statement, issued today, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO and WCO Secretary General Kunio Mikuriya say effective trade facilitation – based on international standards – will play a central role in enabling business

2404, 2020

How intellectual property can strengthen our response to climate change and COVID-19

By |April 24th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

24 April 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) commemorates World Intellectual Property (IP) Day, by recognising the role that IP plays in encouraging innovation and creativity. Taking place every 26 April, World IP raises awareness on how copyrights, patent systems, trademarks, and designs contribute to economic growth and innovation. This year, World IP Day will explore how a balanced and robust IP system can contribute to a green economy

2304, 2020

How banks are going digital to manage COVID-19

By |April 23rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

23 April 2020 ICC has issued a collection of rapid response measures by trade finance banks to keep trade finance and trade flowing in the face of COVID-19. Trade and trade finance operations require significant back-office operations to process paper-based transactions. With shipping, in-person contact and travel all increasingly disrupted as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic, financial institutions have been putting in place measures to enable transactions and the

2204, 2020

ICC calls for upholding competition landscape in face of COVID-19

By |April 22nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

22 April 2020 ICC has issued a set of competition policy and enforcement measures aimed at contributing to an effective COVID-19 response. The paper was developed by the ICC Commission on Competition in line with ICC commitments to help chart an effective international response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Commending bold steps already taken by governments to put in place short-term measures to buffer shocks to the health system, the economy

1604, 2020

Corporate Startup Stars Awards go global

By |April 16th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

16 April 2020 ICC and Mind the Bridge are organising the first global edition of the Corporate Startup Stars Awards, now in their 5th year. Applications now open ICC and the international advisory firm Mind the Bridge have announced a partnership to scale the prestigious Awards for Open Innovation – now in their  5th year – at global level. Taking place under the European Commission’s Startup Europe Partnership initiative since 2016, the

1504, 2020

ICC welcomes G20 suspension of debt service payments

By |April 15th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

15 April 2020 ICC – the institutional representative of 45 million member companies – has welcomed a pledge from G20 Finance Ministers to suspend debt service payments for the poorest countries that request forbearance. In a communiqué issued earlier today, the world’s 20 largest economies agreed on a coordinated approach to provide immediate debt relief in the context of the COVID-19 crisis – with all bilateral official creditors participating in the initiative.

1004, 2020

Global business, workers and civil society unite in call for emergency debt relief to save lives and livelihoods

By |April 10th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

10 April 2020 ICC, ITUC and Global Citizen call for World Bank and IMF Spring Meetings to take debt out of the COVID-19 equation. In an open letter issued today, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the institutional representative of over 45 million businesses, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the global voice of the world’s working people, and Global Citizen, a movement of engaged citizens who use their collective

904, 2020

ICC dhe OBSH prezantojnë anketën botërore për biznesin, për të përmirësuar rrjedhën e informacionit mbi COVID-19.

By |April 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 prill 2020 ICC dhe OBSH prezantojnë anketën botërore për biznesin, për të përmirësuar rrjedhën e informacionit mbi COVID-19. Dhoma Ndërkombëtare e Tregtisë (ICC) dhe Organizata Botërore e Shëndetësisë (OBSH) prezantojnë një anketim në të gjithë botën për të raportuar mbi sfidat me të cilat po përballet sektori privat nga COVID-19. Si përgjigje ndaj COVID-19, ICC dhe OBSH po anketojnë sektorin privat për të mbledhur më shumë informacion mbi përgjigjet

904, 2020

ICC Court issues COVID-19 guidance note for arbitral proceedings

By |April 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 April 2020 The ICC International Court of Arbitration has released a Guidance Note outlining a range of measures to help mitigate the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on arbitral proceedings. The Guidance Note provides support to parties, counsel and arbitral tribunals in ICC Arbitrations on the challenges currently faced in ensuring fair, timely and efficient resolution of disputes. It was prepared by a working group comprising Vice-President of the

2803, 2020

ICC has issued a 10-point plan for G20 trade ministers to speed response to COVID-19

By |March 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 March 2020 In an open letter issued today, John W.H. Denton AO, Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), has urged G20 trade ministers to seize the opportunity to fully utilise trade policy tools to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and limit its economic effects. In the open letter, Mr Denton wrote: “While we understand why many countries have limited their exports of medical necessities, this is not

2403, 2020

ICC in Financial Times calls for coordinated G20 action plan

By |March 24th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

24 March 2020 Ahead of a virtual G20 Summit this week, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO is calling on G20 leaders for ramped up international coordination in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In a letter published in today’s edition of the Financial Times, Mr Denton calls on G20 heads of state and government to put past squabbles aside and agree on a comprehensive action plan to stem the spread

2303, 2020

ICC, B20, WHO issue open letter to G20 leaders

By |March 23rd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

23 March 2020 ICC, B20 and the World Health Organization are calling for a coordinated global response to COVID-19. In a collective call to action ahead of this week’s virtual G20 Summit, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the Business Twenty (B20) and the World Health Organization (WHO), have set out proposed measures to enable a coordinated global response to effectively contain the potential human and economic toll of the

2003, 2020

Business and workers unite in call for international cooperation on COVID-19

By |March 20th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

20 March 2020 ICC and the ITUC have joined forces in a call for bold coordinated action that leaves no one behind in response to the COVID-19. Ahead of next week’s G20 leaders summit, the world’s business and workers’ organisations have joined forces to issue an open letter calling on political leaders to commit to bold coordinated action that leaves no one behind in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The

1803, 2020

Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services secures 2023 World Chambers Congress bid

By |March 18th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

18 March 2020 The Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services will co-organise the 13th World Chambers Congress, the largest global gathering of chambers of commerce. Organised by the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC)  and its World Chambers Federation (WCF), the World Chambers Congress is a unique thought leadership forum for chamber leaders and business professionals to collaborate on new projects, exchange ideas on best-practices, expand global networks and discuss the latest

1703, 2020

COVID-19: Urgent communication to DRS community

By |March 17th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

17 March 2020 The Secretariat of the ICC International Court of Arbitration and ICC International Centre for ADR have issued an urgent communication to users, arbitrators and other neutrals. This is an urgent communication to ICC dispute resolution users, arbitrators and other neutrals in pending and future ICC Arbitration and ADR proceedings. Over the past two months and as the COVID-19 outbreak continues to unfold worldwide, the safety of our

1603, 2020

ICC and WHO join forces to mobilise business action to curb Coronavirus spread

By |March 16th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

16 March 2020 ICC and the World Health Organization (WHO) have announced an unprecedented call to action to mobilise business in the fight against COVID-19. In a joint statement issued today, ICC and WHO announced the agreement to leverage ICC’s global network of over 45 million businesses to enable businesses worldwide to play a full and active role in preventing the spread of the COVID-19 Coronavirus outbreak. The collaboration between ICC and

1303, 2020

ICC/NECSI publish business guidance to tackle COVID-19

By |March 13th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

13 March 2020 ICC has partnered with the New England Complex Systems Institute to develop a round-up of actions businesses can take to reduce the spread and impact of the COVID-19 outbreak. The menu of options for consideration aims to help businesses of any size, in any region, develop or implement business continuity plans depending on geographic location of the business. The free to download document, underscores the key role

1203, 2020

ICC calls G20 leaders to respond to COVID-19

By |March 12th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

12 March 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued a call for G20 leaders to urgently agree on a comprehensive global action plan to address the escalating COVID-19 outbreak, and restore confidence and stability to the global economy. Following yesterday’s decision by the World Health Organization (WHO) to designate COVID-19 as a global pandemic, ICC believes that coordinated action among the world’s largest economies is urgently needed to

403, 2020

Digital Trade Standards Initiative launches under the umbrella of ICC

By |March 4th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

4 March 2020 ICC has launched the Digital Trade Standards Initiative (DSI) – a collaborative cross-industry effort to enable the standardisation of digital trade. The ICC Digital Trade Standards Initiative (DSI) will build on work done by various likeminded initiatives, many of which aim to digitise trade, notably through the development of open trade and technology standards to promote interoperability. The ICC DSI will promote greater economic inclusion through the

2802, 2020

Successful finalization of the 1st edition of the Week of Integrity in Albania

By |February 28th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

28 February 2020 ICC Albania in cooperation with the Ministry of Justice and with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania and the Delegation of the European Union to Albania organized the ‘’Week of Integrity in Albania’’ which took place from 3 to 11 February 2020. This first edition of the Week of Integrity was joined by twenty eight partners – that introduced their initiatives focusing on

2502, 2020

ICC spotlights need for globally competitive market in e-payments

By |February 25th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

25 February 2020 ICC has published a paper on an issue central to the vitality and growth of the digital economy: liberalisation of global markets in electronic payment services (EPS) and the trade commitments necessary to achieve it. The brief – part of a series by ICC to assist World Trade Organization (WTO) Member States in their plurilateral negotiations in Geneva on the trade-related aspects of e-commerce – is the product

2402, 2020

New ICC Centre embraces global entrepreneurship and start-ups

By |February 24th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

24 February 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will support the next generation of entrepreneurs and start-up talents with initiatives provided by the ICC Centre Entrepreneurship. Mr Denton launched the ICC Centre for Entrepreneurship in Istanbul. In the past decade, multilateral trade has been transformed by the emergence of the gig economy, with entrepreneurs, start-ups and venture capitalists congregating in local innovation hubs to develop transformative products and services.

2002, 2020

ICC, UNDP sign partnership to align investment flows with SDGs

By |February 20th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

20 February 2020 ICC and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have signed a new Memorandum of Understanding to promote business engagement in UNDP’s flagship SDG Impact initiative. The new partnership aims to leverage ICC’s global network to drive a transformation in how economic growth is generated by ensuring that the private sector has the necessary tools to embed sustainability in corporate decision-making. Experts and industry leaders now widely recognise

1102, 2020

Conference on Integrity

By |February 11th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

11 February 2020 During the Conference on Integrity held on February 11th, business leaders, public sector officials, international partners, academic personalities and civil society activists gathered in Tirana to share their initiatives their efforts and challenges faced in the fight against corruption today in Albania and worldwide. Organized by ICC Albania, this Conference was the concluding event of the Week of Integrity an initiative introduced for the first time in

702, 2020

ICC digital initiatives for the next century of global trade

By |February 7th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

7 February 2020 ICC is partnering with government, business and other stakeholders to create digital solutions that will advance economic prosperity for all. In line with ICC’s Declaration for the Next Century of Global Business, we are committed to maximising the benefits of the digital economy through establishing key partnerships to unify, simplify, and transform trade processes for all. Here are seven ICC digital initiatives that will prepare business for the

3101, 2020

ICC responds to Coronavirus

By |January 31st, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

31 January 2020 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has responded to the outbreak of a new coronavirus which has infected thousands and led to the deaths of more than 200 people. In a message to the ICC global network, Mr Denton said: “Businesses worldwide are now taking actions to support the government and people of China in their response efforts. We too must demonstrate our support as the

3001, 2020

International Day of Women and Girls in Science

By |January 30th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

30 January 2020 In celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, ICC is partnering with the Royal Academy of Science International Trust (RASIT) to co-host the 5th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly on 11-12 February. Formally recognised by the United Nations in 2015, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science provides a platform to recognise the critical role that women

2401, 2020

Davos 2020: ICC mobilises business leaders to advance a more sustainable global economy

By |January 24th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

24 January 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) joined over 3,000 participants at the 50th edition of the World Economic Forum to strengthen environmental initiatives among the private sector. Building off last month’s United Nations Climate Conference (COP25), ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has made environmental initiatives the focal point of his participation at this year’s Forum in Davos. ICC has contributed to several environmental initiatives, tools,

2201, 2020

ICC joins Singapore Government and major industry partners to launch Trade Trust

By |January 22nd, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

22 January 2020 Convening alongside the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has joined the Singapore Government and industry partners to accelerate the digitalisation of global trade and commerce. ICC, the Singapore Government, and major firms from key industries have signed a historic cooperation agreement to facilitate and accelerate adoption of digital technologies in trade and commerce. The global industry leaders participating in

1701, 2020

3 things to expect from ICC Mediation Week

By |January 17th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

17 January 2020 From 6-12 February, ADR professionals and students hailing from the four corners of the globe will converge in Paris, France for the International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) much-anticipated Mediation Week (ICCMW). The world business organization’s largest educational event of the year welcomes over 550 participants—from students and young professionals to world-renowned mediators and academics— for unparalleled capacity building and knowledge exchange each and every year. Here are

1401, 2020

12 ICC Dispute Resolution achievements of 2019

By |January 14th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

14 January 2020 Resolving commercial disputes efficiently and cost-effectively is an ICC priority, as it advances our purpose to secure peace, prosperity and opportunity for all. But our Dispute Resolution Services go far beyond case management to include pioneering discussions and activities that steer the future course of dispute resolution, engaging with arbitration and ADR users around the world and encouraging the next generation of dispute resolution professionals. We’ve rounded up 12 highlights

1401, 2020

Unprecedented number of crew kidnappings in the Gulf of Guinea despite drop in overall global numbers

By |January 14th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

14 January 2020 Despite overall piracy incidents declining in 2019, there was an alarming increase in crew kidnappings across the Gulf of Guinea, according to the International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) annual piracy report. In 2019, IMB’s Piracy Reporting Centre received 162 incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships worldwide, in comparison to 201 reported incidents in 2018. The incidents included four hijacked vessels, 11 vessels

901, 2020

ICC celebrates case milestone, announces record figures for 2019

By |January 9th, 2020|Categories: ICC News|

9 January 2020 Commencing 2020 on a dispute resolution high note, the International Court of Arbitration (ICC Court) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has registered its 25,000th case and announced record arbitration figures for 2019. Case 25,000 involves parties from the Middle East and India and will be administered through the Secretariat’s office in Singapore. The trailblazing ICC Court – named by the latest Queen Mary University Survey

2012, 2019

Week of Integrity in Albania presented at the CoSP8

By |December 20th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

20 December 2019 In the midst of the eighth session of the Conference of the State Parties (CoSP8) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Civil Society Team, in partnership with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), held a special event to present ideas and best practices in collective action initiatives for the implementation of UNCAC in Southeast

1712, 2019

Private Sector for Refugees Initiative showcased at UNHCR Global Refugee Forum

By |December 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

17 December 2019 A comprehensive set of principles on how business can facilitate the economic integration of refugees into the global economy was presented by ICC Secretary General John WH Denton AO during the Global Refugee Forum, taking place this week in Geneva from 16-18 December. The Charter seeks to contribute to the shift from ad hoc humanitarianism to long-term development and employment opportunities that benefit refugees and their host communities alike.

1512, 2019

Global business dismayed by no agreement on missing element of Paris Agreement

By |December 15th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

15 December 2019 Climate negotiations concluded today in Madrid, leaving global business deeply disappointed that a deal could not be reached on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. The negotiations – COP25 – marked the longest in history. Yet despite progress on many agenda items – including gender; oceans; land; loss and damages; adaptation; and response measures – governments failed to match the ambitions of business and other stakeholders regarding

1012, 2019

ICC welcomes renewal of WTO e-commerce moratorium

By |December 10th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

10 December 2019 ICC has welcomed the decision taken today by members of the World Trade Organization to renew the longstanding global prohibition on applying customs duties to cross-border data flows. Known as the “WTO e-commerce moratorium”, the agreement – first established in 1998 – has played an important role in the development of the Internet by keeping tariffs off digitally delivered products, services and content. In recent months ICC has

912, 2019

ICC publishes practice note pertaining to China-Hong Kong arrangement for assistance in interim relief measures

By |December 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

9 December 2019 ICC has published an arbitration practice note relating to the application of a China-Hong Kong arrangement for mutual assistance in court-ordered interim relief measures, under which ICC has been named an authorised institution. The new practice note provides guidance on making an application for interim relief to the People’s Courts of Mainland China in support of arbitral proceedings seated in Hong Kong and administered under the ICC Rules of Arbitration,

412, 2019

ICC calls for finance policy reform to accelerate climate action and sustainable development

By |December 4th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

4 December 2019 The institutional representative of over 45 million businesses has today issued a call for major public policy reforms to scale financing to meet global climate and sustainability challenges. In an open letter to finance ministers, the International Chamber of Commerce has set out a comprehensive 10 point plan to better align the governance of the financial system with the objectives of the 2015 Paris Agreement and the United

312, 2019

ICC advances sustainable development, secure networks and digital inclusion at IGF

By |December 3rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

3 December 2019 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) united with participants at the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) to pursue meaningful policies aimed at improving digital access for all. At this year’s IGF, ICC brought together business, government, civil society and the technical community to discuss Internet governance through a series of workshops, briefings, and high-level plenary sessions. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO’s launched a new ICC campaign

2811, 2019

3 reasons why arbitration and ADR should play a role in climate disputes

By |November 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

28 November 2019 ICC has published a new toolkit to streamline dispute resolution in relation to climate disputes. Climate change is one of the greatest threats facing our world today—causing a wide range of impacts affecting everyone, everywhere. We can only expect that the number of climate-related disputes will increase in the coming years. So what can individuals, companies and governments do to navigate the complex, myriad risks associated with

2711, 2019

ICC launches global campaign to make technology work for all

By |November 27th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

27 November 2019 In recognition of the rapid acceleration of digital technology, ICC has announced its commitment to make technology work for all. On the margins of this week’s Internet Governance Forum (IGF), ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO issued a call to governments, business and other stakeholders to Make technology work for all. At an ICC hosted pre-event reception with business leaders, Mr Denton called upon business and government to work

2611, 2019

ICC is taking a clear message to COP25: We need more ambitious climate action now.

By |November 26th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

26 November 2019 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will join world leaders at the 25th United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 25) to advocate for higher climate ambition. As the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Focal Point for Business and Industry, ICC will be at COP25 in Madrid from 2-13 December as the official voice of business throughout the negotiations. Working with policymakers, business leaders and all

1911, 2019

What is the importance of the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights?

By |November 19th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

19 November 2019 Ahead of the 2019 United Nations (UN) Business and Human Rights Forum, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is reaffirming its longstanding commitment to the the United Nations’ Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). At this year’s UN Business and Human Rights Forum in Geneva on 25-27 November, ICC will join participants from government, business and civil society to establish a constructive approach for advancing human rights.

1511, 2019

China increases ATA Carnet acceptance to sporting goods

By |November 15th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

15 November 2019 China has announced it will begin accepting ATA Carnets for the temporary admission of goods for sport purposes as of 1 January 2020. The expansion has been made under national law, according to a notification from the General Administration of Customs of China and the World Customs Organization (WCO). China has announced it will begin accepting ATA Carnets for the temporary admission of goods for sport purposes

1411, 2019

7 essential ICC reads to prepare for COP25

By |November 14th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

14 November 2019 These 7 ICC publications provide essential background reading for next month’s COP25 climate negotiations in Madrid. You’ve changed your travel destination from Santiago to Madrid but in preparation for next month’s climate change negotiations (COP25), have you read these seven papers highlighting ICC positions and activities on behalf of business everywhere? 1. The road to COP25 ICC has been promoting sustainable business for more than 40 years.

1211, 2019

6 reasons to download ICC’s Incoterms 2020 app

By |November 12th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

12 November 2019 Download the official Incoterms® 2020 app today to access Incoterms® 2020 on the go! Staying digitally connected to the business tools we use daily is more important than ever – especially for those working across borders. To help, ICC has unveiled the Incoterms® 2020 app, providing importers and exporters with digital access to keep up to date with the Incoterms® 2020 rules anytime, anywhere. The pioneering tool is

711, 2019

ICC TradeFlow blockchain platform launches to simplify trade processes

By |November 7th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

7 November 2019 ICC and blockchain provider, Perlin, will pilot ICC TradeFlow, a blockchain platform aimed at simplifying the trade documentation process for all. ICC has joined DBS Bank, Trafigura, Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), Enterprise Singapore, and Perlin to launch ICC TradeFlow, a pioneering blockchain platform designed to streamline trade processes for business. ICC TradeFlow will allow businesses to visually map out trade flows, issue instructions to partners, and

511, 2019

Key business consultation survey launched to finalize policy recommendations on nature

By |November 5th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

5 November 2019 Business for Nature, a coalition of global organisations and businesses that includes the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), has launched an important consultation survey on nature. Today, during Natural Capital Week, Business for Nature, a global coalition of influential organisations and forward-thinking businesses, has launched an important business consultation survey that will run until November 30. The survey gives businesses of all sectors, sizes and geographies the chance

1510, 2019

Maritime piracy incidents down in Q3, yet Gulf of Guinea remains a hot spot

By |October 15th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

15 October 2019 The International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) report for the third quarter of 2019 demonstrates fewer incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships than the first nine months of 2018. 119 incidents of Piracy and Armed Robbery Against Ships have been reported to the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre (IMB PRC) in 2019, compared to 156 incidents for the same period in 2018. Overall, the

910, 2019

ICC issues recommendations to reform global trade

By |October 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

9 October 2019 Recognising the challenges, criticism and unprecedented pressure faced by the World Trade Organization (WTO) system, ICC has unveiled a groundbreaking set of recommendations to guide the future of international trade. The ICC recommendations ‘Reforming the Multilateral Rules-Based Trading System: The outcomes we want for people and planet,’ provide an outcomes-based approach to reforming international trade with the overriding objective of making trade work for people and planet. Despite current

710, 2019

ICC, an authorised institution under China-Hong Kong arrangement on interim relief

By |October 7th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

7 October 2019 ICC has been named an authorised institution under China-Hong Kong arrangement on interim relief, making ICC Arbitration even more appealing to Chinese parties. The Asia Office (Hong Kong) of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) International Court of Arbitration has been confirmed by the Supreme People’s Court of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Hong Kong SAR Government as a qualified institution for the purposes

210, 2019

New ATA Carnet app makes digital declarations and transactions possible

By |October 2nd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

2 October 2019 An initiative to digitalise the ATA Carnet international customs document gets underway in full today with launch of the Mercury II Pilot Project running phase. ICC ATA Carnet app After extensive trainings and internal tests since June, International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) digital ATA Carnet lifecycle management system is now live. Beginning today and running for a six-month period, real testing will be undertaken in six pilot countries:

110, 2019

7 ways ICC represented business at the United Nations General Assembly

By |October 1st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

1 October 2019 The United Nation General Assembly (UNGA) high-level week took place from 23-27 September in New York, setting the global agenda on an array of global issues, from peace and security to sustainability and finance. Led by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO and ICC Chair Paul Polman, ICC was actively involved in a number of high-level meetings on financing, health coverage and small island developing states

3009, 2019

John Denton joins board of Generation Unlimited and scales youth engagement

By |September 30th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

30 September 2019 ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has joined the Board of Generation Unlimited (GenU) – a major global initiative to empower young people worldwide through education, skills training, employment and entrepreneurship opportunities. Generation Unlimited is co-chaired by Secretary General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, President of the Republic of Rwanda Paul Kagame, and President of Trinidad and Tobago Paula Mae Weekes. The board comprises a

2709, 2019

ICC receives 2019 Compliance and Ethics Award

By |September 27th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

27 September 2019 ICC has received the 2019 Compliance and Ethics Award, bestowed by the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics (SCCE) for the past 15 years in recognition of those who have made a significant contribution in the field of compliance and ethics. The award recognises ICC work in promoting free and competitive markets globally – including engagement with businesses and antitrust agencies around the world to integrate ethics

2609, 2019

SDG Business Forum calls for business to move from strategy to delivery on Global Goals

By |September 26th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

26 September 2019 Organised today on the sidelines of the inaugural SDG Summit, the fourth annual SDG Business Forum convened business, government, civil society and the United Nations to discuss concrete solutions to move from commitments to action to deliver on the Global Goals. Co-hosted by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA), and the United Nations Global Compact, the

2309, 2019

ICC endorses new report presenting case for carbon pricing to address industrial competitiveness

By |September 23rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

23 September 2019 A new report, endorsed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) finds that concerns about industrial competitiveness can be addressed through strong carbon pricing policies. The new report published by the High-Level Commission on Carbon Pricing and Competitiveness calls on industry peers and governments to adopt strong carbon pricing policies. As more businesses develop low-carbon strategies, supportive government policies can act in tandem to unlock economic opportunities and manage

1809, 2019

4 reasons to download the new ICC DRS app

By |September 18th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

18 September 2019 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is taking its leading dispute resolution services digital with the launch of a brand-new mobile application. The ICC Dispute Resolution Services (DRS) app is the official tool for dispute resolution and business professionals to access rules and information from both ICC’s International Court of Arbitration and Centre for ADR. While your phone may be full of apps, here are four good

1709, 2019

ICC draws line in sand on customs duties on digital trade

By |September 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

17 September 2019 ICC has today published a landmark paper calling on World Trade Organization (WTO) Members to permanently prohibit the imposition of tariffs on cross-border data flows – as the deadline for renewal of a longstanding moratorium on the application of customs duties on electronic transmissions looms large. The business case for a permanent prohibition on customs duties on electronic transmissions – part of a series on various aspects of

1109, 2019

ICC warns of risk to MSME growth posed by complex indirect tax regimes

By |September 11th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

11 September 2019 ICC has published an inaugural issues brief on World Trade Organization negotiations on the trade-related aspects of e-commerce. The issues brief – the product of extensive consultation with businesses across a range of sectors participating in or affected by the digital economy – will form part of a series of briefs by ICC to assist WTO Member States in their plurilateral negotiations in Geneva. The negotiations, now

1009, 2019

International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) releases Incoterms® 2020

By |September 10th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Paris, FRANCE, 10 September 2019 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) releases Incoterms® 2020 The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has released Incoterms® 2020, globally recognised trade terms for the sale of goods, providing certainty and clarity to business and traders everywhere. The Incoterms® rules were first introduced by ICC in 1936 to establish commonly accepted defintions and rules to related to the sale of goods between trading parners worldwide. Since

2908, 2019

Supply Chain Finance: major challenges banks face in delivering supply chain finance solutions

By |August 29th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

29 August 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission’s latest edition of its Global Survey on Trade Finance provides an authoritative review on global trade finance trends based upon interviews from over 300 banks in over 90 countries. Brendan du Preez, Head of Supply Chain Finance, Group Trade, Standard Bank In this ICC guest blog, Brendan du Preez, Head of Open Account and Supply Chain Finance and West

2608, 2019

How can blockchain technology optimise Incoterms® 2020?

By |August 26th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

26 August 2019: Dorjee Sun, CEO and co-founder of Perlin, discusses the benefits of blockchain technology for Incoterms®2020 and the future of trade with ICC. Over the past decade, digital technology and climate change have shaped international trade. Not too many business leaders can say that they have been at the forefront of both these movements. Dorjee Sun, CEO and co-founder of Perlin, can. From building his own software company

2608, 2019

With world at crossroads, G7 falls short of business expectations

By |August 26th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

26 August 2019: ICC has issued a statement expressing disappointment at the significant lack of collective leadership from the leaders of the world’s largest industrialised economies at conclusion of the G7 Summit. ICC — the world’s largest business organisation, representing over 45 million companies — described the Summit as a missed opportunity to tackle growing economic and environmental challenges through coordinated action on the part of G7 economies. ICC Secretary

2308, 2019

ICC calls on G7 for urgent response to Amazonian fires

By |August 23rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

23 August 2019: ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has issued a statement in reaction to forest fires sweeping across the Amazon rainforest. “The wildfires in the Amazon are a heartbreaking reminder of the urgency to protect the world’s vital resources on which we all depend. The Amazon is a vital biodiversity reserve and crucial greenhouse gas buffer. Deforestation on this current scale is already having devastating consequences, not just

2607, 2019

ICC welcomes EU and Canada’s decision to arbitrate WTO trade disputes

By |July 26th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

26 July 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) welcomes the European Union (EU) and Canada’s announcement to utilize international arbitration panels to resolve trade disputes under World Trade Organization (WTO) rules. Following leader-level talks at the recent EU-Canada Summit, the EU and Canada have agreed to the creation of a new trade dispute resolution arrangement in place of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) Appellate Body – responding to the continued gridlock in appointing judges to the WTO’s appeals

2407, 2019

Business calls for a unified, global approach to digital economy taxation

By |July 24th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

24 July 2019: As national digital taxation proposals continue to emerge, ICC calls for governments and business to adopt a unified approach to taxation of the digitalised economy. Taxation of the digitalised economy remains a leading topic on the global tax agenda as policymakers seek to address the implications and opportunities presented by digitalisation. Political pressure is evident as governments around the world explore solutions to ensure that income generated

2307, 2019

A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® Rules with Daniela María Rojas García

By |July 23rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

23 July 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) sat down with Daniela María Rojas García to discuss the future of the Incoterms® rules in space. Listen now on Spotify | Apple Podcasts TC: Hello my name is Tim Conley and I am the Global Communications Officer at the International Chamber of Commerce. Welcome to A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® rules. ICC is the international body that drafts and

1807, 2019

Paris Agreement Article 6: What is it and why is it important?

By |July 18th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

18 July 2019: Article 6 of the Paris Agreement was the focus of attention at the UN Climate Change Conference in Bonn. But what is Article 6 and why is it important to increasing climate action? Increased ambition to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions was at the heart of June’s United Nations Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany. Under the Paris Agreement, the 194 Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate

1707, 2019

Bob Ronai’s journey from the docks of Australia to Incoterms® 2020

By |July 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

17 July 2019: As part of the first instalment of A Day in the Life of Incoterms, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) spoke to Bob Ronai, a member of the Incoterms® 2020 Drafting Group, about the Incoterms® rules and his passion for international trade. When Bob Ronai started his career in international trade five decades ago, many of the defining characteristics of today’s global trade system did not exist.

1707, 2019

ICC handbook sheds light on IP valuation process for business

By |July 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

17 July 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published guidance on intellectual property (IP) valuation to provide business with a common knowledge base for valuing IP assets. With the help of 30 experts from 15 counties, ICC has released the ICC Handbook on Valuation of Intellectual Property Assets. The ICC handbook serves as a reference for business and valuation professionals. From large multinational corporations to micro-, small-, and medium-sized

1007, 2019

ICC Banking Commission releases new eRules on the use of electronic documents

By |July 10th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

10 July 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission has issued new electronic rules (eRules) to advance the digitalisation of trade finance practices. The ICC Banking Commission has released electronic supplements to the existing Uniform Rules for Collections (URC 522) and Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits (UCP 600) rules. The new eRules, which came into effect on 1 July, will provide rules for banks operating in

907, 2019

ICC WCF welcomes two new members to the International CO Accreditation Chain

By |July 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

9 July 2019: The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Torino Chamber of Commerce (Italy) are the latest members to join the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain. The Canadian Chamber of Commerce and the Torino Chamber of Commerce (Italy) were announced as the newest members of the International Certificate of Origin (CO) Accreditation Chain at the 11th World Chambers Congress in Rio de Janeiro during a meeting of

807, 2019

Seas off West Africa world’s worst for pirate attacks, IMB reports

By |July 8th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

8 July 2019: The seas around West Africa remain the world’s most dangerous for piracy, the International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) latest report reveals. Of the 75 seafarers taken hostage onboard or kidnapped for ransom worldwide so far this year, 62 were captured in the Gulf of Guinea – off the coasts of Benin, Cameroon, Guinea, Nigeria and Togo. Worldwide, the International Chamber of Commerce’s IMB Piracy Reporting Centre recorded 78

2806, 2019

Blockchain solutions developed by ICC and Perlin now have direct access to MENA

By |June 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

28 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Blockchain development company Perlin and the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry have signed an exclusive partnership for the distribution of innovative blockchain products developed under the newly established Centre of Future Trade based in Singapore. The Centre of Future Trade, established by ICC and Perlin with the support of Enterprise Singapore, has now signed a major new distribution partner for its

2806, 2019

ICC announces launch date for Incoterms® 2020

By |June 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

28 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will release Incoterms® 2020 in early September 2019, providing certainty and clarity to businesses trading across borders everywhere. The Incoterms® rules are the language of international trade. When the Incoterms® rules were first introduced in 1936, they brought coherence to a fractured international system, which included conflicting commercial and judicial standards that diverged widely from country to country. Over 80 years later, the Incoterms®

2006, 2019

5 ways refugee integration creates opportunities for business and society

By |June 20th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

20 June 2019: On World Refugee Day, ICC is highlighting the private sector contributions that are helping to integrate refugees into workforces worldwide, including a new ICC partnership with the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) to enhance business engagement in the international response to the global refugee crisis. Despite economic gains in the past century, many people worldwide have been left behind. Most notably, refugees and internally displaced populations are growing

1806, 2019

ICC brings voice of global business to WTO e-commerce negotiations

By |June 18th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

18 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is bringing the voice of business at the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) negotiations for the use of electronic commerce (e-commerce). ICC Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Crispin Conroy, today presented recommendations from the global business community during the first round of WTO negotiations on the trade-related aspects of e-commerce. In January 2019, 77 WTO Member States announced the

1806, 2019

Introducing: A Day in the Life of the Incoterms® Rules

By |June 18th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

18 June 2019: As the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) prepares for the launch of Incoterms® 2020, a new in-depth series will explore how the Incoterms® rules make business work for everyone, every day, everywhere. Since the publication of the first edition in 1936, the Incoterms® rules have established clear precedents for business operating within the rules-based international trade system. Despite economic, political and technological changes to our world over the past eight

1706, 2019

ICC will bring a business perspective to the UN Climate Change Conference

By |June 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

17 June 2019: The UN Climate Change Conference will take place in Bonn, Germany, from 17-27 June 2019 and ICC will be on the ground to bring a business perspective to the negotiations and advocate for higher climate ambition. All business delegates are invited to join the ICC organised Business and Industry Daily Briefings that aim to facilitate business participation at the event. The briefings will take place on 17-27 June (every

1506, 2019

ICC celebrates innovation with 2019 World Chambers Competition

By |June 15th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

15 June 2019: On the final day of the 11th World Chambers Congress, three chambers have been crowned champions of innovation, upon conclusion of the 2019 World Chambers Competition. The World Chambers Competition is the only award programme of its kind to recognise the pioneering initiatives of chambers of commerce from around the world. Held in conjunction with the biennial Congress, this year’s edition took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. After two days

1406, 2019

Chambers of commerce step up for bold climate action

By |June 14th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

14 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has unveiled the groundbreaking “Chambers Climate Coalition”. Launched in Rio de Janeiro by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO at the 11th World Chambers Congress, the Coalition showcases the pivotal and essential role that the global network of chambers can play in driving climate action. Mr Denton said: “As a group, we are committed to climate action and commit to limit global temperature increases

1106, 2019

ICC Trade Register affirms trade finance’s decade-long low-risk profile

By |June 11th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

11 June 2019: The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission has released its 2018 Trade Register report – again highlighting the low risk nature of trade finance in comparison to other asset classes. In 2018, global trade reached a new peak of US$18.5 trillion, underpinning a trade finance revenue pool of US$48 billion. ICC Trade Register data confirms default rates from 2008-2018 are low across all products and regions

1106, 2019

ICC Arbitration figures reveal new record for awards in 2018

By |June 11th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

11 June 2019: A total 842 cases were administered by the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in 2018 – the second highest total of registered cases ever – according to the latest figures released by ICC today. Worldwide, 2,282 parties were involved in ICC Arbitration cases from 135 countries in 2018. Newly registered cases in 2018 represented an aggregate value of US$ 36 billion, with

606, 2019

ICC Albania awarded with the European ICC National Committee Initiative of the Year and third place globally

By |June 6th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

6 June 2019: ICC Albania ‘’ABC (Anti-corruption Business Coalition) Project’’ earns the ICC National Committee Initiative of the Year first prize in Europe and third place globally for introducing a set of solutions and tools in Albania that aim improvement of the investment climate through addressing fight against corruption. This project focused on unleashing corporate integrity as an area that requires more engagement from stakeholders, such as private and public

506, 2019

ICC Albania comments & recommendations: Draft Law on Investments

By |June 5th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

5 June 2019: ICC Albania appreciates the opportunity given by the Investment Council Secretariat in Albania to provide input on the Draft-Law on Investment document. ICC Albania has circulated the draft within its membership and submits the reviewed comments and recommendations deemed of particular importance for business and for the furtherance of an enabling investment climate in Albania. The document is available in Albanian language and has been submitted to

3105, 2019

5 ways ICC celebrated turning 100

By |May 31st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Celebrations took place in Paris this week, beginning a year of activities to mark 100 years of the International Chamber of Commerce. Centenary events are set to take place in each region of the world, concluding in Mexico in March 2020. But in case you missed the launch celebrations, here are five ICC@100 highlights from our week: 1. ICC Centenary Summit A celebratory ICC Centenary Summit took place on 28

3105, 2019

ICC Centenary Summit welcome remarks

By |May 31st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Welcome remarks by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO on the occasion of the International Chamber of Commerce Centenary Summit Bonjour et bienvenue ! It is my great honour to welcome you to the ICC Centenary Summit, here in Paris, as we come together to celebrate the many years this august institution has worked to promote peace and prosperity through international trade. I have the distinct privilege, as I have

3105, 2019

World Chambers Congress spotlights climate change and sustainable development

By |May 31st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The 11th World Chambers Congress taking place in Rio on 12-14 June will explore the ramifications associated with climate change and how business can implement sustainable practices across the global supply chain. In today’s world, business must accept responsibility for the societal impact of their operations. The Sustainable Development Goals [SDGs] are a common roadmap adopted by world leaders in 2015 for “people, planet and prosperity” as part of the

2905, 2019

ICC issues guidance on VAT implementation to ensure efficiency for business and tax administrations

By |May 29th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published guidance on international best practices for Value Added Tax (VAT) implementation. As the world business organization, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) promotes international trade, responsible business conduct, and a global approach to regulation. In today’s interconnected global economy, value added tax (VAT) has become an increasingly important source of revenue for countries worldwide. With more and more countries implementing or reforming

2805, 2019

ICC issues declaration on the next century of global business

By |May 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On behalf of 45 million companies worldwide, the International Chamber of Commerce has issued a declaration setting out a vision to shape the future of global business for the next century. Mirroring the declaration issued 100 years ago by ICC’s “Merchant of Peace” founders, the declaration sets out guiding principles for ICC as a purpose driven international organisation, working with renewed purpose to make business work for everyone, every day,

2705, 2019

ICC World Chambers Federation announces the publication of revised Certificate of Origin guidelines

By |May 27th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce World Chambers Federation (WCF) is pleased to announce the publication of revised Certificate of Origin (CO) guidelines. Today, ICC WCF has launched a revised version of its International CO guidelines, which aims to provide chambers of commerce and exporters with updates on new processes, including digitalisation of the CO process. Since 1953, ICC has consistently advocated for a common definition to determine the origin of

2105, 2019

ICC joins fashion industry to make sustainability everyone’s business

By |May 21st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) participated at the 2019 Copenhagen Fashion Summit on 15-16 May to encourage fashion brands to implement sustainable and equitable business practices. As a Permanent Observer to the United Nations, ICC is committed to ensuring that business consumption and production patterns align with the UN Sustainability and Development Goals (SDGs) set forth by the UN 2030 Charter. In December 2018, ICC became a signatory of the UN Climate

2005, 2019

ICC BASCAP and the Brand Protection Group Brazil partner to deter trade in counterfeit goods

By |May 20th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On 20 May 2019, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Brand Protection Group Brazil (BPG) to bolster cooperation in the fight against counterfeiting and piracy in Brazil. Signed on behalf of ICC’s Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy initiative (BASCAP), the MoU serves as a guiding framework for cooperation between both parties to develop and implement programmes that will strengthen enforcement of anti-counterfeit laws

1705, 2019

ICC letter calls on UN environment ministers for bold recommendations

By |May 17th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO has issued a letter to Environment Ministers of all United Nations’ Member States calling for bold, forward-looking recommendations from its third and final substantive session to be brought to the United Nations’ General Assembly in New York. The ad hoc, open-ended working group, was formed under the General Assembly Resolution ‘Towards a Global Pact for the Environment’ for deliberations on

1005, 2019

ICC: co-operative compliance and ATP programmes can build confidence in tax systems

By |May 10th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce [ICC] has published a policy paper on co-operative compliance and issued recommendations on Accredited Tax Payers (ATPs) to improve trust and create confidence in tax systems. ICC supports measures aimed at increasing tax certainty to create a more favourable environment for trade and investment.  As such, ICC is committed to fostering trust and efficient co-operation between governments and business to improve tax administrative efficiency and

905, 2019

3 ways to spot fake Incoterms® rules Information

By |May 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) is warning users of Incoterms® rules to be aware of fake information and training sessions on Incoterms® 2020, offered by groups not affiliated with ICC. ICC has been responsible for the creation and maintenance of the Incoterms® rules since their release over 80 years ago and is preparing to launch Incoterms® 2020 later this year. But information or training sessions claiming to explain Incoterms® 2020 has already begun

3004, 2019

World Chambers Competition finalists unveiled for 2019 edition

By |April 30th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

After receiving 73 submissions, 16 chambers of commerce are moving on to the final round of the World Chambers Competition. Representing 11 countries, the selected chambers will each have the opportunity to present their innovative initiatives to the global network of chambers attending the 11th edition of the World Chambers Congress in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 12-14 June 2019. Taking place in conjunction with the World Chambers Congress, the World Chambers

2904, 2019

ICC Secretary General calls for urgent response to digital protectionism

By |April 29th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

In a letter published in the Financial Times today, International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General, John W.H. Denton has called for an urgent, systemic response to the challenge of digital protectionism. Responding to anticipated Chinese curbs on data transfers, Mr Denton highlights how the balkanization of data flows and digital services by major economies could be averted through negotiation of new rules on e-commerce under the auspices of the World

1504, 2019

ICC issues taxation policy statement for the Digitalised Economy

By |April 15th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has published a new tax framework for the digitalised economy. As the world business organization, ICC has proposed a framework of internationally established tax principles for consideration by policymakers and legislators around the world. By establishing a consistent global tax system, both business and governments can benefit from increased clarity and predictability, which will help foster cross-border trade and investment. Digital tax proposals gain

1004, 2019

Global Business Endorses ICN Framework for Competition Agency Procedures

By |April 10th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), The Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), the Association of in-house competition lawyers (ICLA) and the United States Council for International Business (USCIB) has welcome the announced approval of the International Competition Network (ICN) Framework for Competition Agency Procedures (CAP), as an encouraging step towards a more sound and fair competition enforcement across the globe. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “Robust procedural

904, 2019

New round of Global Dialogue on Trade debates launches

By |April 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

International Chamber of Commerce Secretary General John W.H. Denton today launched a new round of debates on the Global Dialogue on Trade platform, the only digitally enabled dialogue among leaders from government, academia, and business to discuss and debate the future of the international trade system. As with the first round of debates, these new themes will help guide participants toward the creation of a trusted model of open trade

904, 2019

ICC issues business guidance and recommendations for policymakers on trade secrets

By |April 9th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Paris, 09/04/2019 ICC has published a report with guidance for business and recommendations to policymakers worldwide, based upon the legal and technical implications of recent European Union (EU) and United States (US) legislation on the protection of trade secrets. ICC report at a glance The ICC report outlines the differences between the EU and US laws and provides guidance for businesses on how to identify information which can be protected

804, 2019

Maritime piracy incidents down in Q1 2019 but kidnapping risk in Gulf of Guinea persists

By |April 8th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

London & Kuala Lumpur, 08/04/2019 The International Chamber of Commerce International Maritime Bureau’s (IMB) report for the first quarter of 2019 reveals fewer incidents of piracy and armed robbery against ships than the first three months of 2018. The IMB Piracy Reporting Centre, a 24-hour, free service offered by the IMB, enables shipmasters to report any incidents of piracy and armed robbery, globally against ships. Since 1991, the IMB Piracy

304, 2019

Brands, maritime operators and US law enforcement seek to stop maritime transportation of counterfeits

By |April 3rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Representatives from major global brands, maritime companies and US law enforcement agencies met in Washington DC today to determine how to work together to stop the maritime transportation of counterfeit goods. The parties met as part of the on-going collaboration of signatories to the ‘Declaration of Intent to stop the Maritime transport of counterfeits’ (DOI)—a joint effort between key members of the global shipping industry, brand owners and law enforcement

2103, 2019

4 ways #11WCC will expand your network (and your mind)

By |March 21st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Industry events are a great place for professionals to make connections and showcase the unique value of their offerings. To help maximise your impact during the upcoming World Chambers Congress, we’re bringing you four ways you can make the most out of our much-anticipated three-day event. Set to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 12-14 June, the World Chambers Congress is co-organised by the International Chamber of Commerce’s

2003, 2019

ICC celebrates 2019 Business for Peace Honourees

By |March 20th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Three business leaders exemplifying ‘businessworthy’ values and shaping society for the better have been named 2019 Oslo Business for Peace Award winners. This year’s laureates are Agbor Ashumanyi Ako, the Co-founder of GiftedMom; Alice Laugher, the CEO of Committed to Good (CTG); and Hamdi Ulukaya, the Founder and CEO of Chobani. Heading companies that have a broader view than just the bottom line, these individuals see business as a driver

1403, 2019

ICC helps make climate action fashion industry’s business

By |March 14th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has joined fashion brands, retailers and other stakeholders in becoming a signatory of the Fashion Charter for Climate Action. Launched under the auspices of United Nations Climate Change by leading designer, Stella McCartney, in December 2018, the charter aligns with the goals of the Paris Agreement and aims to build climate action momentum by collectively addressing the climate impact of the fashion sector across its entire

1203, 2019

ICC-ECCO Guide to International Offset Contracts (2019)

By |March 12th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), in collaboration with the European Club for Countertrade and Offset (ECCO), has released guidance to help firms navigate and negotiate international offset contracts – a growing phenomenon in global trade across a variety of strategic sectors. The ICC-ECCO Guide to International Offset Contracts provides practical guidance and legal context for firms engaging in the use of offset contracts within public procurement procedures around the

2802, 2019

ICC@100 Centenary website goes live

By |February 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has unveiled ICC@100, a celebratory website marking the world business organisation’s 100-year anniversary. Visitors are invited to travel back to the time of ICC’s founding fathers, the Merchants of Peace or get a glimpse into our future at the ICC@100 website, which features a range of stories revealing what makes ICC unique among business organisations. Here are 5 things to know about the website:

2802, 2019

International business engagement key to future of trade, ICC Sec Gen

By |February 28th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Speaking at a conference on current challenges to global trade in Lisbon this week, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said business could not afford to sit on the sidelines when it came to global challenges, including reform of the multilateral trade system. John W.H. Denton AO, ICC Secretary General The international conference, hosted by ICC Portugal, brought together experts from a wide range of

702, 2019

ICC presents business recommendations to facilitate humanitarian relief shipments

By |February 7th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

ICC has released business recommendations to facilitate border processes and the customs clearance of essential humanitarian relief shipments. The recommendations were introduced this week as part of the Humanitarian Networks and Partnership Week 2019 (HNPW), hosted by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UN OCHA) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). Crispin Conroy, Geneva Representative Director, ICC; Constantin Ciuta, Senior Customs Adviser, UNCTAD

2501, 2019

ICC welcomes breakthrough in WTO e-commerce talks

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

ICC has welcomed a ministerial statement issued today announcing the start of formal WTO talks to establish global rules for e-commerce. The statement, supported by some 75 governments, represents a major step forward in efforts within the WTO to enable e-commerce in support of sustainable development and small-business growth. ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO said: “Today’s statement is a very welcome move by members of the WTO to maximize

2501, 2019

10 things we did for business in our 99th year?

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

At ICC, we’re excited to be in Centenary year. As 2019 begins, we’re taking a look back at some of the things that kept us busy and enabled business to secure peace, prosperity and opportunity for all during our 99th year… 1. Leaders for a new era In March, ICC announced the appointment of international legal expert and adviser on global issues John W.H. Denton AO as the organisation’s incoming

2501, 2019

The Internet Governance Forum takes place this week in Paris. Here’s why it matters.

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is a global dialogue that brings together a wide range of stakeholders to exchange information and discuss how to make sure the Internet and its related technologies work for everyone. Sometimes described as the world’s biggest digital policy incubator, the IGF takes place under the auspices of the United Nations (UN) and is hosted this year by the French Government, taking place at the headquarters

2501, 2019

ICC YAF “Becoming an Arbitrator: Challenges and Opportunities”

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On the 9th of November ICC Albania with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania organised an ICC YAF forum entitled “How to become an arbitrator: Challenges and Opportunities”. This event took place in Tirana and was attended by young professionals and practitioners, attorneys, academics and also students with a particular interest in arbitration. During the event the successful arbitrators on both panels shared useful insights, their experience

2501, 2019

Study Tour about Responsible Business Conduct

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

In the framework of the ABC project that ICC Albania is currently implementing and supported by the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania organized a study tour in Paris and The Hague from 29th of October to the 1st of November. The main objective of this study tour was to provide technical assistance to public institutions representatives related to the area of corporate integrity in Albania. The study tour represented an

2501, 2019

Unique business initiative to support reform process of multilateral rules-based system launched

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia, The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), supported by the World Trade Organization (WTO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and regional development banks, have announced a new initiative to host a global consultation to support multilateral trade reform. Launched today by ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO and WTO Director General Roberto Azevedo, the new Global Dialogue on Trade platform will provide concrete

2501, 2019

Workshop “Translating SDGs into business”

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On the 9th of October, ICC Albania organised the workshop entitled “Translating SDGs into business”. Executive leaders and experts from the public and private sectors came together on this event to highlight potential initiatives on how business and the government can best cooperate to meet sustainable development goals. The workshop was set by Mrs. Ardita Seknaj, General Secretary of ICC Albania, saying that the Sustainable Development Goals are not only governments’

2501, 2019

UNODC empowers Southeast European Civil Society Organizations to fight corruption

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

UNODC organized a regional multi-stakeholder workshop in Serbia from 24 to 27 September, to train civil society, private sector and government representatives from Southeast Europe to implement the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), the only international legally-binding anti-corruption instrument. The event aims to facilitate collaboration between the various stakeholders in implementing UNCAC and its Review Mechanism, and to advise them on applying the methodology and tools available through the

2501, 2019

Mentor with IMPACT- Mentoring Program for women entrepreneurs and professionals

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On the 21st– 23rd of September, Macedonian Mentoring Network in collaboration with ICC Albania, Embassy of the Netherlands and Alliance of Kosovar Businesses, have brought together over 60 professionals from Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia and the Netherlands in the light of the mentoring project, in Skopje. The aim of this project is to support woman entrepreneurs and professionals from Macedonia, Albania and Kosovo by creating unique mentoring program as a key to

2501, 2019

ICC releases new code of conduct for global marketing and advertising industry

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Launched today at a conference in New York, the new edition of the flagship ICC Marketing Code raises consumer protection standards around the world and expands rules in the digital realm. ICC has today released the tenth revision of its flagship Advertising and Marketing Communications Code—a globally-applicable self-regulatory framework developed by experts from all industry sectors worldwide. The ICC Marketing Code was launched during the National Advertising Division’s 2018 Annual Conference

2501, 2019

ICC welcomes G20 Trade Ministers’ call to support WTO reform

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

ICC has welcomed a statement from G20 ministers recognizing the need to step up efforts to mitigate risks and enhance confidence in international trade at what they describe as “a critical juncture for international trade and investment cooperation.” Supporting the ministers’ calls for G20 leaders to continue working collaboratively with other interested parties to ensure that the World Trade Organization (WTO) continues to be relevant, ICC Secretary General John W.H.

2501, 2019

Open Day for Regional Investment Agenda for the Western Balkans

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On the 13th of September, within the framework of the project “Invigorating Policy Dialogue on the RIRA-Regional Investment Reform Agenda” between the Governmental Institutions, the Private Sector and Civil Society Organizations, implemented by the Center for Research and Policy Making in cooperation with ICC Albania, was held an Open Day for the Regional Investment Agenda for the Western Balkans. The purpose of the event is to discuss about the necessity to

2501, 2019

3 reasons to enrol in the ICC Academy’s upgraded trade finance certificate

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Today’s trade finance landscape is in constant flux—between the countless tech advances, corporate behaviour in non-stop transformation, regulatory changes and ever-increasing market competition. So how can you expect to stay up-to-date with the latest industry knowledge and know-how? At ICC, we understand that relevant learning is crucial not only for your personal success but for the success of banks worldwide. That’s why, with the help of our education arm, the ICC

2501, 2019

ICC: Reform not retaliation is needed to avoid damaging trade wars

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Speaking on behalf the world’s largest business organisation—representing over 45 million companies employing more than 1 billion workers—ICC Director of Global Policy Nikolaus Schultze talked trade wars with France 24’s Annette Young. In a live interview with television network France 24, Mr Schultze argued that debates over trade need to move beyond tariff threats and towards reforming the international rules-based trading system for the 21st century. Mr Schultze said: “We

2501, 2019

Transformational partnerships showcased at SDG Business Forum

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

As part of the United Nations (UN) High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development in New York, the SDG Business Forum gathered governments and business leaders to take stock on progress made so far on the SDGs. Business leaders and government representatives gathered at the UN Headquarters on 17 July to highlight partnerships that can help speed up the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Just over 1000 days after

2501, 2019

ICC Albania General Assembly elects the new Board members and Chairman for the term 2018-2021.

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

On the 4th of July 2018, the ICC Albania General Assembly met to elect the business leaders and new Chairperson who will lead the organization for the upcoming term 2018-2021. Mr. Ilir Daci, Founder and Managing Partner at Optima Legal & Financial elected as the Chairman of ICC Albania, the representative office of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) in Albania. Following his election as Chairman, Mr. Daci said: ”I am

2501, 2019

3 ways digitalisation is shaping the future of taxation

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

In an interview broadcast live on the American news network MSNBC, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO stressed that tit-for-tat tariffs were not the answer to legitimate grievances of marginalized groups who may have been negatively affected by globalization. As China and the United States challenge each other before the World Trade Organization, in an escalating trade war, Mr Denton’s message to MSNBC anchor and

2501, 2019

ICC renews Alexis Mourre as President and nominates Court with full gender parity and unprecedented diversity

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) supreme governing body, the World Council, has re-appointed Alexis Mourre as President of the International Court of Arbitration for a second three-year term to commence 1 July 2018. For the Court’s 2018-2021 term, the Council also appointed 176 members from 104 countries, representing gender parity of 88 women and 88 men. Consistent with the current term, the new composition of the Bureau of the

2501, 2019

EU Member states must strengthen provisions on cross-border data flows, says ICC Secretary-General

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

In response to the European Commission’s proposed provisions for cross-border data flows in trade and investment agreements, ICC calls on EU member states to prevent digital protectionism. In a letter to Emil Karanikolov, Minister of Economy of Bulgaria—the nation currently presiding the Council of the European Union (EU)— ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO urged EU member states to strengthen language in the proposal that could otherwise allow countries

2501, 2019

Major survey confirms ICC as preferred arbitral institution in all continents

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Arbitration users have once again recognised the International Court of Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce as their most preferred arbitral institution worldwide, according to a major 2018 International Arbitration Survey. Conducted by the School of International Arbitration, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in partnership with White & Case, the survey results highlight that “ICC stands out as the most preferred institution by a significant margin (77%)” –

2501, 2019

ICC Albania Forum on Corporate Integrity called for more efforts on collective actions

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

This Monday, on the 14th of May,  ICC Albania with the support of the Embassy of the Netherlands in Albania organized the Corporate Integrity Forum. This forum brought together local and international leaders from business, government and civil society. It offered a platform to discuss multi-stakeholder collaboration as a model to create more impact on responsible business conduct. The Corporate Integrity Forum also launched a new initiative from ICC Albania

2501, 2019

World IP Day 2018: 5 questions to ICC Commission Chair Ingrid Baele

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

World Intellectual Property (IP) Day takes place on 26 April, highlighting the essential role IP rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity. This year, World IP Day will celebrate the leading role women are playing in driving change in the world. To mark the occasion, we put five questions to Ingrid Baele, the newly-appointed Chair of the ICC Commission on Intellectual Property. Ms Baele is Vice-President of Philips Intellectual Property and

2501, 2019

Business turns to customs reform amid historic trade uncertainty

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Common-sense reforms that make trading easier and faster can have a greater impact than removing every tariff in the world. Global business representatives at an ICC summit in Buenos Aires ahead of the G20 meeting agreed on the importance of furthering trade facilitation. The G20 meeting in Argentina approaches this year at a time of historic uncertainty around global trade and the future of the multilateral trading system. Fears surrounding

2501, 2019

ICC Chair Sunil Bharti Mittal responds to rising trade tensions

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

In view of rising trade tensions caused by proposed tit-for-tat tariff increases, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued the following statement. ICC Chairman Sunil Bharti Mittal said: “Open markets underpinned by the rules-based multilateral trading system have been a vital driver of prosperity across the world over the past 50 years. Any erosion of that system will come at quite a cost to us all. “Tariff hikes will

2501, 2019

Unlocking business investment in sustainable development

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Achieving the United Nations’ (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires US$2.5 trillion each year in developing countries. How can private sector resources best be leveraged? While levels may still be below their pre-financial crisis peak, international investment has grown substantially in the last decade, projected to have increased to nearly US$1.8 trillion in 2017. Much of this owes to the changing geography of the global economy. By 2016, foreign direct

2501, 2019

5 things to expect from major meeting of trade finance who’s who

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The Annual Meeting of International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Banking Commission gets underway in Jakarta this week. This major forum gathers the world’s who’s who of the trade finance industry and provides participants with exciting opportunities throughout its duration. Here are 5 things we can expect at the meeting: 1. Networking with industry leaders   The list of speakers and delegates at the Annual Meeting reads like the Who’s Who

2501, 2019

ICC: Digital tax rules should be global and long-term in scope

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Recent months have seen governments around the world lay out proposals for taxing the digital economy. ICC recommends that any measures be developed on the basis of international tax rules and seek an alignment with global efforts. Yesterday, the European Commission released two legislative proposals for taxing of digital firms ahead of the European Union (EU) leaders’ summit on 22-23 March, where the issue will be discussed further. The previous

2501, 2019

ICC applauds 2018 Business for Peace Award winners

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Three global business heads have been named winners of the Oslo Business for Peace Award for exceptional contributions to peace building through business initiatives. The 2018 laureates are Lori Blaker, president and CEO of TTi Global; Edgar Montenegro, founder and CEO of Corpocampo; and Martin Naughton, founder of Glen Dimplex Group. Dubbed the Nobel Prize of business by international media, the Oslo Business for Peace Award is awarded annually to exemplary business

2501, 2019

Ministry of State proposals for the protection of Entrepreneurship

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Tirana, 27 December 2017: At the end of the first 100 days of government, the Minister of State for the Protection of Entrepreneurship gathered in a technical meeting the main stakeholders related to the business climate improvement in Albania such as private sector representatives – both foreign and domestic investors -; representatives from the public sector – such as officials from line ministries and related governmental agencies. Minister Qato presented for

2501, 2019

Albania present at the ICC Conference on Integrity and Anti-corruption

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The Hague, 8 December 2017: The Integrity Advantage and Collective Action have been the two themes of the ICC’s International Integrity and Anti-Corruption Conference, a yearly multi-stakeholder conference and an initiative of ICC Netherlands. More than 200 participants gathered in the Peace Palace in The Hague on the 8 of December 2017, to gain insight from speakers including Richard Bistrong, a formerly prosecuted sales and marketing executive, Jan Hommen, former CEO of both KPMG

2501, 2019

Creating the conditions for digital trade growth

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Tirana, 1 December 2017: We are 2-3 weeks away from the 11th WTO Ministerial Conference [MC11] in Buenos Aires on 10-15 December where we have a genuine chance of making progress towards a more robust global rules framework to support digital trade. Our current trade rules were designed for a pre-digital world so businesses support the urgent need to confirm the application of a global framework that guarantees a level playing

2501, 2019

ICC Albania message to Minister of Europe and Foreign Affairs and Minister of Finance and Economy on e-commerce and the future of global trade

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Tirana, 23 November 2017: The global business community is clear on the vital role of the multilateral trading system in enabling economic growth, sustainable development and job creation. One area of particular priority, which ICC believes has real potential to deliver on the imperative to make globalisation more inclusive is e-commerce. Recent years have witnessed remarkable developments in the digital economy, creating unprecedented opportunities for cross-border trade. Studies show that micro-,

2501, 2019

ICC Albania and AAB event: COSME programme in Albania

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Tirana, 22 November 2017: ICC Albania and Albanian Association of Banks (AAB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance and Economy organized a technical workshop on COSME programme, an EU financial instrument available for SMEs, which took place on the 22nd of November 2017 at Xheko Imperial Hotel. The workshop was organized with the aim of providing financial institutions in Albania with the unique opportunity to become an EU financial intermediary.

2501, 2019

ICC Albania recommendations for the improvement of the factoring sector

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

To read, click Recommendation Paper. Tirana, 15 November 2017: Representatives from the factoring industry in Albania raised some relevant recommendations to authorities and other stakeholders on required actions needed to improve this sector. These recommendations have been prepared by the representatives of the ICC Albania Commission on International Trade and Investment based on the results of the survey conducted to banks and factoring companies, in cooperation with EBRD, during the period July-August

2501, 2019

EU Delegation in Albania opens public consultations on the EC Country’s annual report on Albania

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

Tirana, 7 November 2017: EU delegation in Albania opens public consultations with private sector, civil society and other stakeholders in the framework of preparing the Albania 2018 Annual Report. The first consultation meetings were held on the 6th and 7th of November 2017.  Business organizations representatives were present at the dedicated session about the private sector and shared their positions and comments on the developments overseen during the last year in competition policy,

2501, 2019

ICC BASCAP calls for end to use of properties for trade in counterfeit and pirated goods

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

20 September 2017, Antwerp: A new paper from Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP), an initiative of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), reports on the role that landlords and property owners can play as intermediaries in the counterfeit or pirated goods supply chain if they lease their premises to those involved in trademark counterfeiting, copyright piracy or other forms of illicit trade. BASCAP presented the new paper, Measures to

2501, 2019

5 highlights from opening day of the 10th World Chambers Congress

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The 10th World Chambers Congress got underway in Sydney, Australia today bringing together over 1,000 chamber and business leaders from 100 countries for discussion on some of the world’s most pressing challenges. We’ve been covering activities via our Congress app and more widely on social media but here we’ve picked five highlights to sum up an action-packed first day: 1. A royal welcome for participants His Royal Highness the Prince

2501, 2019

New report proposes step-change in sustainability business metrics to safeguard global security

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

19 September 2017, London: The Earth Security Report 2017 was launched today, providing a roadmap for global business to align its growth to the demands for social inclusion and environmental security that are defining the countries in which they operate. Endorsed by International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) as a global outreach partner and supported by HSBC Bank and the Swiss Agency for Development and Co-operation, the report underlines the need for

2501, 2019

ICC Albania joined Bank of Albania, EBRD and FCI discussion on SME access to finance through factoring

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

5 September 2017, Tirana: Supporting private sector competitiveness by facilitating SME access to finance and by fostering an enabling business environment, Bank of Albania and the EBRD in partnership with ICC Albania and Factor Chain International held a factoring workshop in Tirana this week. Discussions also focused on ways to support domestic and international trade. In their opening statements, Bank of Albania Deputy Governor, Natasha Ahmetaj, and EBRD Head of Albania,

2501, 2019

Business is stepping up for transformational partnerships

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

18/07/2017, New York, United Nations: SDG Business Forum 2017 High-level Political Forum, United Nations Business statement This statement is issued by leading business organizations, private sector institutions and networks that support the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) across the world as listed at the end of this statement. Business supports the SDGs as a framework of universally applicable goals to tackle the world’s most pressing social, economic, and environmental

2501, 2019

Trieste Summit: Another milestone for advancing on the European Union path

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

13/07/2017, Trieste, Italy: Italy hosted on the 12th of July 2017 the fourth Western Balkans summit of the Berlin Process in Trieste. The region’s six countries and several EU member states (Austria, Croatia, France, Germany, Slovenia, UK) representatives of the EU and International Finance Institutions reviewed current progress and discussed a broad agenda in attempt to go further with regional cooperation, increase coherence and deepen economic integration. This summit concluded by setting

2501, 2019

Speech of ICC Secretary General John Danilovich at UN High-Level Political Forum 2017, #SDG9 Review

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

His Excellency the President of ECOSOC, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, As the Secretary General of the International Chamber of Commerce, the world’s largest business organization, it’s a great honor to be invited to deliver remarks at the start of the High-Level Political Forum’s review of SDG 9. Since their inception, I have consistently said that the SDGs should be known within the global business community as the “BDGs”, the

2501, 2019

These business actions to achieve the Global Goals may surprise you

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

New York City: A high-level political forum, currently taking place at United Nations (UN) Headquarters in New York, is gauging efforts undertaken to implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) – launched in September 2015. The forum presents an opportunity to highlight the central role business is playing to advance the UN’s 2030 Agenda and during the two week gathering, International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) will be showcasing specific projects and partnerships undertaken by

2501, 2019

ICC Chairman Mittal responds to G20 communiqué

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

10/07/2017, Paris: Following the conclusion of the G20 Hamburg Summit, the Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued the following statement. Sunil Bharti Mittal said: “We commend the German Presidency’s leadership in securing an outcome to the G20 Hamburg Summit which emphasises the importance of international cooperation in tackling global challenges. Economic integration is a central force in lifting millions out of poverty. But enhanced global rules and

2501, 2019

ICC response to G20 Summit

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

09/07/2017, Paris: Following the release of the G20 Hamburg Summit communiqué, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has issued the following statement. ICC G20 Advisory Group Chairman, Marcus Wallenberg, said: “We’ve been clear in recent months that G20 must stand firm on keeping markets open to trade and investment. We welcome that the Hamburg Summit has succeeded in maintaining the G20’s long-established stance to continue the fight against protectionism in all

2501, 2019

ICC unveils new guidance on due process in global competition law enforcement proceedings

By |January 25th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

07/07/2017, Paris: ICC has released a set of best practices to promote effective procedural safeguards in competition law enforcement proceedings. The official launch follows an initial introduction of the best practices made at the Pre-International Competition Network (ICN) Forum on new trends in global competition policy, which took place last month. Drawing upon significant experience from business and antitrust experts around the world, the principles set forth in the ICC Best

2401, 2019

New report uncovers consequences of trade tariffs imposition

By |January 24th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

A new report launched today at the World Economic Forum in Davos, provides global policymakers with an evidence-based overview of the far-reaching economic and social consequences of trade tariffs. The report, commissioned by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), as part of the ICC World Trade Agenda – an initiative in partnership with Qatar Chamber of Commerce and Industry – outlines 10 possible effects of a return to the destructive,

2101, 2019

Take no-deal Brexit off the table, says International Chamber of Commerce

By |January 21st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

A failure to deliver a deal on the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union will add more barriers to global trade and risk thousands of UK jobs, said the Secretary General of the world’s largest business organisation. Noting the UK’s historic role as a champion for global trade, ICC Secretary General John W.H. Denton AO warned that a “no-deal” Brexit will dangerously add additional barriers to trade and investment at

2101, 2019

Debates on world trade reform extended on Global Dialogue on Trade platform

By |January 21st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The first digitally-enabled dialogue on the future of the multilateral rules-based trading system will be extended until 1 March 2019. This allows companies and think tanks, supported by multilateral institutions, to pursue the ongoing debate on world trade reform. The three ongoing debates on the Global Dialogue platform, launched on 22 November 2018, are: (1) Flexible multilateralism: What role for plurilaterals and other negotiating tools? (2) How to deal with

2101, 2019

ICC announces new Geneva presence

By |January 21st, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

The International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) has announced the establishment of a new presence in Geneva. Crispin Conroy, ICC Representative Director This latest expansion undertaking, in ICC’s Centenary year, aims to further strengthen the world business organisation’s international engagement and outreach on behalf of over 45 million companies worldwide. ICC has appointed Crispin Conroy as ICC Representative Director to lead/coordinate the Geneva operations. Mr Conroy joins ICC following a 25-year

1401, 2019

ICC convenes high-level business roundtable on the UN Global Pact for the Environment

By |January 14th, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

What should be the scope of an international treaty dedicated to the principles that guide environmental protection? In its capacity as Permanent Observer to the United Nations General Assembly and representing the UN Environment Focal Point, ICC hosted discussions at its global headquarters in Paris last week to consider the business perspective for a strong UN Global Pact for the Environment and how such a Pact could address gaps in

301, 2019

2018: 10 key moments from ICC’s Dispute Resolution year

By |January 3rd, 2019|Categories: ICC News|

As the world’s leading arbitral institution, the work of ICC’s International Court of Arbitration and other Dispute Resolution Services never stops. We’re taking some time out to look back at some of the highlights and developments from last year. 1. Leading the future of dispute resolution In February, 11 new Vice-Chairs were appointed to the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. Commission membership comprises approximately 850 practicing lawyers, arbitrators, mediators,




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